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Posts posted by Huz

  1. 2 hours ago, Naviy said:

    Did this tonight. Set alarm clock at 4am (usually I get up at 8am). Then did 45 minutes of Awareness meditation ("Meditation for Beginners" from new Leo video) with eyes closed.

    It felt very comfortable to sit in this sleepy state with eyes closed, and I almost did not drift to sleep and was pretty aware all the time. Sleepy state gave me much more patience and stability with no decrease in awareness. 

    Then I went to sleep again, slept more than usual with vivid dreams. But from my lucid dreaming practice, which I did a lot, I know that it is always like this - if you wake in the early morning, then get really awake (drink tea or go to cold shower, for example), and then go to sleep again, you will have crazy vivid dreams. So meditation does not affect it.

    I think it is useful to train both meditation states - while being sleepy and also while being fully awake. This will make the meditation experience more rich and probably will lead to better results.

    How have you managed to develop lucid dreaming? Something I have never been able to do but want to. I only dream but never think I am in a dream when dreaming.

  2. On 7/1/2016 at 3:26 AM, Leon Bell said:

    Even when I do smoke, now that I raised awareness it just seems silly.

    My body is still physically addicted, but my mind is telling me to get it together

    Whose body? Whose mind? I beleive your mind is the influencing factor in the addiction.

    Realise that you are combining the components of the body-mind and are labelling them as yours. The bodily sensations, mind images and talk are being combined in such a ways tricking you into thinking that you are addicted. Of course "you" will feel withdrawal symptoms because you have associated yourself with them. When you get this symptoms, sit  did down and shine awareness onto them. See them for what they really are, separate them out so they do not work together to trick you and be comfortable with the sensations for what they are and the addictions will drop.

    I have been doing this recently with my hunger - I am seeing that when I have an urge to pig out it is the combination if my body an mind. With low awareness you think is you doing that. With higher awareness you can see they are completely separate and you will be able to acknowledge they are there be accept them and be ok with them.

  3. On 2/24/2016 at 8:01 PM, Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj said:

    Relationships has a tendency to change or fall apart completly on this path so I was just wondering how your relationships has changed since you started to practise self-inquiry.


    Personally this "me" has gotten very detatched from "others" and it's getting even more deeper. It's so hard to sweep stuff under the rug and if you to you will become conscious of it almost directly. I have gotten more sensitive to other peoples feeling and a sense of sadness for the world sometimes arises. But I actually feel that me relationships are at least getting more honest. It becomes harder and harder to tolerate chimp stuff, bulshit and ideolgical concepts.

    This is victim mentality - I do it all the time. Thinking I am getting detached from people, but realise that the only thing that is telling yourself this is your identity/ego and that is an illusion." You" are projecting things that your ego wants you to believe onto relationships to cause you suffering and making you believe that your alone in this journey. When I experience this I think my identity is trying to make me quit this path becuase it is "lonely" (but that is bullshit) and go back to living unconsciously. And there have been times where I have nearly gave in. Its a sneaky game it is trying to play.

  4. 17 hours ago, cetus56 said:

    @Huz88 Yea, I pay no attention to the images. That's only distractions. Artifacts of the mind. What was interesting though was the feeling of dropping into deeper levels of awareness. It felt as if I was falling towards a void beyond all play of the mind. I guess the mind won out because I did bail. In the video he talks about remaining aware even at the deepest levels. He said "that's a big deal". Next time there will be no bailing out! Here is what I experience, If I realize I'm heading toward a really deep level, I bail out. But if I'm just there suddenly, out of nowhere, than it's all cool. I'm there already, too late!  I've been in the absolute void before. But when I realize it's coming, I hit the eject button, I guess. So what's that about?

    @cetus56 I think you as an ego is afraid what is in store for it. From my experiences, the times when I go into deep states during the day it is normally a gradual process. The journey is gruelling, a lot of fight from your identity within that comes though mental talk and body sensations. As you said in the your next post, you have experienced something which cannot be understood by your mind, something that you had been completely unaware of for your whole life. It must have been a shock. It seen as a sort "spiritual" death (not physical - but analogous to dying), realising the thing has been trying to control your whole your whole life isn't the true you. You are going to be shit scared but I guess keep on going. There will be massive resistance. I recently came back from a retreat and had some interesting/deep insights - but when I got home, it was like hell and I was shit scared when I was going to sit down on the cushion. It is defiantly passing now - I guess it is just part of the practice.

    Out of curiosity, what were the experiences like when you suddenly dropped into a deep states of awareness? How did you managed to do that? Was it spontaneous?

  5. 1 hour ago, cetus56 said:

    @Huz88 I would say more imagery than daytime. After both head nods there was heightened clarity and focus. When I watched the video he talks about exploring deeper levels of awareness. I remembered that when the meditation was really still and silent and it suddenly seemed like I started to drop deeper. I felt as if I was moving downward and some illuminated visual things were flashing by me. I couldn't really make out what they were. I had the impression it was leading somewhere, than suddenly it just stopped . I may have caused it stop because it was so different. Maybe I mentally bailed out? But that in itself did seem very interesting and something to explore again. I should have just let go and let it happen. Oh well, next time maybe. I'm glad to hear you had a great experience. It was well worth it. I'm glad we all got together and did this. Nice!

    There are various ways to reach the sub-consious. The surface of the sub-consious can be reached by mental talk. To reach deeper levels of the sub-consious you can experience mental images (you can reach deeper by the experience of bodily sensations). So I guess as you were becoming more mindful of your mind, you experience images that your mind flashes back at you. This is because you were experiencing deeper parts of the mind. Don't let the awareness get attached to the images as we do with mental talk. This is just a distraction, just notice them from a distance. Incorporate all of the sensory experiences in your awareness not just the images. But good stuff!! yeah it is really interesting.


    33 minutes ago, Oneness said:

    Sounds dope, ill try it tonight.

    Which meditation technique did you guys use?

    I start with vipassana, then when my focus/concentration is acute enough my awareness increases. When i get to the point where my mental noise isn't so much of a distraction (with this night sitting it wasn't really at the start, whats why i could get to deeper states faster and because the body is very relaxed) I let my concentration/awareness expand to all sensory experiences and then "do nothing". It is like you are caressing the progression of your awareness.

  6. @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj Oh my god yeah!! I forgot to mention that about sleeping after the sit. It was so weird, it was exactly how you described it. I didn't really sleep much, my eyes were wide open but I was so relaxed that it felt like sleep but aware of the sights!! We had pretty similar experiences lol 

    i am doing this indefinitely ?


  7. @cetus56 Good stuff. Did you notice any signficant differences from meditating during the day? How do you feel now? 

    With me I started a 45min med at 2:30 am after sleeping for around 3 hours. Was surprisingly easy to get up - felt less resistance to actually getting up in the morning lol. I found it easy to keep awake during and no nodding off in the sit. What I noticed was how smooth and quick it was for me to get into a deep state of meditation. During the day it can takes like 30 mins for me ( if my monkey mind is racing then it wont) to breathe about 3-5 times a minute (roughly speaking - an estimate). But last night it was virtually instant - took like 5-10 mins by my guess. My mind was virtually switched off and meaning I could deal with the pain way easier towards the end. I felt very concentrated but very relaxed at the same time, and super present. I reckon from this method it would be easier to induce Samadhi experiences so going to stick with it. I didn't have any visualisations. When I woke in the morning I felt quite the opposite and unrelaxed, insecurities, monkey mind have come up so I guess we are on to something here lol.

  8. Yep, Charlie is absolutely right here. I used to smoke heavily and I just suddenly quit within the timeframe of when I started self-actualising. I never brute forced my way into it, it just spontaneously happened. It was like a shift inside me internally. It was so easy and I have no urge to smoke now. Start a meditation habit, raise your awareness, look at yourself and how you feel inside and out when you smoke and you will realise the absurdity of what you are doing. Not grounded in your thinking but int awareness.

  9. I recently watched this video

    I am wondering has anyone on here developed a practice of Yaza, a zen technique. It involves breaking your sleep cycle in the middle of the night to do a sit. Apparently it is massively effective at boosting you meditation practice. If you haven't seen this technique then watch the video. Getting back to the point, has anyone on here started this practice - if so can you leave any feedback of how it has affected you.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Quizzer said:

    @charlie2dogs THAT. RIGHT THERE means you don't know what you're talking about

    sorry bro

    I think you misunderstood him. He said enlightened beings, people like the Buddha, Eckhart Tolle. They are self realised and completely have become self-liberated. They dont get sucked back into illusions. You probably had a samadhi experience or a glimpse into non-duality which isnt that hard to obtain. But you dont experience consiousness from that state permanently so you do get sucked back into illusions. You are not an enlightened being.

  11. On 6/27/2016 at 2:44 PM, Mal said:

    I resonate with this a lot. Now, since the weekend, I have become aware of how much of an unconscious and ignorant person I am. I thought I knew something, but it's only now I realize that I truly know nothing.  Even all my life experience as an ego pales into insignificance as just flimsy knowledge at best. Its so much easier to take an objective view on my behaviour too and see it for what it is without too much involvement. I get the feeling that lif long patterns can fall away now without the struggle. The good part is that as I come to this realization I'm actually learning more from the inside. I was just saying to a friend earlier that I will probably never read another book again! Which sounds a bit extreme, but those who know will know this feeling.   

    What happened during the weekend?


  12. I think it is important that you do some study on epistemology if you watch is a site that stems from a person who uses the information to benefit his own life, with his own personal preferences and values. Be mindful of the information you allow your mind to take in. Some of the stuff will suit you and some will not.

    From my point of view a lot of the stuff I have learnt from him and the forum, with very wise people, has massively helped me. It has given me more emotional harmony, cut down my bad addictions, given me the love I had been denying myself for my whole life, it had been helping me see through the biases of my own knowledge, made me less attached to the beliefs I held so dear - this is been so helpful because it lets me listen to crazy/wacky ideas that I would have never contemplated before (I mean isn't that whats it about? fuck clinging to a set of single ideals about life, that makes it so one dimensional and boring. I love listening to people opinions now because my mind is waaaaayy more open and less dogmatic. Just more free!!), and created a general space up there within my mind which i have been longing for, and COMPLETELY STOPPED my bulimia. I can say that out of all the shit I have allowed my mind to be influenced by in society this has been far the most helpful in my life (not calling this shit).

    I love Leo and all you guys for this :D xx

  13. 8 minutes ago, charlie2dogs said:

    hey bud, the only way i know to answer that is this,  if i talk about god to everyone, they will believe, and in their minds know that i am a religious person. sometimes our words define who and what we are.  religion is a tool created to control man, even the idea of god was part of that so i try to distance myself from that and stay with reality.

    I guess you have to be careful about the labels you use when talking about this stuff to others. Something Yogananda dis very well apparently when he came to the west from India.

  14. 7 hours ago, Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj said:

    Shit! I can't sit for even 10 minutes no matter if it's in a chair or cross legged without my feet starting to turn purple and blue. I have no idea wtf this is but it seems scary. I can only do walking meditation and I just tried lying meditation... Has this happened for anyone else? If you happen to know anything PLEASE let me know! It's the difference to being happy or suicidal depressed for me really.

    And yes I know it's okay if the nerves fall asleep if anyone wanted to say that but this isn't about THE NERVES it's about blood circulation.

    maybe if that is the difference of your feelings that you should give meditation up for a little bit to deattach yourself from it.

    Hope you are ok dude! go to the doctor to see whats going on

  15. 1 hour ago, charlie2dogs said:

    quantum physics is the only thing i would recommend, i didn't understand my own life until i got into that. one of my favorites is Amit Goswami, even in quantum physics many believe in a god, i am not a believer of anything, and i dont suscribe to a god creating what exist around me, consciousness is the great creator, and that is giving your body life and creating your little world around you.

    you are a believer in consciousness? Can label consciousness as god who is the great creator. But how can you state consciousness the creator, isn't that another belief? just a question that entered my mind.

    Yeah I was quite surprised that you are into quantum physics. It is my favourite part of uni physics. The mathematical models physicists have created are incredibly accurate and match well with experimental data but there still are issues to deal with and approximations used at my level. Can I ask, how it it enable you to understand your own life?

    Is it the fact that we actually have no fucking idea whats going on becuase that theory, as beautiful and intricate as it is, to me shows how little we understand why the universe is the way it is and how our minds just cant get to any conclusion at the moment.

  16. @Mal

    Interesting. I am familiar with spiral dynamics but nice to see how Altruism can be applied to it.  

    Out of curiosity what are your actions that would take yourself from orange through to green through to yellow. How would/did you transcend these stages and what was the most effective for you. If you choose to model your psyche in this manner. This is quite a broad question but I am a beginner in Personal Development and interested on your journey.

    Also, I think that Leo should make a video on Skepticism, I see people taking a lot of his principles on blind faith on the forum.

  17. 19 minutes ago, charlie2dogs said:

    actually i havent watch many of his video's so i cant really comment.  and your next question might be something like, well what are you doing here, i didnt come here for personal growth, or seeking what i already have. i came to share the reality of my experience as a being of consciousness and the reality of that.  There is nothing to seek, no journeys to follow, no teachers to cling to, no practices to adhere to, its about a state of being of the real you inside of that body that you wear, living life in the moment as the master of your own being.

    I wasn't planing of asking that. I am very grateful that you are here. Your advice is helpful for people on the forum. I think Leo's videos can easily fool you into make enlightenment a goal, and your contribution puts things back into perspective.