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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @Ishanga When people create stuff, they care about their creations to a certain extent. Why an Infinite Intelligence who has created Everything with Incredible Detail just not give a fk about It's Creation?? What does it actually mean to say that God doesn't care? Also you haven't explained why God wouldn't care. Even if people kill themselves, they still may go live in another plane and ultimately all pain and suffering doesn't last forever. Life has its ups and downs. A God who cares doesn't mean that everything will go our way. But it means that in the Big Picture there is always hope and beauty to be found. A Random Universe would be totally indifferent. But God would not be totally indifferent.
  2. @Leo Gura I didn't realise that LSD was such a powerful stimulant. I won't trip more than once in a single day, otherwise the overall stress just becomes too much. Evening should be for your body to rest and come down of a drug, especially when dealing with stimulants. What's funny is that i have taken 2 tabs of acid once in the morning. And i didn't have any negative physical issues whatsoever besides becoming mildly psychotic. And when i took 2 tabs of acid, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, it was just too much. So it's not only the dosage that matters but also how you space it throughout in the day. Have you had any bad experiences when re-tripping (IF you have re-tripped) with LSD in the same day?
  3. @Grateful Dead Thank you for the positivity. I needed to read this. Sometimes Reality gets very very dark..
  4. @RendHeaven I think i was over stressed with high blood pressure because i tripped again in the afternoon. But nothing serious has come out of it. And only once i have felt this. Maybe it was also due to too much vasoconstriction.
  5. @Staples Nothing is really obvious. I have drank coffee multiples times a day and even sleep deprived with 0 issues. Same with magic mushrooms and many many other substances.
  6. @Thought Art Have you taken LSD in the context that i described? I have taken 1 tab of acid 3 separate times with 0 symptoms aswell.
  7. @Unlimited I took the same dose. I did feel some mild effects. But i was definetely not near as high as the 1st time. What i felt mostly was my body being over stressed. I should not trip in the afternoon but rest instead. LSD is a very strong stimulant and i think shouldn't be taken multiple times a day.
  8. @Razard86 I also believe that God cares. It doesn't make sense to be Infinitely Intelligent & create all this stuff without giving a damn about what happens to your creation.
  9. @Breakingthewall So you mean that God has no Will ultimately?
  10. @Razard86 What do you mean God is Love? Do you mean that God accepts whatever arises within it?
  11. @Leo Gura You've said in other videos that the Universe/God can have feelings & etc. Doesn't that make it personal? You don't explain why God has to be that way. Why God has to construct such an animalistic and vicious Universe where ''he'' doesn't give a fk what happens to you? If God can do whatever, he could create a world where he can incarnate and not need to kill other beings to survive. Also How would you feel living through the lives of the terrorists below? Talk about Living Hell ...
  12. @Thought Art Why doesn't it serve? I don't understand the reason why. Also opportunity for what?
  13. @vibv I wish i could access this WIll but i can't in this state of Consciousness.
  14. @Leo Gura I don't get it.. Why doesn't Reality serve us? If i am God, can't i create whatever paradise i want?
  15. @Thought Art Thank you for the solid advice. It rings true when i read it. I find it very hard & torturous to love sh*tty things...that as humans we don't like.
  16. @Leo Gura This is exactly why i don't like God. God puts people in horrific situations that they absolutely have zero contorl over, since of course there is no free will.
  17. @Princess Arabia Thank you for your loving and supporting post. It made me feel better and i really appreciate your gesture
  18. @UnbornTao I've had Enlightmnent experiences and at least a couple of God-realisatons. But these experiences don't stick with me . I believe in their value but sometimes they seem pointless because you always return to your usual, low, stup*d state.
  19. @Ishanga If it was basic level of Consciousness then most people would have it but they clearly don't. And noone is free to choose his level of Consciousness. Life traps you in a sense.
  20. @Thought Art Yes i know that God is an experience you can have and i've had that experience quite a few times. But now i don't have it.
  21. @Vladimir There are times of my life where that was my direct experience & everything made sense. But always some sh*t would happen that would turn my life upside down and leave me totally confused and directionless.
  22. I have been taking hydroxyzine on and off for the last month. I take a moderate dose of 50mg at night. I don't abuse this substance or take it daily. I just take it whenever i feel it's needed. Yesterday i took 50mg and then afterwards, i was feeling some weird sensations in my kidneys. I cannot be sure that it was my kidneys, but it was definitely close to that area. Also i was feeling some sensations in my back. I did not feel anything bad, terrible or worrying though. The feelings felt more like something was being pushed off inside a tube... And i wasn't experiencing these sensations before taking the drug. I have experienced this other times aswell. Not every time though (i think). 2 months ago i did some blood tests & i was okay. I don't currently have any serious medical condition. Can someone explain what is going on and whether it's wise to continue taking this drug or not? Hydroxyzine seems to be one of the safest drugs out there and is great option for short-tem use. Ιn the package insert οne of the side-effects listed is ''kidney disorder'' which i have no clue what it means.
  23. Many times.. i experience feelings of hatred towards corporations, business owners & etc. Because i see that they have excessive amounts of money (i know this is relative) BUT they are still super greedy and super selfish.. I don't understand why they pay their workers/employees the least amount of money possible. It would seem wiser to me that they paid you enough money so that you can feel more content. I know this is a tricky subject that i do not fully understand. Could someone please explain why these corporations seems so selfish and so despicable at times? I believe one reason is because most of these business owners have grown up into extreme privilege and have not experienced the pain of poverty. Below is a recent greek news video. Today a former employee of a big shipping company entered the corporation building and killed wealthy bosses and 1 emlpoyee before taking his own life.. The perpetrator was a 70 year old immigrant man.. And these greedy bosses even took away a house that they had given him. Mind you these bosses owned ships & etc, so they were incredibly wealthy... This a great exampe of too much selfishness backifiring..