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Posts posted by PenguinPablo

  1. Yes typically those that FIT IN more are more Asleep -- but see it as normal -- as it it is in fact the norm -- but obviously judge others that are different due to tribal chimp behavior -- not questioning their assumptions, lack of critical thinking about the society they are a part of.

    whereas obviously, ADHD and autistic people are obviously heavily outcasted for their inability or struggles to be like everyone else -- this cause internal tension -- which naturally the outside world won't fix for you since you're a weirdo, creates a dilemma that can only be solved by looking inward not externally. And hence over time losing attachment to social conventions, the need to fit in, etc...

    I think with the second group, it kinda reinforces each other. The not fitting in is a consequence of being different but it's also very painful to not be accepted by anybody. So you seek answers in deeper stuff like philosophy, spirituality, and so on... 

    Unless you're very advanced already, karmically or whatever, then in this case maybe probably you just DONT GIVE A SHIT ANYWAY and roll with it and be unaffected. People will probably gravitate towards a person like this because they're not putting on an ACT all the fucking time. 

    Hence, people love weirdos that LOVE and are at PEACE with themselves. 

    but if you cannot accept yourself you are a prime target for the chimp's bullying. 

    maybe you're the chimp attacking yourself in your own head to begin with (self-hate)


  2. 16 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

    Exactly. They actually feed on your karma and entangle you are even more. This people are straight up dangerous, precisely for their audience 

    I mean its just the way marketing works... which is pretty evil and predatory. But if youre engaging in it, then obviously you don't know better because well you're too attached to what you're going to get / greed

  3. On 4/18/2023 at 3:02 AM, StarStruck said:

    People rant about Andrew Tate how he "scams" his followers. Brother sells courses 50 dollar a pop.

    Compare that to RSD courses that start from 500 dollar and can range up to 8k per course for some filibuster advice from a mad man on an ego trip.


    lol @ filibuster metaphor xDxDxD 

  4. On 9/2/2023 at 4:51 PM, StarStruck said:

    Tate is an interesting case study none the less. If I had to choose a live between wage slaving for barely minimum wage (without prospects) and the life of Andrew fucking Tate I would choose the life of Andrew Tate hands down. The thing with Andrew that is that he got too cocky. He should have known his boundaries. But that is the whole thing with success, it makes you cocky. He isn't alone in committing this sin. Especially on this forum.

    that kind of thinking makes you more similar to him than you think. slippery slope fallacy, maybe...

  5. 10 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

    Gotta love the truth more than you love human life man.

    That's the bottom line for Leo.

    that's a tough one I realized recently. I reached a point where I realized I was just God imagining everything. Imagining my "personal individuated existence" and everyone and everything else. It was a scary place to be AND made me love the everyone I have even more. Maybe I'm just clinging on for dear life but...

  6. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    There is the human mind.

    And then you can transcend that into alien mind territory.

    All conventional spirituality, like Buddhism and nonduality, are all still part of the human mind territory. They do not access alien mind no matter how much enlightenment or cessation or samadhi or ego loss they have.

    I mean even Buddhist themselves say they are trying to calm the "monkey mind".

    So literally Buddhism is about taming the monkey LOL xD

  7. 21 hours ago, Michal__ said:

    Buy sprayed flower and use a pipe.

    It's almost as strong as a vape except it's much better on the lungs.

    You can get as high for the same amount of money, just gotta smoke more than with a vape.

    thanks a lot man, appreciate it. I will definitely be doing this

  8. On 7/16/2023 at 3:17 PM, Leo Gura said:

    I don't brag about it. But it was essential to my awakening. Arrogance is important in this work.

    it's not arrogance, it's just sovereignty. You can't be a humble sheep forever and expect to get anywhere besides the trainwreck the herd will inevitably lead you too


    24 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Someone here Some of you guys don't appreciate my wicked sense of humor.

    Don't take this too seriously.

    If I'm gonna ban someone I'm gonna have some fun doing it. Otherwise what is my payoff for dealing with such nonsense?

    Please enjoy the show.

    As excited as I am for the new course, the clever jokes and massive suspense of an episode of TV SHOW keeps me on my toes even more. Who would've known Leo had such a knack for writing soap operas.

    Cheers! :) 

  10. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


    And NOBODY here is walking around in a default state of 5-MeO-DMT consciousness. NOBODY! Don't bullshit yourselves.


    No shit... anyone who believes that is most likely seriously deluded and deceiving themselves

    I am curious does this not apply to you anymore? Not trying to be rude or condescending I am genuinely curious what your Baseline Consciousness is like now relative to say five six years ago