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Everything posted by Roy

  1. I legit kinda forgot this was a psychedelic community . I've lost so much interest in that stuff and spirituality. Got like a decade of things I want to do first before even bothering thinking about those things again. I realized no amount of meditation or drugs is going to develop me properly if I don't start at the base.
  2. I think she probably got too drunk and screwed some guy and feels disgusting about it. She wanted to tell you how ashamed she is about it, because she has no filter and wants to use you as an emotional tampon, since you weren't aggressive enough and didn't fuck her fast enough. This is just worst case scenario, but you asked what I think based on the information you gave. I don't think the dating thing should continue either. A woman going to bars and not going home until the next morning on a weeknight is a bigger red flag than the one in Stalin's bedroom. It's a massive sign she is too impulse and not wifey material. Don't waste your time, move on.
  3. An older (married) male family member said to me when I was young, "You can either love women or you can understand them, but you can't do both." Now that I'm old enough and had enough experiences I finally understand what he meant.
  4. People basically worship celebrities, politicians, athletes and personalities today. So monarchism isn't as far-fetched a relic as people like to think it is anyways.
  5. Anybody with an ounce of integrity, self-respect, or concern for their health wouldn't last a day at a place like that. It's mostly, unhinged, desperate people that are drawn to and participate in those kind of communities. Like @StarStruck said, it won't be the people you're attracted to giving it out either. The women that are there wouldn't even give it out fairly either, it would only go to the peak males. Then the system would break down as the weaker males get violent with each other and sabotage the whole thing or start raping people.
  6. Would it be fair to say you don't actually want the "hot girl" that much? Rather the status, attention, and social validation you get from being able to get her or have her by your side? Her pussy isn't really that different or special from the other 4 billions pussies. She could end up being bad at sex. And the excitement would probly fade after a few times and you'd realize how overrated it was. Do you think you'd become someone else in pursuit of these certain "wants"?
  7. The problem isn't doing that stuff, it's if you're doing that stuff as a replacement for human contact. NoFap should be reserved only for those who've never had a girlfriend.
  8. Yep. That's called being mindful/conscious/thinking long term. "I am going through these feelings now so I can feel another way in the future." You are always going to be experiencing emotion all the time for various causes
  9. Maybe these guys like Trump and Tate aren't as bad (criminally) as everyone would like them to be? Even with all their tact and resources, how could anybody like them get away with serious crimes with the amount of eyes on them all the time throughout their careers? Is it really THAT easy to fool the authorities? Not to mention the weight coming down on them is compounded by the fact one side of the political elite despises them and wants them gone. I'm just so sick of reading about accusations and trials. I don't give a fuck how much smoke there is for anybody at this point. Give me something concrete or I don't care.
  10. You've got to create dates where physical contact can happen or is inevitable. Brainstorm activities where you might end up close to each other. Also end up in places that are romantic and/or have privacy. Those are good opportunities to kiss. Girls aren't stupid either, if you take them to some nice park with flowers everywhere and an enclosed space, they will loosen themselves up to be receptive to a kiss. If they are into you that is. You are going to have blunders, it's ok. It happens to all guys who have to learn. Just brush them off and keep going. You are hardily EVER going to get that from a girl. You need to take full responsibility for this. If you wait for their verbal consent you are going to be waiting until you are bones in the ground. With my current GF on our first date she was acting shy and closed off so I literally grabbed her face (gently) and turned it towards mine and kissed her passionately. She blossomed like a flower and felt relaxed after I took the lead and we are coming up on our 1 year anniversary now. That moment was even slightly uncomfortable for me but sometimes that what it takes to get past the butterflies. Life is not a Disney movie. DO NOT engage with girls that play these kind of games. They are psychotic and will ruin your life. The games don't end once you've won them over, they will persist in creating drama and gaslighting you continuously to keep themselves entertained. They are for the streets. Just fuck them for the experience if you get the chance then block their numbers. If you are shooting a lot of shots there WILL be stray bullets that hit people in ways they don't like. I had a date with a 33 year old woman where we just went for brunch and a walk with no physical contact and she called me a "rapist" for asking her on a 2nd date Just do your best to have integrity and treat people well and you should be fine. Understand that most women don't occupy the reality that you and I do. You can do everything perfect and they will still freak out and act crazy once in a while. It just is how it is. Like water being wet. You just need lots of experiences, good, bad, and everything in between. You need to be bold and reckless sometimes. Experiment and don't take it all so seriously.
  11. Your emotions dictate your entire existence and every moment of your life, you better figure out how they work and develop a better relationship and handle on them. You can't escape yourself.
  12. If you feel he deserved to know what they were talking about to protect him and spare him suffering you did the right thing. Apologize for nothing and don't back down. Integrity doesn't fear shame and ridicule.
  13. I'm gonna put this bluntly because I don't like to waste peoples time. Look, she either makes your dick hard or she doesn't. Getting to know her more is only going to do so much. It would be a disservice to yourself and disrespectful to her to start a relationship when you're feeling, "you're not really that beautiful to me, but I'm going to fuck you anyways because I like your company." Relationships should be reserved to those who check all the fundamental boxes. You shouldn't have to force things. If relationships were cars, physical attraction would be like the transmission I guess. It's fundamental. Sure you could putter along for a while in lower gears, but it will always be a problem.
  14. If you genuinely enjoy talking to her, but don't find her attractive or want to sleep with her, just continue talking and confess you'd like to be friends if she asks why you haven't made a move. Otherwise your only choice is to simply say, "I don't think we're a good match" and stop talking to her. But that gets harder to say the longer you drag it on and will hurt it more.
  15. Good timing for this kind of thread, I was gonna make on but backed off. This commercial/advertising seems kind of dystopian to me. It's almost like it was made by robots or something. "Shopping like a billionaire.", while clearly not spending that kind of money just seems like a blatant trigger for materialism in someone's reptilian brain. It makes me actually uncomfortable to watch it.
  16. Sleep deprivation will take years off your life from the stress on your body. Not wise.
  17. You know what? I'm putting all my chips all in. Aliens are here. Mark Zuckerberg is one of them and he is an agent sent to create Facebook and catalyze other social medias in society to destabilize our minds and make us divided. In the next 15 years an alien fleet will either annihilate us with a mass contagion, or land and force us into slavery to extract our planets resources. Either way I vote we kill and dissect Mark Zuckerberg as a precaution
  18. I'll concede it's likely they are monitoring us, but there being crash sites I find hard to swallow. How could they have the insanely innovative and durable technology it takes to travel LIGHT YEARS across space to get here, and all of a sudden, "oops ship not working anymore." SMASH
  19. They prefer the strength, social status, and resources, all of which are easier to find in bullies, psychopaths, ruthless people, etc. They aren't attracted to the negative traits per say, they are just willing to tolerate them to get the things they really want. Just like you would tolerate an annoying bitch and terrible attitude rom a woman if she was really hot and was giving up the tang
  20. Careful not to chase an ideal from a past partner, looking to recreate that in a new one. Every person you get intimate with will be completely different and the relationship will take on it's own unique form.
  21. I was on the hotline at the start of last year. I feel I resolved most of a weird experience and Mr.Girl just told me I should feel angry about it instead
  22. You've made like 48 posts about masturbation since you joined this forum. Just jerk off if you feel like it and stop overthinking it omfg.
  23. You need to completely delete this from your mind. Girls like guys that are older than them. The majority of relationships around the world the men are older by various age ranges.
  24. It indicates lack of discipline, impulse control, loyalty, and emotional mastery. All things that are required for successful marriage and parenthood. You can't make a serious investment with someone that will bail as soon as things get hard, or because of their "feelings" having changed, or because something better came along and they want to upgrade.
  25. It's a free market they are open to offer players contracts if they want, don't see a problem.