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Everything posted by flowboy

  1. @Shrooms_Alvarez are you familiar with Kilindi Lyi? Taking 25-35 grams of shrooms (dried), martial arts instructor, fighting spiritual entities in parallel words and coming back to tell the tale. What a legend.
  2. No. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are GABA-agonists, they are foreign substances that either pretend to be GABA and fool the receptors, or make the receptors more sensitive somehow. And because they're not endogenous substances they can have all sorts of nasty side effects or damage the nervous system somehow. (benzodiazepines shorten lifespan, research says) This is literally GABA.
  3. I've had extensive talks with psychedelic therapists and their sessions are not like that. Psychedelic therapy is done at the layer of reframing beliefs and thoughts, similar to CBT. Which goes faster under the influence of psychedelics, for sure. But the underlying trauma is not released. And you really should not do that in psychedelic therapy either, it's incompatible with it because it opens up the repressive system too much. Unaddressed trauma, when it pushes up to the surface, creates anxiety symptoms, panic attacks, hypervigilance. And it will keep pushing up as long as it sits there. The problem I see is that people want to take magic pills that will help them get a cure in a few sessions, and "reframe" their trauma. It doesn't work that way. These issues come from tons of emotional pain that was incurred at a time where you were too young and vulnerable to fully understand it, so it's like a debt that has to be paid. You pay that debt by feeling. Feeling the unfelt emotional pain that was stored for later. That's how you become free of symptoms. Like this dude: Psychedelics have helped me a lot with insight and growth, and I went through a phase where I was super hyped about psychedelic therapy, but I no longer am so hyped. I think psychedelic therapy is a faster, better version of CBT, but it's still pretty surface level, and going to deeper layers of trauma under the influence of psychedelics is just not safe, and not something psychedelic therapists (should) do.
  4. Well I can teach you how to work through it in the comfort of your own living room, without substances. But it’s still going to feel emotionally difficult. I do think that is the best way: just exposure therapy by repeating social behaviour can work to dissociate you from your real self and just build calluses on your personality… which means the socialising would not feel fulfilling to you since it’s not your real self doing it, if that makes sense. @Shrooms_Alvarez playlist for you, hope it helps: and the link in my signature might be interesting to you depending
  5. An acetylcholine boosting brain nutrient like DMAE might also help. Never tried it for covid because I didn’t know about it yet, but now I take it for winter depression and it seems to work wonders. Combine with choline. Only starts to work at day 4 or so
  6. Do not use psychedelics for trauma and deep rooted anything, it is not safe. Do trauma release sober. As for how: I have a course on it and also free videos on my YouTube
  7. In my experience they worked instantly. But I didn’t take them for covid related brain fog, it was a different brain fog (adhd/sleep deprivation/exhaustion related) so it would be an experiment. They’re harmless though
  8. Does not make sense in my opinion. What would you do if your genetic profile shows an increased risk for diabetes? You would try to eat healthy, minimize sugar intake and minimize blood sugar spikes. Perhaps take metformin if you're a biohacker type. But: you should do that anyway if you're into health. Don't need the test for that.
  9. Clearly snake-oil
  10. I actually got it several times, every time it was my own fault for taking a supplement that had a high level of vitamin B6. Apparently I'm sensitive to that and get the pins and needles and muscle twitching easily. But it went away after I stopped taking it. I'd try taking a high quality fish oil to remyelinate your nerve endings, and actually keep the multivitamin if it's properly balanced. And perhaps the nerve growth stimulating effect of psilocybin microdosing could help too.
  11. Anyone looking to medicate sleep issues should give picamilon a shot, I looked into the biochemistry of it and it looks natural-adjacent and healthy to me. Just a vitamin B3 coupled with a GABA molecule, the B3 helps it get through the blood brain barrier. The body then breaks it down back into GABA and vitamin B3 which are harmless. I like it, taking it occasionally when my mind is too active to fall asleep. It's freely available through online nootropics vendors.
  12. @Carl-Richard I had the covid brain fog too, the first time. I was quite panicked because I had never experienced such a mental incapacitation before. I've had covid again since and didn't get the brain fog again, it was no big deal the second time. I take Astragalus supplements when I have brain fog, they seem to clear it up nicely. This plant boosts the immune system in certain ways that also helps it to clear out viruses.
  13. Yes. And taking MDMA with SSRI's (which Zoloft is) is really dangerous, what are you doing.
  14. Yes. Basically this. Social anxiety comes from trauma (people are by design not aware of what their trauma is so you might have an automatic defense against this statement) finding the trauma and working through it fixes the problem permanently. Though it can take years, at least it's a permanent solution that will grow you and make you happier in other ways too. As for the question whether MDMA improves social anxiety: yes, for the 2-3 times a year that you would take it. But only during those trips. And you could only enjoy the benefits at parties where other people are doing drugs, and the "mdma face" is socially acceptable. It's nice, I did it, but I can't say it improved my social anxiety beyond those party nights.
  15. All true but you should really stop throwing around the term "narcissism", I do not believe you know what it actually means. But let's check that: how is narcissism defined according to you?
  16. So if you agree with the stance he takes, you're automatically a fan boy who is projecting a father figure? Not sure where the gurus and ideologies thing is coming from, that's neither here nor there since Elon is not a guru nor an ideologue. He's not really preaching anything or convincing anyone of his stance, he's just acting on what he believes in a powerful way. And making a complete ass of himself on his own platform, that too.
  17. @An young being I didn’t. Just corrected it. Maybe one of the mods trolled me by changing it when they assigned me all those warning points? Dunno 🤷🏼‍♀️
  18. I’m no exception. I think that’s the move. Could you please elaborate on this more? What retreats and activities? I went to TNT level 1,2, then 5 and 4, then 1 and 2 again. (Thenewtantra.com) Gained 4-6 friends there who are into spirituality and business. I went to Puja Lepp’s Primal childhood deconditioning retreat, which is the best therapy retreat I have ever heard of or come across. (Pujalepp.com) Gained one really good friend there. I went to Toastmasters and gained a friend there, he invited me to a men’s group and gained another friend there. I went to a 10 week acting course and gained a good friend there. All these people are still good friends and replaced the drug friends. Are you a social person (I'm assuming you are)? I’m not a recluse, but I’m more the tight inner circle of 4-6 kind of guy , I’m not extraverted. Although I suppose I have about 8 close friends, but not all of them I talk to every week/month. How old were you? I was 26. How did you meet your girlfriend? She PM’d me on this forum because she liked my journal.
  19. @Inder This sounds like birth trauma symptoms that got leaked because LSD weakened the repression system. We all have some trauma stored in our system because of being born, which is very traumatic, but for most of us it is safely locked away by repression. Birth trauma symptoms tend to be very physical and visceral, involving the heart and gut, cramps and pains, and the feeling/thought content is usually related to death, almost dying, wanting to die, or fighting for life. I've seen it many times where LSD weakened the repression and now someone has new symptoms that get leaked. It's a guess, but it's my best guess. If you'd like to have an explanation, read Imprints: The Lifelong Effects of the Birth Experience, and The Biology of Love, both books by Arthur Janov. If those books make sense for what you're going through, paths to healing will follow from there. Definitely do not take LSD again, if my guess is right, the advice to continue with psychedelics is dangerous and will make it worse, not better. https://www.amazon.nl/Biology-Love-English-Arthur-Janov-ebook/dp/B002IPGX38/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_nl_NL=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=P8SICW8342O7&keywords=biology+of+love&qid=1674590805&sprefix=biology+of+love%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-3
  20. Good reasons, but proven to be not good enough to make you stop. It's good to acknowledge this. No judgment here. Why? Could the lack of significant results be blamed on the partying? How many small bets could you have made if you hadn't been partying or hung over? If you want to make a successful change, it's good to think of yourself not as one person, but as a system of people. You have many different modes. Right now, you can contemplate and come up with all these good reasons to not want to do this partying and drugs anymore, but your friday-night-and-bored self is a different person with different priorities, and will not value these contemplations as highly, if he remembers them at all. Therefore, to change a system, make a systemic change. Cut contact with the party friends and consider relocating. Anything less is probably not going to work. Once you cut contact, you will need other people to socialize with. I certainly did. The hole needs to be filled. So you need to fall in with a healthier crowd. I went to a bunch of retreats and activities through which I made more ambitious friends with a healthier lifestyle. You need a couple of those too, so that your need to socialize is covered. And find a compelling "why" for yourself. If you want to have a life purpose the way Leo defines it, go do the course and execute, no excuses. If you don't need a life purpose a la Leo, that's fine too, then find another compelling why / vision, and find new friends with similar values and goals.
  21. Yes. Some years ago I was drinking and snorting speed every second week-end or so. Now, I don't do any of that shit and have not for 4 or 5 years. I might have a few drinks once a month. I stopped hanging out with people who do party drugs. First I moved to a different city, which was enough to lose touch with them. Then I even moved to a different country. Besides the mundane stuff like gym, household chores and grocery shopping: playing chess / reading at coffee places, going to the movies / spa with girlfriend, talking and having non-alcoholic drinks with friends, going for the occasional hike, doing some work for my business. But besides that, I think the real answer is "I started having a really important reason to not get fucked up on the weekends" - basically, I started entrepreneuring and know that nothing will come of my ambitions if I don't spend my leisure time in a healthy way. If you've got a kushy job and no ambitions to work on on the side, also no children, I don't see a compelling reason why you would quit partying. Why do you want to?
  22. @Emotionalmosquito You're in a prison of your own making. You choose to not have a job You live with your parents Your mental health is poor at the moment, otherwise you wouldn't have such negative attitudes about things Your poor mental health makes you needy And your social calibration is poor too And somehow, you expect a hot girl to jump on your dick with her bloody vagina and STAY THERE to become your girlfriend? For what future prospect, what can you offer her at the moment? You have an extremely negative attitude, so you're not going to be fun to hang out with. Neither do you have anything going for you career wise. So you're not going to be a boyfriend to be proud of I doubt you've got a healthy circle of friends who respect you, which she could socialize with and give her the feeling that she made the right choice. Nothing. Your value proposition to women is all cost, no value at the moment. It's completely irrational to think you would get a quality girl to become your girlfriend in this state. You're the male equivalent of a morbidly obese woman with a mustache who doesn't wash herself, expecting a prince on a white horse to show up to her house and propose to her. Here's the way out: Get quality therapy to up your mental health Get a job and a life purpose so you contribute to society Drop the diva attitude about it, you're not too good for a job, in fact you're at the bottom of society now, having a job would be a step up for you Invest in some retreats to help with your social calibration and connection to women If you do not fix your mental health, you are just going to become more bitter. Pickup is not going to work for you from this state, believe me.
  23. Sure but with high stamina and no cost of living you could exponentially grow your business faster with 8 hours more a day… you’d get those savings too without distracting yourself with a job