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Posts posted by Nivsch

  1. 4 hours ago, zazen said:

    If someone wanted sum up the situation of Israel / Palestine in one word it would be: occupation. That’s a word a lot of Israelis deny to describe the situation with or rationalise the existence of.

    I can go further and sum up the situation of Israel / Palestine in two words:

    survival forces.

    Given the Jordanian area Israel has occupied in 1967 a hugh mountainy area with a much higher strategical advantage in comparison to the much narrower much lower almost all plane corridor central Israel is built of - an occupation of at least the western part of West Bank by Israel is necessary and at the very least understandable.

    And that is what the pro Palestinian side is in deniel about in the opposite side of the equation.

    I can admit that you are also right in the sense that this occupation has definitely gone too far what then created the opposite problem and made Israelis too physically donimate in the west bank relative to the fair potential solution we had to go towards.

  2. 1 hour ago, Merkabah Star said:

    You mustn’t know much about the issue. 

    If to put Oct7th aside which was an exceptional peak, this conflict is still far less severe than many other conflicts for example Russia-Ukraine, Sudan, Syria etc. And its called a conflict for a reason, not a one sided "abuse" as many love to draw it like in a dellusional way. Romanticising it too much is a trap preventing us to see this conflict's bi-directional nature.

  3. 54 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

    generally speaking, it’s very apparent to me how the Israeli left wing is more mature/developed than the Western version because Israelis tend to be in touch with certain realities on the ground and cannot afford to be excessively naive or have some cringe leftwing paradigms that are detached from reality

    On many of the Israeli lefists I agree this is the case because the lower colors are integrated better within them just like a more stable pyramid that have a stronger base.

    54 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

    Also, they don’t overlook the inherent beauty and goodness of Israel.

    +1 💙

    A strong point.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

    Nivsch It was great meeting you! Whenever I can I intently read your posts. Your genuine and exceptionally principled manner always shines through. It was wonderful for me to get to know the man behind the words. You have a friend for life! 

    Wow thank you very much it was pleasure for me to meet you and hear from you, was so interesting, and for sure we will meet again and many times💛

  5. 34 minutes ago, Loveeee said:


    The populated land of Palestinians today is I think similar in its surface area to the populated land Israelis are living it. Half of the map is an unpopulated desert.

    West bank is huge mountainy zone what make its surface area to be much greater.

    Furthermore the white zone includes both Jews and Arabs Israelis.

  6. 5 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

    too mucb support and the rigbt wing received military support

    Consider the possibility that without that we wouldn't be here. This is not a "bad" thing and there are reasons behind it.

    What caused IDF to built itself to be that powerful are survival forces. It needed to be a counter weight to 5 Arab countries have treatened us very seriously. 

  7. 1 hour ago, lina said:

    OK there aren't 1500 murdered, no one has been kidnapped to Gaza and houses near Gaza border hasn't been burned. Everything was invented,

  8. 2 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    "Damaged" means that the building is most likely no longer usable by people to live in (or conduct human activities) but it can still be repaired.

    When reporters in Israel say a house in Sderot has been damaged from a hamas rocket, this is oftentimes a hole in one of the house's walls. Deadly to a human, but easily fixable. At the same way the houses in a street in Gaza that have been damaged indirectly from a bomb fell on only one of them. In the articles in the links written 50% "damaged or destroyed".

  9. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Yeah, they basically turned Gaza into an unlivable hell for the next few decades.


    No doubt the damage is greatly in excess to what it could be.

    The question is what % of the houses have some damage? because a big % of them can have still a mild damage and be counted in the same group of the "damaged and destroyed".

    Because again every direct bomb to 1 home will likely damage also the surrounding buildings that are far more in quantity. The explosions are huge.

    Especially in the perhaps most dense place in the world.

  10. @Leo Gura

    Here is written 35%:

    Here 50% damaged or destroyed. But a small damage also counts as 1 house? how it is being counted?

    I will add another one shows it is more (50-61%) but again damaged or destroyed:

    It is not unrealistic to say a bomb to 1 house causes indirect some damage to 10 more unintentionally.