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Posts posted by JosephKnecht

  1. 7 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

       Another critique, maybe tone down the anti Donald Trump rhetoric. It's repetitive and lacks variety, maybe name a few more worse than him currently or in history, as going on and on about how negative Trump is will make it a more boring talking point in your content. Just mix the critique of him with someone else for a while not talk of Trump because me and others are just rolling our eyes with every mention of you talking of Trump angrily like a child, we get you have a bias against him but at this point it's moot and monotone.

    I agree with this!

    Trump is God's favorite child. :) 

    Yelling at a child is a sign of immature behavior. 



  2. On 15/04/2023 at 6:49 PM, Kingston said:

    Actually I'm very excited for tonight. I've mixed MDMA and LSD once (candy flip) and it's one of my most memorable experiences. Even though I won't mix 5-MEO and MDMA but still excited to see how far they'll lead me to!

    Will definitely report!

    @Kingston are you back or still tripping? 

    Feel free to share your experience.

    I am interested. 

  3. 26 minutes ago, Majed said:

    so i asked the question "how can i deconstruct my mind further " and i had the insight that an event in life never actually happened. like for example you have a memory that  you had discussion with some people, then the insight tells you that it never happened. i don't have the theoretical framework to know how to integrate this insight. leo never covered such a thing from what i know. 

    Your mind holds memories. 

    What would happen if you let go of some of those memories? 

    What would happen if you let go of the memory that you have a mind? :) 


    4 hours ago, lostingenosmaze said:

    (the details of the suicide were vague as he didn't wish to disclose much; what's revealed is that OXSN did expose his friend to spiritual teachings including those of before he ultimately took his own life)

    @lostingenosmaze At the 44:50 mark he clearly states that his friend was NOT a fan of Leo Gura. It's disingenuous to attribute his suicide to Spirituality can be extremely dangerous so we have to be careful in our approach to it.  

    4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    I don't care about how my teachings make you feel. I care whether they are true and effective. To most humans this notion is not very fathomable, because you don't care about truth nor consciousness, you care about human feelings.

    What is the effect that you want to have on your students if ultimately you don't care about their well-being?

    What you are currently doing is talking on a public forum (youtube) to impressionable young people. You have an effect on people and it's best that you are aware of the effect. 

    To make an extreme analogy, I can also go to a kindergarten and yell at the kids that Santa is not real. Is it true? Yes. Is it effective? Yes. But at the end of my ordeal, I leave with lots of crying children. 

    4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    I'm not interested in compassion. I'm interested in serious understanding of reality.

    Don't you want to understand compassion? Or compassion is no longer part of your reality? 

    Go to a third-world country where a mother is starving because she gave all the food to her children. Look at her face. Really LOOK at her. Maybe then you will understand. 

  5. The following 3 poems are from the book by Hafez. 

    Enjoy :) 


    Awake awhile.

    It does not have to be Forever,

    Right now.

    One step upon the Sky's soft skirt Would be enough.


    Awake awhile.

    Just one True moment of Love Will last for days.

    Rest all your elaborate plans and tactics For Knowing Him,

    For they are all just frozen spring buds Far,

    So far from Summer's Divine Gold.

    Awake, my dear.

    Be kind to your sleeping heart. Take it out into the vast fields of Light And let it breathe.



    Give me back my wings. Lift me,

    Lift me nearer."

    Say to the sun and moon, Say to our dear Friend,

    "I will take You up now, Beloved,

    On that wonderful Dance You promised!"


    Fire has a love for itself It wants to keep burning.

    It is like a woman Who is at last making love To the person she most desires.

    Find a Master who is like the Sun.

    Go to His house

    In the middle of the night.

    Smash a window. Act like a great burglar

    Jump in.

    Now, Gather all your courage

    Throw yourself into His bed! He will probably kill you.


    That's the whole idea!


    What is the difference Between your experience of Existence And that of a saint?

    The saint knows

    That the spiritual path

    Is a sublime chess game with God

    And that the Beloved

    Has just made such a Fantastic Move

    That the saint is now continually- Tripping over Joy

    And bursting out in Laughter And saying, "I Surrender!"

    Whereas, my dear,

    I am afraid you still think

    You have a thousand serious moves.

  6. 13 minutes ago, vindicated erudite said:

    I am interested in discovering how language can be modified to remove things such as cultural bias or misinterpretation in order to communicate complex ideas more effectively.   

    How about removing language and directly transferring ideas from one mind to another?

    All language contains ambiguity. Removing the language removes the ambiguity.  

  7. 1 hour ago, Ayham said:

    I have studied basically most important concepts, but I stopped because I realized I was only watching Leo and started believing whatever he says, so I continue with reading books and watching other teachers in terms of theory.

    This is a good approach. 

    You guys attach too much importance to what Leo says. 

    If his words don't resonate with you, think for yourself, or find some other teacher.