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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. @universe Both Trump and Biden perpetuated systems for the donor class to profit severely. I dont think any party is capable of changing that. The rich participate financially, they want something in return for their donations. None the less Biden has the misfortune of spending endless money on two wars. Trump has the advantage on this coming election.
  2. They don't have access to it because they are often not educated. When you look at mass shooters and terrorist, they often hardly have a high school education and come from broken families. All you have to do is look at the military capabilities of America, Israel vs the poor Arab nations. For every person the extremist kill on the "good" side, hundreds to thousands of their people die.
  3. The illusion is that there is a separation. You've fooled yourself in what people call your entire life.
  4. @BlueOak My point is the problem is the consciousness of the people and not the tool or ideology. When you give someone something powerful they will abuse it and do more harm. Science is the most powerful tool right now therefore its the most dangerous.
  5. @PurpleTree Ive lived in a developed country with a very strong Muslim community. They naturally drift away from radical ideas. The news is propagating Islamophobia because in their religion is a sin to hoard cash and keep it for yourself in excess. Their religion is closer to socialism and communism. That's why the west unknowingly hates Islam. In contrast the Jews are the polar opposite to Islam, this is why they cant start eachother... The irony is they don't even know why. Both groups do a great job sticking together and have no idea how similar they are from each other. Despite of the low number of Jews there are in most places their ability to stick together better than any other race, this is why they are so successful in everything. This makes Jewish people more paranoid because they feel the whole world will gang up against them once people realize how good they are at working together.
  6. @PurpleTree So does spirituality. For every terrorist act with a riffle, there is a drone strike with a larger foot print of destruction. Ultimately it is love that will gather people together. Something science does have a good history of doing. Some kind of healthy balance needs to be achieved, the Sam Harris atheist movement has belittled ideas like compassion. All it takes is a virus in a lab or an AI that can nuke us all to wipe out all of life. As far as religion goes, as people start to develop out of survival, the more they will see thru all the bad ideas and concepts of religion.
  7. If you are talking about being more conscious and understanding that we are not made of matter, yes. The ego manufactured progress so science is the best at it which is why the world is so hung up on it. Science creates blind spots and people take what science says at face value. At least in religion, deep down inside people will question it internally. The greatest lies are always unseen and the ego manufactured itself to hide the truth from you. There is no science that can bring people to the truth All the criticism you have for religion science has done them better. I have both a biological science and technology background and have earned a good living doing so but it doesn't stop me from criticizing it. Science is a double edge sword.
  8. Science, its the greatest illusion and the newest of the religions that exist. People are unaware that it is a religion which makes it the most dangerous.
  9. Shit goes in Thailand too and Thailand is a "Buddhist" nation. Its easy to associate sins with religion without knowing context and looking at the sin separate to spirituality. Christianity is the dominate religion in America, are Christians responsible for all of the sins the country has done around the world? India is primarily Hindu and women just don't walk out at night for their own safety, are Hindu's rapist?
  10. Max Blumenthal and Glenn Greenwald. They both call out both parties.
  11. Yes, the media and the western governments create problems where they don't exist. Singapore has a huge Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian population, they all go to school together, become good friends Wealth and access to wealth is the real problem.
  12. I believe if you are interested in such radical methods you should contact Rick Strassman and ask him if he or anyone he knows are doing professional research in a controlled setting. https://www.rickstrassman.com/
  13. Here is some insight on the interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSfZSEVpBt4
  14. @Danioover9000 a Harris isnt compassionate when it comes to collateral damage on Muslims. He claims to be non emotional and rational with everything and never admits he's bias. But when he said you can find dead children in Bidens basement and he would still be better than Trump shows how emotional he can be. He's got a lot of suppressed anger and sadness not growing up without a father which he never admitted but did mention growing up without a father did leave and emptiness in him. We are all mostly wounded and rarely able to identify how similar we are to the people we judge. If you want to be Freudian, Trump is the father that left him and his mother. That's why Trump is more evil than a child killer. As far as Sam sees it Trump ruined his childhood. Reality is far more fluid than people think it is. To most human beings, their personal reality is the real reality. When the world matures and understands this it will be the biggest ah ha moment. People would stop trying to change people and there will be no more wars.
  15. Careful not to do them closely together. You can die(real death, not ego death). If you are going to do one first than take 5 MEO, wait for more than a week, preferably two then take Ayahuasca. I wouldn't take aya first then 5 Sometimes these things stay in your system longer than expected and people have reactivations for several weeks. Personally if I ever took Ayahuasca which I've never done, I'd take 2 months before trying 5meo as I'm generally sensitive to everything. The best advice id give you is just to try one or the other. Other than pure curiosity I don't feel experimenting with different substances to be useful if your goal is god realization, unless that substance you are taking doesnt do it for you.
  16. Newsom is pretty much a corporate democrat that is funded by big pharma. Sales on antidepressants would plummet if psilocybin become a legitimate treatment for clinical depression I don't see any candidate as progressive until they actually care about issues on mental health and healthcare. We already got Obama which push Obama care, then we went backwards. If we did talk about "progressing" that candidate should be on the left of Obama. Gavin is pretty much Bill Clinton 2.0, good looking, says the right things, bound to have intercourse with interns.
  17. Here's some news for the Gavin Newsom fans. He unfortunately blocked decriminalization of psychedelics along more surprising Bill to provide hearing aids for kids fails again and capping the cost of insulin for people with Diabetes. https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/newsom-vetoes-slew-of-california-bills-18416012.php
  18. In Australia psilocybin is legal. Specific retreats for 5meo cost like 5k+ for a week I think You are better off mingling with local people around you that have access as Leo said and maybe reach out to some people in Australia which is so near to you. For 5k you can stay in Australia for a month and take mushrooms all you want.
  19. The toxic version of capitalism is corporate socialism. Fundamentally if or when we evolve, socialism combined with democracy will be the best situation. Socialism only works if a majority of the citizens are educated and society at large minimizes ego. Maybe in a few hundred years but consciousness can shift dramatically and we can get there within 100 years.
  20. Not making any point of whether or not he is good or evil. Actually when I found out that California was going to decriminalize DMT I was excited. When it didn't go thru it was my baseline expectation. I would have been pleasantly surprised if Newsom was vocal about supporting psychedelics. The fact that people tried at least is a sign that there are some people in power that have an open mind to consider. On the diabetes, insulin topic, it breaks my heart to see people having to ration their insulin medicine because they can't afford to. Insulin has been around for a very long time, there isn't a reason it should be expensive.
  21. The amount of taxes they have to pay is enough money to fund many things. A few percent of several billion is ALOT of money. Actually many people moved to places like Texas officially and unofficially to evade taxes. A person can say the live in Texas and own a home there but also own a home in California and anywhere else.
  22. Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk pretty much moved to Texas. Furthermore wealthy people in general set up businesses in Delaware to evade taxes
  23. @Shadowraix The shape of the pelvis is different in men than women. A man's pelvis is pointed more inward and forward, this allows more power from the glutes. Pretty much every sport relies on the glutes which is why when you look at black people for example, their anatomy gives them a significant advantage and they pretty much hold world records in sprinting. There's no other area of the body that is as significant to performance.
  24. If you don't wait, you'll just end up where you started, it's an endless cycle, so you mind as well enjoy your life and make the most of your being in this life you manufactured.
  25. Theoretically it can be experienced doing anything.... even while doing a heinous unconscious act. The most reliable method is putting awakening into action.