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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Yep it's called the friend zone lol. Smart, developed women are even MORE hypergamous than the "club thots" you were just talking about. They only want to start being respected when they think they've got a good man and are trying to lock him down.
  2. It reminds me of that Cyndi Lauper song, "Girls just wanna have (emotional stimulation)!" But seriously what surprises me the most isn't that low key disrespecting women is what makes them attracted to you, I'm kind of over that at this point. It's that a completely mid, pasty girl like the one in that video can slay dick at biblical rates, and with men that are solidly higher than her in the social hierarchy. Despite the fact she probably hasn't done any personal development. She can literally go to a bar/club/gathering ANY night of the week and act slightly flirty, then pick the best option from the handful of guys that will bite or approach her. It's basically an impossibility for her to ever be alone or without a relationship, unless she chooses to do so. Despite how toxic or unbearable she might be there will always be some poor guy ready to put up with it because the game is so hard out there. It just blows my mind how lopsided the playing field between the sexes has become in just my short lifetime. The power and resource disparity between the average woman vs man in the sexual marketplace is like a queen vs a peasant.
  3. Make an effort to understand worldviews you don't like and disagree with. You are going to have to live with and navigate reality with all kinds of people. One of the features of a steeled mind is no longer being offended by anything.
  4. Most women will only allow themselves to be locked down with a man that is moderate to significantly better than them. This is abundantly obvious. Key word being most and not all because I know people are incapable of nuance.
  5. I don't hate them. I just don't think they deserve respect romantically based on their attitudes and behaviors. It has to be earned. I actually prefer women in my life over men as coworkers, acquaintances, friends, etc. It's not a viewpoint. It's how they are reacting to it and what they are saying verbatim for the most part.
  6. These same guys they hate, treat like shit, and say they would never date, ALSO guilt them that they are doing something bad and shouldn't leave to date abroad. LOL you can't win no matter what you do! These feminists are like video game griefers, if they can't get what they want then YOU can't either. You have to suffer. How DARE you leave us and try to better things for yourself! They are mad their wallets are leaving because it takes a quality moderately wealthy man to move abroad. They are projecting their insecurities, because they see men taking responsibility to improve themselves and their environment and know they aren't doing it themselves. Men create solutions for their issues and help each other, women lie and gaslight each other that they are all "queens" and there is never anything wrong with them. It's always something external. @Raze Don't let them muddy the waters and fuck with your head. Put yourself, your values, principles, and beliefs first. Don't compromise because if you give them an inch, they take a mile. Our culture is rotting and you are simply pointing it out. You still need a bulletproof vest though, because people always shoot the messenger for bringing truth.
  7. Why should we (men) have to work 8x harder for results in a rigged game?
  8. It's real in the sense that the people are (usually) enjoying themselves to some level, but any connection or intimacy you see is faked and acted yes. The sex industry while mostly employing females as the products, is run overwhelmingly by men and designed to cater to an overwhelmingly male audience. What you see is a very materialistic male oriented version of sex that is quite negligent of female needs and preferences. Maybe you could learn a position or tip here and there, but if you try to run through most of the typical porn routine in real life the woman will probably slap you or get very upset. I would recommend avoiding it and learn to do it on your own first. Most of the sex you see in run of the mill porn the woman doesn't even orgasm....... it's sad lol. (Yes they are faking it unless you see squirting). Real sex is far more dynamic, surprising, intimate, and personal.
  9. Porn vs real sex is like comparing bananas to grapes. I mean yes they are both technically fruits.........
  10. I haven't really had alcohol since I was a teenager, but I remember liking Vodka a lot and finding it the only tolerable hard liquor. It's an acquired taste for sure. I like the smooth, minty vapor it gives to your mouth after a shot.
  11. I'm all for periods doing something positive! Every time my girlfriend tells me she's on her period I feel a boulder of anxiety lifted lol.
  12. The world is a huge place with so many people. You can find almost any community of liked minded people, and live the lifestyle you please if you are determined enough.
  13. If you're serious about seeking out a certain type of person to spend your life with, then it would be wise to gain some experience and variety. So you get a better understanding of yourself and what you want. As well as it's important as a man like you mentioned to gain social confidence and skills so you ARE able to attract and lock down that specific woman when you come across her. Women have the opposite experience where they are limited on time because of declining looks and fertility, but they can't be rushing through too many guys too fast or they'll lose their perceived value or even worse, get knocked up with someone that is a bad match long term. That's why it's in their best interest to be picky. The key here is not to use people as a means to and end or for certain things. Learn to appreciate every experience and relationship as they will bring you closer to what you truly desire. I'm at the point now where I'm somewhat jaded but realistic about relationships and the lifestyle I want. I understand that it's incredibly unlikely that any given relationship will last a lifetime, so I enjoy their uniqueness and let my intuition guide me. I maintain an appropriate level of attachment and am no longer deluded by love at this point. "Blinded by love" as they say.
  14. You need to put in unconventional efforts if you want unconventional results.
  15. It's not your fault. When you think about it it isn't rational at all to blame yourself or feel depressed, melancholy at worst for a better time in the past. It's not your fault our culture and society has enabled this. You need to be x4 better than most women before they'll be reliably attracted to you. We live in the most materialistic and hypergamous time in history. Of course you will be able to find sane, feminine, chill women to enjoy company with but they are rare in modern Western culture. You'll have to look for non-white, foreign women if you want to find them reliably. You got most of it right anyways. Enjoy your life and live for yourself. If the right girl falls into place that's great, but don't go out of your way trying to find the perfect girl. What you get in return for the tremendous effort usually isn't worth it. You'll be way more content just not giving a fuck and putting in little effort, because we all know they aren't.
  16. No matter how hot and arrogant they are, remember sooner or later they ALWAYS hit "The wall". Your best days are yet to come. You are 27 and just starting to gain traction. Things will all come together soon for you I promise. Just keep your head down and focus on yourself.
  17. It's probably ok for you considering it's fed the growth of multiple 1.5 billion sized civilizations lol.
  18. I would consider getting into a serious relationship with someone if you haven't, it really helps you learn a lot about yourself and other people in ways that are hard to find elsewhere. Getting my first girlfriend skyrocketed my personal development, wish I could have done it sooner to have those lessons under my belt at a younger age. That said don't do it with just anyone, find a decent match.
  19. Instead of spending 10 hours reading a book, spend 10 hours seriously talking to as many girls as you can. That will boost your skills by quadruple the amount, and put you ahead of most of the competition.
  20. You have be to quite charismatic to be as successful as any of those people, or to make it anywhere in life generally. People aren't just going to give you stuff. You have to be persuasive, communicate competence and intelligence, make people feel good, know how to negotiate, know how to navigate confrontation, inspire people, etc..... all apart of charisma. It's very hard to become something in this world if you are socially inept. Even if you live a hermetic life and are hyper skilled at something, who is going to pay you to do it, or where are you going to get your money from? It doesn't matter how impressive your accomplishments are if you can't do a good interview. Andrew Tate clearly has very high charisma, but he can also come across callous and lacking empathy. Nobody is perfect.
  21. Use that money to invest and start a business lol.
  22. The height will definitely hurt, but being balding and ugly doesn't matter if you have an amazing personality or charisma (game). Even then, there are plenty of very short women anyways so it's not like there are no options. In my experience it's not commonplace, but also not unusual to see a not so good looking dude together with a bombshell. While I don't believe I've ever seen the opposite of a very great looking guy together with a not so good looking woman.
  23. I've become kind of an asshole lately and just started speaking my mind on things without caring about the consequences or worrying about peoples feelings. I've never got more attention from females in my life. Don't know what that's about but whatever.
  24. Seems Monty Python were ahead of their time once again.