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Everything posted by flowboy

  1. For the same reason Primal Therapy was "discredited" Something that's too good to be true (can help with many different mental problems) and also makes people independent from pharmaceutical drugs they have to take every day, wherein there is much more money to be made, can not easily anchor itself in society. Society has success barriers and ego backlashes just like individuals do. Also, psychedelics make you question authority and think for yourself - not exactly something that "the system" wants you to do. But "the system" is not any sort of elites - rather it's just the unthinking masses. There's no ultra rich people trying to keep people stupid - 99% of the 99% are stupid enough to do that all for themselves (make bad food choices, being close minded, rejecting things that could help them because they don't understand it), and they will try to make everyone else do that too, like crabs in a bucket. The masses will drag you down. The masses will be scared of enlightenment, psychedelic therapy and primal therapy, and demonize it, and vote to ban it. Your evil elite doesn't exist - it's just stupid people with no self control, and mid-level corporate people trying to make a buck by playing into that. The closest thing you have to an evil elite, is Coca Cola paying schools to put vending machines there, so the kids get hooked on caffeine and sugar young, and Big Tobacco paying off government to keep cigarettes legal, things like that. It's just corruption. It's evil, yes, but it's not a master plan to keep you stupid. Just a plan to make money in an unconscious way.
  2. @Chives99 No
  3. Yes, but for how long? Invariably, the magic doesn't last because people run out of serotonin reserves. That creates chemical depression. You can hope and bet your life on being an exception to the rule, that's up to you. I think it's foolish and you should switch it up, use LSD for a while, which doesn't deplete you, and only take MDMA every 2-3 months.
  4. @A_v_E I was making a point that clearly went over your head. Takes some emotional maturity. This nondualityism is not helping anyone, you're just repeating what the guru said.
  5. What? Stop over-intellectualizing. Go after what you want and risk getting hurt. Then move on.
  6. Did you do any research at all? Depleting your serotonin multiple times in a short time can lead to severe chemical depression - the inability to feel "fine" for a loooong time.
  7. Awesome quote I don't think a daily weed habit is helping anyone. It certainly didn't help me. Even when Leo experiments with it, he doesn't make it a habit.
  8. Imagine your dad asked his people whether creating you would be helpful to his self-actualization and spiritual awakening or not. So self-centered, right? Children are helpful to get out of self-centeredness.
  9. That's tough! Sorry to hear. If she's like that, chances are you have other colleagues who consider her a problematic person, and would back you up if it came to her story versus yours, right? She's projecting something onto you. Some "type of person" she hates for some reason, she got hurt in the past, it got twisted, now she hates a certain category of people, which only exists in her mind. You're projecting something onto her. A past situation that felt unsafe, with yelling or aggression. Perhaps being bullied, perhaps an unpredictable parent. I'm not saying I would handle this perfectly. But here is what I think you have to do: Get out of her category. Get her in a one-on-one chat. Don't frame it as "resolving our differences", don't address the problems between you at all. Talk until you find some commonalities. It doesn't have to be much. If she likes cats and you like cats, now you're already not that "type of person" in her mind anymore. It's going to cause cognitive dissonance. Because her category is a storage bin for everything "other" to her. Everything she doesn't like. Her shadow. In order to get her to have coffee with you or whatever, I think you have to be so nice and socially correct that it would be socially unacceptable to say no. Be a bit persistent. Worst case, she'll avoid interacting with you at all, because you annoyed her with your friendship.
  10. Take risks. Trust.
  11. When another guy comes sniffing around, it’s a game of who can stay the most cool and detached. If you can ignore him and keep a strong vibe with her, demanding her attention, that can go well. If that doesn’t work, you can physically carry/move her away and take her home. I’ve had that happen once, some hot but immature girl started sitting on some guy’s lap while we were out. Because she didn’t feel like I was giving her enough attention or something. I just commanded her to come with me in a strict tone, and then we had sex in an alleyway. But I was also immature, so I still had the inclination to play that game. Did you overreact? No. She was rude and immature, and sometimes that’s a way of testing you, and you can pass the test by ignoring it or forcefully taking her back, but it’s up to you whether you want to play that game. You certainly don’t need to, and can just find a woman who is not a teenager on the inside.
  12. Great I’ll try that. Do you have a YouTube channel btw?
  13. Yes, video and voice messages as soon as you can. But also: don’t text for the sake of texting, just exchange one or two niceties and push for the meet. Unless you already know and have met her. in which case just be yourself
  14. Interesting. Doesn’t it make you look away all the time, sort of ruining the flow? Leo doesn’t look like he’s peeking in his videos. I wonder how
  15. I have a similar question: where do you keep the notes? I tape them to my tripod at the moment but it’s a bit clumsy.
  16. Java is widely used and there’s a lot of jobs in it. Microsoft’s C# is winning some ground on it. But a good programmer can get started in any language in 2 weeks anyway. Except Haskell.
  17. @StarStruck I didn’t say it was “bad”. I said a substance habit is self-medication. To compensate for trauma usually. For lifestyle factors too, like lack of sleep, too much ejaculation, toxins. It’s to compensate for something. I didn’t say it’s bad. Coffee’s bad for the stomach and gut due to the acids, so drinking it on an empty stomach is not great, and for caffeine sensitive people it ruins sleep no matter what time you take it. But that’s not enough to say that everyone should quit coffee. It depends where they are in their health optimisation journey, how far they want to take it. Also taking it away really helps to deal with whatever is the reason you need it, be it the stressful lifestyle or the diet or the underlying trauma, but if you’re not planning on doing that, you’ll have a hard time staying quit. It’s normal. 80-90% of people have childhood trauma and have no idea about it. Its also why people smoke. when I see someone smoke, I just see childhood pain consuming the adult’s body.
  18. Approval from others is a neurotic motivation, FEEDBACK (seeing how what you do affects people positively) is NOT. I’m hugely motivated by interacting with the people who benefit from my work, and if I wasn’t interacting with them, my work wouldn’t be as good, it would just be a solitary mental masturbation. You’re 29 and you think music is your life purpose, even though you don’t play any instruments. That makes me think you’re overlooking something more obvious, which you already do for friends without knowing, because you don’t value it, since we never value our zone of genius properly. But if you think it’s music, then START. You can theorise all you want, all of that is wasted energy if you find out you hate playing instruments, or you don’t have a good ear. Make the next YEAR about music, sign up for classes in 3 different instruments and commit to recording something 4 times a week and playing for people (even if it’s in the street) every week. And get a band of other beginners together with whom you meet and play songs every week. That’s how you find out whether something is for you, AND you get direct feedback, which will be motivating. So you don’t have to wait for 10 years to build a channel, or whatever theories you have in your head. Reality is much different than theories. Go do it!
  19. Don’t underestimate how quickly a woman can go from ‘somewhat into you’ to ‘ugh why did I do that’ when you show her needy behaviour.
  20. This is childhood trauma without a doubt. Yes, you should start healing it! Read Reclaiming Your Life by Jean Jenson Go to this retreat i'll post videos youtube on how to do childhood related self-healing in the future.
  21. Get her to do Primal therapy. Preferably go with her and both do it.
  22. ..., primal therapy, regression therapy, self-regression, self-primaling, inner child work, shadow work, bioenergetics, ERT bodywork, reiki, following my youtube channel where I will upload a complete guide on how to resolve trauma in the future,...
  23. @UpperMaster It works, but the dark side is that you never "get there". Getting away from something definitely is a way to get going, however, you'll never actually feel satisfied with where you got, because what you were trying to resolve with your action was in the past, and present action can't fix the past. So yes, if the choice is between apathy and trauma motivation, I'd say get after it son. It's how I got out of apathy. But also, there's a high chance of pursuing inauthentic goals and taking unnecessary detours. And the delusion will be that once you resolve the trauma, you'll lose motivation. The opposite is true, but it's very counter-intuitive and will be hard to believe from where you're at. The more you heal trauma, the more motivation you have for doing what's really important to you, and the clearer you can actually see what's really meaningful to you. Healing trauma is like wiping the windshield clear. Therefore, I suggest a combined approach.
  24. Fresh turmeric is great, you can combine it with ginger and make a tea out of it. Just beware that it will paint everything permanently yellow.