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Everything posted by hyruga

  1. Of course, the ego and self-image are related. There are healthy ego and bad ego. In this case, we will refer ego as mainly bad. The self-image is what you think of yourself as. For example, if you think of yourself as someone who is capable of earning 50k a year and nothing more, you will act in accordance to that image. So once you earn an amount similar to 50k a year, you will stop working so hard and think it's enough. After contemplation, you now want to see yourself as earning more eg 100k per year or more. But what you see is different from what you feel. So your ego will come out and say 'No, you are not good enough' 'You can't do that' etc.
  2. Not exactly sure What is Kundalini but you can check out this video
  3. Your mind's job is to protect you from danger so it will come up with all kinds of dangers that might happen. For example, if you want to go bungee jumping, it will tell you the danger of heights and falling to death. If you want to drive fast car, it will stop you from going so fast.
  4. Thanks. In a way, yes I am the one observing my tots. What else can I do to become the new version of myself? Is it to exercise my willpower and be good?
  5. Hmmm what about intangible qualities like fear, shame and guilt? Is God in them? I mean, the Bible mentioned that God is Love. So if everything is God or everything is in God, then can we say fear and shame is also in God or is it just your own interpretation of things.
  6. Yes it is worth reading scriptures. However, I think I learn faster when I read through interpretations of scriptures. I was not spiritual when I was young. Always been a very Science person. I never read a single religious text till I was age 25 or so. Guess that's how I did so well for my Bachelor degree with Honours. But I need a lot of help when reading spiritual texts.
  7. But other than happiness, what else do we have? I mean is Happiness the same as love? What about peace, joy, energy, excitement?
  8. They are essentially similar. If you really want to make a distinction, you can say that screening tests are purposeful and conscious to the person giving the test. For example, asking how old are you and what do you do for a living? But shit test can be subconscious and happens automatically. Like if a waiter ask a couple a question, the lady will usually keep quiet first to see how her partner respond first. Then when making payment, the lady will usually keep quiet first. That's a shlt test.
  9. Don't focus on the tot. Be aware, notice the thoughts and see what bs it is telling you.
  10. You can check out this channel. This guy called Aaron helps people expand their consciousness. Some of the videos include letting go of stories.
  11. First, you have to accept that sometimes you are an overthinker. And overthinking has its pros and cons. Next, you have to let go of overthinking and just do things.
  12. Read this book: The War of Art (Not to be confused with the Art of War) Inside it teaches you how to overcome your resistance, how to get past your emotions and stop procrastinating.
  13. Cal Newport was 24 years old when he wrote that. I won't read it and I also won't judge him even if it's bad.
  14. You have to let go of the stories and the need for meaning. In David Hawkins' book Power Vs Force, reasoning is below love and joy. You have to let go of meaning to gain a higher consciousness. (I am not enlightened and I don't seek enlightenment so take it with a pinch of salt what I am sharing)
  15. Haha you are basically asking what is the meaning of life or whether there is a meaning to life. Plus how to reach enlightenment. All extremely tough questions with no direct answer. The last part on your life purpose: only you can find it for yourself but some people may be able to guide you. Hmmm...
  16. @Striving for moremoremormoemorem Don't be stupid. Ignore the black pill stuff. Relax. Just take the positives and ignore the negatives.
  17. The front part of LOA is not very useful. The part on manifesting your desires, thinking about your desires first thing in the morning sounds good on paper but it makes you become attached to the outcome. Only 1% of the people (the naturally good sales guy) are able to manifest a Ferrari car and get it straight through LOA. The next part: ask n you shall receive. There's nothing with asking. asking will increase your odds of landing a sale more often than not. 'You shall receive'? Not always
  18. I don't think girls are ruthless towards nice people. Or not to the 'nice' traits at least. Girls appreciate the good things done by men. But girls hate it when guys show weakness. You can be nice but don't show too much weaknesses. Also depends on what status the lady is currently at. Some girls tolerate weakness more than others.
  19. Be careful when you give too much of your energy, love and money away and getting nothing in return. You will get burnt out.
  20. From what you said, the guy is probably not so interested in you or he has a girlfriend and wants to stay loyal. Right now, you have two main options. 1. Escalate it and shows that you like him. It's all or nothing. You risk losing the friendship as well. 2. Ignore and don't bother seeing him again.
  21. Stop whining. It's just making music. There's tons of stuff out there that's more difficult than making music. For example, talking to event organisers can be even more boring and tedious.
  22. Just a newbie's video. Who doesn't know that you need self-love, set goals and boundaries?
  23. Did Mr Money Mustache reveal how much he earn from investing in index funds and from his work? He must have earned a lot to be able to retire at age 30. Realistically, no one will retire at age 30 with 1 mil so I believe MMM earns way more than that.