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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Awakening is apparently real when you are still identified as a separate individual. When Awakening occurs it's recognized the separate individual never existed hence the comment Awakening is not real. ❤ Because there was never a separate individual that could have awakened.
  2. Listen to what Peter says at the very end of the interview, he doesn't say you realize you are everything or higher consciousness.... what does he say.
  3. I honestly believe that you may not recognize that an illusion has the power to mislead. See you're saying it's not real so it has no real power. But if you're walking through the desert and see a mirage of water up ahead it has the ability to keep you walking for a fresh drink of water in the future. As you keep walking through the desert and the Fulfillment of getting your thirst quenched keeps appearing just further ahead. Wouldn't you stop and start questioning this apparent future fulfillment up ahead. This is what happens during Awakening you realize there was nothing missing and that the thirst that needed to be quenched wasn't real. Because you had water in your backpack the whole time. ❤
  4. What's being pointed to is that Awakening isn't real because Awakening is recognizing the individual that believes it could in the future become awakened was an illusion, a missidentification with thinking and stored energy in the body as the 'ME'.
  5. You just described a perfect definition of the dream. When it's recognized the thoughts that are identified with as the separate sense of 'self' are illusory, there's no more identification with those illusory Concepts that become created out of nothing.
  6. The main difference is additional Concepts were adopted there after it was recognized the separate sense of 'self' is illusory. See the sense of self cannot conceive of its own unreality so it will adopt whatever concept it can to keep itself alive. There were no additional Concepts adopted here it was just recognized as pure illusory from the beginning. So in a sense I'm not the one holding beliefs the beliefs are actually held there ❤
  7. It's actually not paradoxical when looked at closely. This is what you said: Its just you man, just happening, just god, just this...... What I am saying: that concept is absolutely 100% the Dream. The concept that there's something higher a higher source witnessing or possibly even dictating the outcome of circumstance. No that's the Dream. Completely different messages in fact the opposite.
  8. Yes exactly nothing is the topic of discussion here now no one pay attention. ? ❤
  9. I just wouldn't describe it as a state of consciousness I would say it's a deep recognition that the sense of self experienced in the body is an absolute illusion... reason being States come and go when this is recognized it's not going anywhere... The separate sense of 'self' always needs to experience more or the seeking energy will die which is actually what waking up is. When it's recognized the one that is seeking is an illusion it takes the wind out of the sail sort of speak and the seeking energy dies because it's recognized as being never real and that there's nothing to find anyways.
  10. I get what you're saying.. The illusion I'm attempting to describe is the experience of the finite individual within the body that believes it can become aware of something called higher consciousness... You're right ultimately it's not real but the experience is that it's real hence why it's called an illusion... Do you understand this?
  11. I'm scrapping the whole idea that there are states of Consciousness at all along with the belief that some are higher or lower than others. What's being pointed at is it's not a gaining of Consciousness, it's a dropping of Concepts that seems to cover up what's really going on
  12. I agree that's a great way to put it ❤
  13. That's interesting because they seem like completely different messages all together... like not similar in any way. I'm pointing out the one that believes it can become aware of infinite Consciousness isn't real at all, it's an absolute illusion or dream story. He's saying there is something or someone that can become aware of a this apparent higher state of consciousness. I'm saying that higher state of consciousness is part of the dream story and is Maya illusions.
  14. Who gains from higher wisdom? An illusion? There's nothing to gain because there is nothing in which could be lost....No thing is missing. The idea of wisdom would imply there's a path that can be taken that's better than another one in which wisdom guides a perspective individual in the right direction... this is absolute rubbish laddie. It's dualistic.
  15. It's just thoughts arising for no-one brother. With no meaning purpose or value attached to them. It's Freer than free. ❤ ❤
  16. I think the issue is you're addicted to feeling like you have some kind of special understanding above others. It's a specialness issue. Let's say for example you do recognize something called infinite consciousness. What benefit does that have in any way whatsoever you have no higher Powers you do not know how many fingers I'm holding up right now you cannot describe yourself to me if you believe you're God or not you have no powers whatsoever you're not special in any way.
  17. There isn't a 'ME' or a 'YOU' to have a higher/lower state of consciousness.
  18. They're just POV's/thoughts coming out of nothing under the false presumption they are an individual POV/thought. There isn't a better or a higher POV because the only thing that would think there's something like that is an illusion. It's the illusory seeking energy that believes something is missing and needs to be found for fulfillment to take place.
  19. @Consilience yes it would seem so ❤ I actually asked him if he recognized the entire sense of self was also illusory....not sure if he responded or not ? maybe I'll check one day.
  20. Of course it's okay, it's whole complete and perfect as everything is ❤
  21. That's awesome man that's what's being experienced there. Nothing wrong with it at all. It's whole complete and perfect ❤
  22. We are on a planet that has all the ingredients for life to exist as we know it today with unlimited potential. Human beings for no reason whatsoever have evolved enough to create an illusory experience of a separate identity within these human bodies. There can be an Indescribable recognition of this happening for no apparent reason whatsoever (Awakening) This happening is then recognized by no one to be empty and full, everything and nothing, real and unreal. Real in the sense that it's apparently what's's THIS... everything that is experienced is it. Unreal in the sense that it's empty of meaning purpose and value... there's no goal, agenda or outcome that needs to be fulfilled... in that sense it's pure unconditional freedom it's already perfect it's already whole it's already complete because its WHAT IS. No one or no thing is in charge of this Runaway Train or dictating which way the train heads. So in that sense there's nothing to do because it's already it. It's already Paradise it's already the Kingdom of Heaven it's already fulfilled it's already unconditional love.
  23. You're welcome and that's a great Insight... spot on ? It kind of depends on what you mean... the body can have conditioned habits and addictions to for example caffeine nicotine sex alcohol drugs food. You discovered there is no 'I' so you're asking if nothing has nothing does not, it just is or isn't. ?