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Everything posted by JohnnyBravo

  1. Unless you are a narcissist psychopath, in which case youll ignore my advise and everyones advise anyways. Break up with current girlfriend. Try with your crush. Assume she wont return your love. Now what you going to do? If this were the case youd stick with your current girlfriend at which point safe to say you are living a lie because you dont wish to be with her. The fact you are only considering dumping her to be with your crush BECAUSE YOUR CRUSH JUST BROKE UP reveals to me that your crush probably wont like you and will unconsciously remember the fact you dumped another woman to be with her. Big turn off to any human girl or guy. I dont know. I think you need to be more honest with yourself and other humans and stop manipulating and playing them just for your satisfaction. If you dont like your current girlfriend break up with her. If you like your crush then go for it. But as I said. What makes you think she will like you back?
  2. This is such a silly question. Go interview women on the ideals of sex addiction and youll have a much more balanced argument and youll realise your question stems from pure insecurity. You havent gotten laid in months if not years. Someone who had sexual satisfaction wont bother with a question. My advise would be go have sex.
  3. Actually she is with-holding sex from you, you noticed a change, and has she communicated this to you? No? That is abuse. Leave.
  4. Sorry mate but even if you got your sexuality performance stuff handled, this bigger issue of being scared of her cheating on you is worth looking at. If you sincerely suspect she is getting 'fed up' and she wont communicate this to you, you need to leave and respect yourself. If you are so scared and nervous and confused about whether she will leave or not based on just sexual performance, then you need to let her go. But if she is comfortable with you and this is purely just your own inner issue- that is cool to look at over time. Honestly if it were as simple as just fixing a sexual issue then take a look at your diet and lifetstyle and stress levels. If you girlfriend is making you feel stressed then leave.
  5. What makes you think this diet is connected to your headaches? You are 3 months in. Any adjustment pains are over by now. Yes please more info. And how much water do you consume on a daily basis?
  6. I will spoil a big secret. Big big secret... Breakfast is an industry. Not a meal. The reason most people are not hungry in the morning is because this is natural. Stop eating breakfast in the morning. Eat it about 5 or 6 hours after waking. As for bread, the shit is absolute evil. But if you are going to eat bread or a donut (I do so no blame), then at leat dont combine it with any protein or fat. So if you are going to have a donut, just have the donut. Sadly yes, this means have mininal items on pizza and sandwiches. Bread is fucking evil.
  7. Request to close the thread.
  8. This topic comes to mind that a robot is a robot, but, it should still be treated with care and respect The care and love you show the robot reveals Who you are. If you treat a robot as just a robot coldly, that shows what you are like. -- A monk told me this and no i am not making this up. Repeat I am not making this up I heard this in real time in the real world. The monk had a friend who would go to an ATM all the time at university. He would always smile and wave at the ATM. He used it as well and it was the only one he chose to use out of other available ATMs on the campus. He treated the atm like an actual human. After 2 months, one day, he walked past the ATM. And the ATM made a beep sound, the sound is warns you to take your money and card now. It was strange one was at the atm or using it except this man from afar. He walked over. Popped out $500. As I said this is a true story, take it on faith. I also had an older mentor that would speak to his car. He named his car and refered to the car as "she." A female car. He would kiss it and hug it and pat it when we were talking and i really believed him. Final story. But not robots. Osho said his first relationship was with......a tree. He said in school he used to pass this tree about 4 times a day and he said the tree someone cared about him. One time he hugged it on a hot day and knew with full conviction that this particular tree was someone looking after him and cared for him. Osho said when he graduated school to move to college, he didnt care at all about leaving his parents or friends or teachers. He said he was only sad because he wouldnt see the tree. Osho claimed he somehow felt the tree was crying too. A year later, some fucking idiot cut the tree down to put in place a political statue or some shit like that. Osho said he was heartbroken. Some items to ponder.
  9. Osho has said there are two paths to the mountain. Path of love, or the heart. Path of effort and concentration. I believe Leo falls into the second path or this is the path of his choosing. In the end, at the mountain, you gain both love and total awareness.
  10. Don't take the phone thing as just "oh ok that's just an opinion." It's a serious, serious fucking toxic issue. Don't take it lightly or think it doesn't have an affect. It has a big bad effect.
  11. The hate he gets from me is constsnt facebook advertising that all modern men are weak beta pussy sexless idiots. After reading that a couple times I quickly unsubscribed. Hes not for me anymore. He used to be 5 years ago but now I find he cant influence me despite my intent i would like to believe he can help.
  12. @Russell Exercise, exercise, exercise, move your body in the day. Walk. Run for a little as well. Swim if you can. Do some yoga stretches or pushups or whatever works. Tennis is fun, martial arts are a cool thing, parkour is aggressive for the body but if you did that for 3 hours you'd sleep. Have you tried dancing at a club for 4 hours straight, with zero caffeine and drugs? Get off the phone. Get off the internet for a bit. Stop the spiritual over-seeking stuff, and let your mind 'reset' on its own. No more alcohol. A cool shower in the evening will put you out like an elephant tranquiliser- provindg you have moved and exercised in the day. I DONT WANT TO HEAR ANY EXCUSE FOR NOT EXERCISING. There is no reason you cannot do some form of exercise today. Even if you are in a wheelchair, you can exercise. Even if your leg is broken, you can exercise in other ways. Even if its snowing or raining outside, you can exercise. EXERCISE!!!!! And if you already exercise, double the amount. Your sleep will be fixed.
  13. @Roch Im here to help. My intent is care and I believe in what I write for you here. I live by this, I don't just talk about it. Here it is: The way to become more happy and feel better, is to PRACTISE feeling happy and better. The way to feel more confident is to PRACTISE feeling confident. The way to feel optimistic and strong, is to PRACTISE feeling optimistic and strong. - It is that simple. And because something is simple, there are two traps one falls into: 1. It goes right over your head 2. Knowing something is simple does not equate to DOING it or living it. -- If you are sincerely wanting to feel happier about feel better about yourself and your life, I must emphasis you have to actually DO something different. Not just talk about doing it, Not think about doing it, But actually DO IT. -- Knowing what to do and the thing you need to do is not the same as execution of that thing. You must become an executer of whatever you feel. Stop SKILL AQUISTION- like everyone on this forum ("Which meditation technique do I use?" "Hey Leo how much LSD should I take?" "Im not sure if I should sit still can I do this instead?" "How di I get enlightened some other way?" Stop the skill acquisition addictive, sweaty search. Execute. So here is 3 things where if you execute on them consistently over one month at least, and you do them every single day without skipping a single day, you will FEEL happier. And a happy life and mood is what most people want in life, even though they think they want 'things' or there situation to change. That is a false narrative, and if people knew all they needed to do was practise feeling better then sadly you would very easily have a miracle life. Here goes: 1. Meditating for 15 minutes in the morning, shortly after waking up (pick any style and just stick with the style. Trust yourself and trust you are meditating well). 2. Having a cold shower at least once a day for three minutes (Look up the Wim Hof method) 3. Looking at yourself in the mirror, for two minutes straight, say to yourself "I respect myself. I am a good human. I am worthy. I have a reason for being here even if I don't know it. Existence needs me. My journey isn't over yet. It aint over till I say it's over. I am going to be happy as I can allow myself. I am a good person." (similar things like this). 4. (Bonus). Practise daily utilising your will and INTENT. A good area to apply this is in your Hebrew. For example you can do, "Today I will learn one new Hebrew phrase and memorise it." Or you can say, "For the next 30 minutes I am only doing Hebrew." Or use your intent in another area. Your intent is already being worked with the previous 3 ideas, but pick something of your own, and something different every day, and practise using your WILL and INTENTION. Another example could be, "As soon as I wake up, I will make my bed just for today only." And then the next day you can say, "I will tell a funny joke to my parents today and do my best to make them laugh." Or the next day, "I am going to smile at that beautiful woman and project my intent that she is hot and I like her." Whatever works. -- Because those three things are so simple, and cheap to do, probably only 3 people on the planet will actually do it CONSISTENTLY and on blind faith. Don't get lost in the addiction for the SEARCH. Apply something. Ignore me if you wish, but EXECUTE on at least something. Talking about getting happier and fixing a problem, is not the same as just fixing a problem.
  14. That is great advise. Allow yourself to admire some Youtubers but just be aware of their shadow. Very sensible. Cheers leo
  15. Text her the specifics. My gosh.....are you actually asking this? There is no secret. Stop resisting the possibility she may so No to you. Use courage, and if she says no then at least you tried.
  16. The loneliness issue is not necessarily a personal issue to you. Many kids your age are experiencing it as well. Why now? Phone use and internet use is too much. People lack social banter now. If you invest some attention into learning to banter with old ladies, old men, children, girls, guys your age, bookstore will have a skillset few people will have in 10 years. Dare i say the skillset will be extinct by then. So young one- get out there and start talking to strangers about anything!!
  17. Ah so youre here to market yourself?
  18. @Emerald Im attracted to women that have a more masculine edge to them. Not masculine behaviour or traits but energy. What does that mean? (Sincere asking)
  19. Also cause you dared to ask, and yes, I dare to rebuttle! And I stand by this big time!.... Try masturbating with awareness, 12 times in a day. -With awareness- (but don't complicate this). This is actually quite a healing experience. It sounds so tacky so who would dare try it? Isnt that just making my sex problem worse? Actually for a short while you are not- because you are teaching yourself it is ok and healthy to let the sex energy flow. Once it flows in that way, you can get comfortable flowing it in many different means. Once you can flow sexual energy, then nofap because a walk in the park because you are not SUPPRESSING anything, you are redirecting it. Nofap is a violent, aggressive, cold activity the way it is described on most forums. Nothing but a host of shame and guilt and further guilt for men not having the willpower to refuse to look at a woman. If men were encouraged and allowed their sexuality, porn would have a place still, but a very different one with very different intent. There have been porn statues and paintings 1000s of years back. Sometimes in religious context. The intent is different to porn today because porn today, and the internet, to me is about a way to keep suppressing an individual and refusing to meet women. Rant over! Im off to dance
  20. @luqqzr Look, sadly you only got two choices. The first is to 'try and get to the core issue' whilst still having a sex drive but refusing to fully- totally- tap into it the way YOU want to. The other is to 'try and get to the core issue' whilst having all the sex, porn, dating and women you want. DONT HOLD BACK!!! Don't make an ego game out refusing to not hold back- that is ego. Only ego is half in/half out. Believe it or not, there IS a point you will exhaust yourself with this. Honestly this nofap stuff is bullshit **only to the person who has not first gone on a sexual rampage.** Do it with integrity, respect the woman and make sure she is not just having sex with you whilst compriminsg herself (yes there is a bit of care I am suggesting). Do not have women you feel 'off' about even though the sex is there. GO FOR IT!!! You will not regret it one bit. You WILL regret postponing this phase of your life. Exhaust this cycle to move to the next level. This stuff will always be secretly in the back of your mind; until it is not. Exhaust yourself. I will not ping-pong with you or debate you or anyone else on this for today because I will just robotically be saying the same thing. Do sex with a level of awareness, but beyond that, stop justifying to refuse it. Culture has tabooed sex. Man deprived of sex becomes dangerous to other men and other women and children. Man who DENIES HIMSELF sex will turn the danger in on himself......God help your fate deem you don't go there. So enough of the computer, go out and dance, or enjoy Said with best of intent
  21. Osho has said that meeting a true master scares a person. Because the master sees through everything and one feels like they are about to die. From descriptions here, sounds like Ralston. Jealous of Leo and everyone here who has met him!!
  22. Spot on agree with Leo on the warped perception that other people are "stealing the sex." That mindset has been deliberatly put into men via R.S.D. Evil.
  23. If you cant let it go, there is only one option. One single option- not more than one, only one. Fulfill your desire. If you find the bodies of women hypnotising, great. When I worked as a pickup coach one of the biggest sticking points was that guys felt lots of shame and half-in half-out with there sexuality. That was the only reason I would tell my clients to stop porn and wanking temporarily; purely as fuel for the animalistic man in them that desired sex with women and wanted to have fun with them (and those women wanted the same thing). Generally the difference with men and women on sexual conditioning (the taboo against sex) is: - Society can successfully brainwash women that sex is bad as an intelctual idea. However many women, even if they believe this mentally, the sex energy flows in their body regardless. Hence why its easy to convince women into sex and get them over hickups about how sex is immorale - Society is VERY successful at brainwashing men that sex is bad BOTH intelctually, and also in their body. Sex energy rarely flows through a mans body in this day and age in a healthy way; it gets stuck in the lower chakras and doesn't flow whatsoever. So Im complimenting you because it sounds as if you have not got that problem. Allow the sexual energy to move in your body, feel free to enjoy the curves of women, and talking to em is easy on this level. Talking to women is QUITE TOUGH when a man has a mixed agenda. That is the only concept I agree with early RSD (I don't like them at all)- that to have a clarity in your intent is massive. Clarity of intent, a strong intent, a single intent, is what culture robs us of. It is what Leo is trying to insitll in people rightefully through the harping on to get started meditating. Have single intent to convey sexual interest in women and you'll be questioning why attaining sexual gratification was so hard in the first place. And also to correct a common myth that married men can easily get more women; well, yes but not for the reasons people think. People think that "oh its because he is pre selected, and women are trying to compete for him" and all that bullshit. No!! It's usually because a married man that has lots of sex is USED TO having sexual energy flowing through him easily. PLEASE NOTE YOU DO NOT NEED A GIRLFRIEND OR WIFE TO PRACTISE ALLOWING SEXUAL ENERGY TO FLOW. And a brute way of saying that is; just get extra horny and allow the horniness to be comveyd in your intent. African men and primitive cultures are good at this. Western culture- which is pretty much all culture now- is horrible at this. Hence the phrase why white men cannot dance is very true. It's that the Western mind has barriers against any kind of expression. If you can learn to dance- not skilfully as in taking classes- but as in letting the energy flow, women will love this. NOT THE DANCE SKILL! But the expression of ooziness and sensualness. That is why I find bellydancers so hot compared to other women like gymnastics or modern pop song girls- its too rigid and calculated. The bellydancer lets the sex flow...….its turning me on right now as I speak lol. I got complimented numerous times on my ability to dance. I was a CONFIDENT dancer, not a skilled one. Big difference. Let the energy flow and the moves come by itself. This was my personal go-to. I would dance just for the fun of it, and girls were dancing near me and I could feel wanted to kiss and that's how things evolve. It's cheatcode easy. That's why pickup need be taught- how to catharsis. How to let things happen. How to let energy flow. And the pickup is a upside down, perverted way to try and get men to get hot girls; to get girls just get your sex energy flowing strong in you and stop holding it back out of some bullshit cultural taboo that it is wrong and sinful to be born with a penis.
  24. I wish I was as good with women as you are.
  25. @kieranperez That was inspiring to read. Thankyou for sharing this