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Everything posted by AlphaAbundance

  1. @AtheisticNonduality Is it mentally constructed though? I thought the pure love of absolute infinity is not? Or are you talking about regular love? Yeah that I can see as atleast partially being mentally constructed (although it seems some of it is semi-natural to humans like wanting approval, to feel safety, etc) @Joshi3 Lmao would you all care to add more than a couple of sentences. Its hard to understand the nuances. So are you saying you must actively frame it as a positive thing? How does one do that? @Epikur Thank you - do you think his philosophy is superior to all other philosophies? Do you think it will provide the best life? Also I'd make sure your not building an identity around him in case his shit happens to fall through and so that you can see other perspectives
  2. @Epikur I can't find that online. Sounds interesting and valuable. Where can I read up on it? What do you mean by "not super heroic"? You mean like not grandiose or "who has the biggest dick" self-improvement type shit?
  3. @Serotoninluv Wow interesting how so little words can convey so much. Simple and concise. Ok but how do I create meaning? What do I have to look forward to with the absence of meaning? Just pure survival + hedonism? Like what is there to do? Is it just Being™? Also for others please continue to reply - the problem is not solved yet
  4. @enhance Care to elaborate @mmKay Yeah seems like that video seeded a fucking nihilistic based depressed state in me. Been trying to understand its material deeper to this day. @EnlightenmentBlog Any recommendations on specific reads relating to meaning, nihilism, purpose, value, etc? @fluffy Appreciate it - will try to check it out. Do you thing those resources are helpful in curing nihilism based depression? I think I will need more of a "spirtual / enlightenment" based perspective
  5. Those two are the fastest methods to enlightenment and cut through all the bullshit. Why the hell would anyone seeking enlightenment NOT get shaktipat or stuff some 5Meo up their ass? We should be promoting these methods not meditating hours a day and other bullshit. These are easy peasy efficient methods (relatively). Honestly I'm fucking intrigued maybe there is something I'm missing or what???
  6. Haha I don't think you can get sued for this. Just look at how many people use other people's face and content all the time. Leo is basically a public figure, the most that could happen is a copyright claim / strike but this is close to a impossibility.
  7. Probability is a bit more complex than that, consider maybe the probability out of anyone on earth becoming enlightened in this lifetime may be .001% probability out of anyone with religious background becoming enlightened in this lifetime may be .0001% probability of anyone on this forum becoming enlightened in this lifetime may be 40% (might even be higher) but this just means out of everyone in this forum we can predict 40% will be enlightened in their lifetime. probability of those that contemplate, meditate, self-inquire and explore psychedelics for atleast 5 years seriously might be 50% (and for those that do it for atleast 30 years then the probability may be 95%) I'm really just making somewhat educated guesses (and pulling these numbers out of my ass) And with people talking about the great awakening, some probabilities might even be higher. The point being probability is a concept that is often (or even always) based on extrapolation of past data and may not even be able to be applied here. Regardless, from what I understand you are trying to say, anyone with high concentration, discipline and thirst for truth would have to be more likely to be enlightened. However, those traits can be developed and are probably a part of anyone's path of becoming enlightened. Furthermore, some say that enlightenment is so valuable that even if the "probability" is not high it is still worth it. And it is not like there is zero results until some massive moment of enlightenment (unless in extremely rare cases I guess). The developments in consciousness, mindfulness and awareness are palpable and beneficial even if you haven't became enlightened. And honestly if your not getting some results before some big enlightenment moment you might want to question whether this is all bullshit.
  8. @Rasheed Hell nah bro that is half valid - what someone wants to do may be a short-term / freudian type "id" desire aswell as someone might not know what is best for him. If someone is an ignorance --- and this applies to mostly everyone --- then it is might be best to follow the advice (with critical thinking) of the more advanced and qualified individuals. @Patrick_9931 It does seem to be the case, that it is an option to follow your desires and if you find out that path is optimal. After which, you stay with it if it is best and also adjust course if it turns out to be empty / unfulfilling. In addition to knowing directly that this isn't the best path (if it turns out to not be the best), this way you get to follow your desires and eventually reach the optimal path.
  9. What exactly are your problems? Like in a bullet list - an example might be "My problems are Confusion Social Anxiety Problems w/ relationships" Also what are the general thinking / emotions of these problems? Like in that format - an example might be " I feel depressed, sad and negative thinking that my work won't be received well, thinking that it all won't be worth it in the end I feel anxious, stressed and negative thinking that I won't be able to make ends meet, won't have enough money this month I feel (emotions / feelings) thinking (thought process / concerns)" This works for general / long-term thought and emotion processes aswell as short-term ones (like I feel anxious thinking that this guy will punch me). You can add the scenario aswell but it is the thoughts that illicit emotions not the scenario. This can be seen as a foundation to mindfulness and emotional awareness The video below aswell as the practice of journaling may be therapeutic and amazing for understanding / clarity on the thoughts, emotions and specific problems that you are facing not only for yourself but so that others can better help you.
  10. I would agree that it is better to have zero friends than useless friends. You could cut them off completely or "de-rank" their friendships to acquaintances (permanently or as a experiment) and just keep them in your network as you focus on other things. Also with friends it seems like it is beneficial to have it as a sort of "side-dish" to whatever your endeavors are. Like while working on a business or studying or following a hobby or whatever endeavor you enjoy / find productive - you can do it with others so friendships become secondary to your main purpose, goals and activities. That way you can become independent (and potentually focused) while creating like-minded friends. This also helps in the crucial ability to become okay / content with solitude.
  11. Hmmm may have been foresight but more likely than not just the effects of the drug - can you describe it?
  12. @Leo Gura What is your net worth?
  13. @Baotrader That's fair forgot he was a trust fund baby What's is the downside of contacting him? You lose nothing except for the effort of typing up a message which you are already doing here. If he looks down on you does that mean you are worthless? If someone let's someone else judging them as lesser bother them into thinking they are inferior in their own thoughts - that is what makes them inferior in my books. Also we dont even know if that was the was the "real" future could have just as easily been imagination. Are you actively trying to develop foresight abilities? What is your plan? I dont think that the fact of not getting foresight abilities means your trip was not valuable didnt you have some other insights, lessons or valuable experiences?
  14. You might have to go watch the video a second time to get the exact videos he mentioned - I doubt anyone has a list laying around. Someone might remember some of the videos he mentioned or Leo might have a list himself If you want to catch up it might be best to just start from the beginning (or if you don't want to watch all his videos (which is probably best) just go wherever you stopped watching his recent videos)
  15. Ayyy let me get to know him hahahaha but forreal if you know this guy you should ask him to be your mentor. To get back on topic, use his email or look him up online and just say you have something important to talk to him about. If it is in the future he will keep that in mind due to how random you contacting him would be - you can then contact him in the future or he might even contact you. However there is the fear of confirmation bias if was happens is in the future.
  16. Validate this foresight by getting in contact with him
  17. @Mafortu I believe that works the other way around
  18. @Buba I love you just the way you are ❤ The way you are is perfect ?
  19. Where can I research about this? Read this email and response?
  20. Interesting read Do you believe in a finite god? Or are you considering this viewpoint?
  21. Wait what is the projected breakdown for the world's spiral dynamics percentages? @chisel I think it is incorrect to say most are in stage red/purple @Leo Gura I'd say these conspiracy theories are atleast worth a second glance --- what if they happen to be true