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Everything posted by TheAlchemist

  1. Excellent insight into the Blue worldview from Pastor Sempa
  2. Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh with over 1 million bike rickshaws. These hard working drivers make about 5$/day. I visited this country a couple of years ago and the people there are some of the most genuine and friendly I have ever met.
  3. The issue is not police brutality, that is just a very surface level symptom of many deep and systemic issues. The black population has gotten left behind in education, work and they are stuck in poverty. Poverty keeps communities stuck in a cycle of crime and the struggle has many people in these communities resort to drugs as a coping mechanism. Drug addiction and the war against drugs plays a key role, because these people get arrested for nonviolent drug offenses and are sent to jails and prisons, which basically force you to become a violent criminal by having to join a gang etc. Rates of violent crime are significantly higher in blacks and that can cause a bias when police are interacting with them. The police are also concerned with their own survival as much as anyone else and they are subject to unconscious stereotyping, (although deliberate racism definitely seems to exist within the police). This is just one example of the probably dozens of systemic issues in the U.S that this is just a symptom of. Some possible systemic issues that this is a symptom of: A prison system that doesn't aim to rehabilitate and profits from keeping people in. War on drugs which gets people into cycle of crime Lack of oversight on police forces, minimal training of police Large amounts of guns in the general population, which causes police to have a highly sensitive trigger finger Lack of public preschool which would even out the playing field for education. It is not helpful in any way or for anyone to say that the ONLY cause of this problem is systemic racism or police brutality. We need to accurately diagnose the issue if we want to solve it. Outrage can actually make things worse by focusing on the wrong problem, although the emotional reaction people are having is totally understandable..
  4. @Zigzag Idiot That's very interesting. It seems to be true that the sense of being a separate self only stays alive because we believe in the reality of the "negative" emotions. Fear tends to be retractive/restrictive and Love seems to be expansive. So the only way we hold "ourselves" together is by believing the fear which is necessary for the illusion to exist. By letting go of the insistence on fear being real we are released into the base state of infinite Love. Let me know if this sounds right from the course perspective, I'm a new student
  5. @The observer My intuition based on some spiritual experiences is more on the side of love being the fundamental thing, that's why I spoke to you because you have a different view, my aim was to not be confrontational in any way but I guess I didn't succeed in that. I just felt like you were being completely dismissed by everyone so my aim was to point out that your view could also be right and bring some kind of balance between the two sides here.
  6. @The observer I do see what you're saying and I think it is entirely possible. Honestly we have no idea, just arguing at the level of words is never going to result in anything. Only experience can tell us the reality of it and if what you said is your experience, who are we to dispute your direct experience? I am open to the possibility of what you are saying to be true, but I also think it would be fair for you to entertain the possibility that there is a deeper level of understanding. But of course it's your choice. I wish you all the best on your journey!
  7. A very fun video about the road to stage yellow with art and music typical to each stage
  8. The insistence on the reality of fear and suffering is precisely what keeps it alive. We must hold on to the reality of it or otherwise it dies. And of course the fear is like an entity of itself, it is afraid of losing it's identity. A month ago I experienced something I would say is a miracle. I was extremely deep in anger and suffering in my apartment almost breaking stuff because I was so intensely furious. But then, suddenly I realized (thanks to A Course in Miracles <3) . That anger was only there because I insisted on it being real. I insisted on holding on to it and I could feel something in my mind being threatened when I started questioning the reality of the anger. I kept questioning and suddenly all the anger just instantaneously disappeared like it was never there and I started laughing and I was suddenly completely filled with absolute joy, peace and love. I just wanted to share this beautiful experience here. For me, fear always feels like a closing down, fear requires resistance and fighting to keep it alive, to keep it real. Love is expansive, it requires only letting go of the illusions. It seems to be more like the base state of everything.
  9. A very important distinction to make here would be between "states" and "stages". You can access the highest states at any stage of development, you will just end up interpreting the states through the framework of that stage. Stages are permanent and states are temporary. If a highly egotistical stage orange person experiences God consciousness, he could very well interpret that as him (and only him) being the messiah and the second coming of Christ. All stages will have their own ways of interpreting temporary peak states. Credits to Ken Wilber
  10. Any ideas on how to plug psilocybin? As far as I understand, it is broken down to psilocin by stomach acids, and that is the molecule that is actually active. So maybe if we make an extract and mix it with lemon juice to activate the psilocin, we could create a psilocin liquid, which could be plugged. What do you think?
  11. @lacsativ Wow this is amazing. Thank you
  12. I have a friend who used to be very strongly involved with Pentecostal Christian churches, he had mystical experiences such as speaking in tongues and some powerful trance states when worshiping God during that time. Since then he has transitioned to stage green and done psychedelics and many forms of spiritual practice quite seriously. I asked him about his past mystical experiences as a Pentecostal Christian and he said he still holds them as very valid. He says he can still access those states like speaking in tongues and he can have a powerful connection with God, he just doesn't do it from a purely Christian framework anymore.
  13. I love his waking up app, been using it daily for a year now.. He has a way of explaining things that resonates with me and the meditations have helped me experientally understand what is meant by nonduality. I see a lot off black and white thinking here, why does it have to be either "Sam bad" or "Sam good", we can take the useful stuff and leave the rest out that doesn't resonate. We really only feel the need to defend some teacher if we identify ourselves with them or attack them if we feel they threaten our identity . Just bounce around the ideas loosely, there is a seed of truth in everything
  14. It's another way of projecting our fear outwards. Now billions of people are inside, stuck with facing all their shadow material maybe for the first time in their lives. There's a limited amount of escapes, so a great way is to create yet another "them" who we can project the fear/anger/sadness/hate onto that we are incapable of facing within ourselves. I have no idea if David's ideas are grounded in reality or not, but it's easy to see that most of the people jumping on board the conspiracy train are just escaping the pain inside and projecting it out. That's never healthy.. Edit: also we should remain conscious about the possibility of a new form of order being created in the process of stabilizing this chaos. That state of order could be created less democratically than previous forms and it could be used as an opportunity to increase the grip on citizens. It's good to be aware of that but it does more damage than good if we choose to close our minds around that idea, it can easily become just another mind virus.
  15. He has some solid insight into how the economy works and how it's driven by human behavior. But this guy is something else, solid stage yellow business and life advice. I also recommend checking out his Joe Rogan interview
  16. Why the insistence on shoving it up the ass? Wouldn't just eating it with a MAOI (aka. Pharmahuasca) produce the desired effects here?
  17. @Leo Gura Just checking if it's still ok to be critical at times on this forum? If not I will leave as it will eventually turn in to either an echo chamber or an ideology where no more growth will happen. There's too many of those on the internet already. What attracted me to this forum is the lack of cultish behavior while still having lots of high quality content and discussion. Of course it's a fine balance and it is understandable if it does shift towards more control, as online communities usually tend to do when the moderators get fed up with the low quality posts. Unfortunately, a more sensitive ban hammer often results in the deterioration of the quality of any online group from what I have seen even though the purpose is pure.. If you happen to read this far, there is one solution to this problem I have seen. The absolute highest quality online communities always have this implemented: Make it more difficult to enter the forum. Ask some basic questions about the content and the intentions of people who join. Ask about how serious they are, how much they do the work. Quite effective in weeding out most of the trolls.
  18. @Hardkill Apparently Owen has/had aspergers as well. You can choose not to be a victim of your condition.
  19. @see_on_see Every skill you have, has been developed at some point. Of course when we begin building a new skill it feels inauthentic. But through mastery of that skill it becomes a part of us and becomes who we are. Being authentic is not about staying safely where we are, it's about following that call to adventure that comes from deep within, going beyond our current comfort zones. That's where all growth happens. Sure, if you suddenly become hyper confident you won't need game. But that's not because you don't do game, the principles of attraction still apply, you're just doing it maybe even without you noticing it. Most people have to build this skillset by practicing, facing our fears and becoming grounded in our sexuality. Eventually it become's who we are and it doesn't feel any more inauthentic than brushing our teeth.
  20. Leo, you do realize it's possible that some stage blue mobs find your videos and start attacking you online and this forum? Someone could quite easily convince them that you are Satan himself leading people to hell and they must do everything they can to take you down. I guess it doesn't really matter, this is your life work and if it means sacrificing everything it's worth it to you? I am glad we have the internet, this content can't ever be removed no matter what anyone says, these ideas are here to stay.
  21. Just had a major insight into this whole game thing. We need to adjust our game based on what spiral stage the girls are on! Stage orange game works in the U.S because most club girls are very stage orange. Stage Green game works really well in Berlin clubs because almost all the girls are strongly stage green. This is why the rsd stage orange pickup advice works so badly also here in Finland, most of the girls are stage green I have personally tested this by going into more stage orange hip hop style clubs here and guess what? Stage orange game works really well there! It does not work very well in clubs where typical Finnish (stage green) girls go. I think this is why @Leo Gura is not giving stage green or above game advice here, it simply wouldn't bring results if applied to stage orange girls! Look into what a stage orange person values and you will see exactly why the more traditional (stage orange) pickup principles work on them!