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Posts posted by Huz

  1. 11 hours ago, Natura Sonoris said:

    @Lamp Hello :)

    I have been using Holosync for quite a while  and all i can comment about it is absolutely positive. Only thing you should worry about is instructions and keeping the habit and the rest will come to you.

    Leo himself used it for a while and he gained results from it, but he said he prefers normal meditation without audio aids and the reason for that is simply because some other meditations are more suited for inquiry and enlightenment  work (for example ''Do Nothing'' ) which was his current goal at that point, and Holosync may not be the best meditation for that but it is not any less effective. My personal experience with it says otherwise, since i had some amazing experiences with Holosync like Kundalini awakening (i think it was Kundalini since it was very very powerful and really hard to describe... closest i can describe is like having epileptic seizure in very pleasant form but only if you let it happen to you )... Also i had few experiences like being omnipresent, being outside of my mind etc.

    But the goal of Holosync is purge all the emotional garbage from your subconcious mind which in theory can be cleaned so ego is less hectic because the thing you realize after you meditate for some longer period of time is that you can not actually do nothing to change ''yourself'' because there is no self you can control. There is ''self'' that is being experienced but you have very strong illusion of control. So only thing you can do is to observe it with awareness which is goal of most meditations and let awareness ''fix'' the ''self'' because you can just observe the thoughts you have and not react to them which is killing the illusion of control and thus increases happiness you get (if you can understand what i am trying to say here).  

    Now, the important thing with Holosync is that you need to follow the instructions. You start with Awakening Prologue and you lsiten to Dive for 2 weeks (if i remember ) and then you add Immersion and you listen to both for 4 months. After that you can start with actual Holosync CDs and here is copied instructions :

    CD1,2,3,4 correspond to immersion tracks that are combined with CD that has Dive track on it. After that you just repeat the process with every Awakening Level. After that, you can decide if you want continue with Purification and Flowering because it will take lots of time to complete (5 - 10 years). But for what i experinced, it is totally worth it and besides if you do not wanna meditate every day for rest of your life, why you even bother in first place. Btw use high quality headphones since most of them can not play all harmonic content (low vibrations) that are key for Holosync. So invest like 50 dollars but after level 4, i think you need some that cost more than 100$ + that are capable of reproducing all frequencies as they are. Most brand are bullshting when they say their model can reproduce 20 hz (i know this from experience since i am audio engineer and music producer). Get some Sennheiser, Akg, Beyerdynamic or Sony ... and keep away from those Beats by Dre or any other hyped up crap. I have these ones

    I use them for my studio work and they are really good. Ask if you need any more info about Holosync :) 

    I have these!700000001497021!151116243354!!!g!!PRODUCT+GROUP&device=c&ds_kids=92700014708845703&PLA=1&gclid=Cj0KEQjwp4fABRCer93Klpaki94BEiQAsXJMGg_MMJnnRT5Ws-4bDkRElZn5vSsxUQ4db7xDqwGDingaAoMP8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds what do you think of them? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Tancrede Pouyat said:


    I remember reading an Ayahuasca breakthrough experience report where the guy became fully conscious of what it meant to take 100% responsibility for your entire life ! I interpret this this way : don't take anything for granted. 

    What does taking responsibility look like in a VERY tangible way in your reality. What does it entail specifically, I don't mean  some abstract definition by just saying "take 100% responsibility for uour life"

  3. 29 minutes ago, Psychonaut said:

    I should also start making videos so people pay attention to what I say and talk about random neurons firing in my brain that somehow turned into atoms vibrating in the air which turned to more neurons firing in someone elses brain and through some kind of a miracle gained some value in the process.

    Already on it but why you gotta be so rudeee


  4. 35 minutes ago, Orange said:

    How do you know this? 

    Firstly it got replaced by General Relativity. Then you start to notice that GR cant describe phenomena in reality in absolute terms ( doesn't fit with QM in singularities) even though the tool it uses like differential geometry is very intricate. Hell who knows maybe in 50 years there maybe another theory that is more accurate then GR and uses the model that space is flat instead of curved.

    And these theories are limited too our subjective senses.

  5. 49 minutes ago, Azrael said:

    Yeah, I thought this as well as I saw the video, but I would've hoped that he came up with actual, good critique. He is basically mis-interpreting Leo here and laughing at him. This shows me that this guy himself is completely delusional and trapped in his spiritual ego (even if he claims to be enlightened what he might be - you can still be an idiot and delusional after your awakening).

    I like Leo's video because I have experienced most of the things myself and it's very important to know that they are normal and will pass. Leo says at no fucking point that angels, visions or what so ever are real. He says it seems real - which is actually the case if you have seen something like that. But that's about it.

    Also, as he said: Be open to what can happen. The rational newtonian-worldview we are brought up in is not sufficient to describe reality as a whole. No framework is, that's why it's so ridiculous that this guy makes such a video - not seeing his own delusion.

    So yeah, of course you should be skeptical to what Leo teaches you, especially if he goes far out with things like drugs or what not. But if you really do the research yourself (as he does I guess most of his day) you find that he doesn't just come up with things because he is bored. But if you just watch something that you can't understand because you are not open enough to at least research it yourself and then laugh about it or misinterpret it, doesn't help you very much here.

    And I myself find a lot of descriptions from guys like Rupert Spira or Alan Watts more fitting then anything else, but in the end these are all just pointers. 

    Yeah I thought the same. I thought he is just doing it to get some sort of recogistion.

    Leo's content from the video say that these are possibilities that could happen during meditation. So when I heard about the out of body experiences I didn't get emotionally attached and saying shit like "this is complete bullshit and not possible" etc. This dude's mind is not open and clings to ways meditation should be. He also has similar views toward psychedelics. Closed minded to the possibility that 5-Meo is not a magic pill. Maybe he is right. But he went on to say that there is absolutely no magic pill that exists in nature which is closed minded so I wouldn't follow this dude.

    1) because we got enough people telling us shit. 2) all answers lay within (do the work yourself), don't need another dude saying what to do 3) he is closed minded

  6. 1 hour ago, Dodoster said:

    watch from this point for 30 seconds or so.

    Leo merged with his lamp! :D

    His language used to critique Leo (when leo says merge with emptiness) is just as untrue as Leo's. Language cant be used to describe this shit, so why is he going into such depth to change one fucking word he says lol. 

    But never the less seeing critique on Leo is helpful to develop skepticism.

  7. Thanks guys so much for all your support. This has been so helpful. Like really fucking helpful and i am so grateful for your advice. All these comments have helped so much. I see how I am clinging to my world view and my "problems" like a fucking cat holding on to string. 

    @Azrael I am going to print out that post and read it every time I feel down. Its all about surrender. And learning to enjoy the times in which you feel shit. A bit of a Laissez Faire attitude.

    Leo's video this week was the most uncanny timing and watched that also with his "be FUCKING patient".

    This actualising family is the best  :x

  8. I have been following Leo for a year and a bit and there have been periods where I implement habits but i fall of track but I have stuck with meditation and been meditating on average 1-2 hours a day for 6 months. Sometimes I would spends most of a day meditating for weeks (i think it was due to being a recluse). I suffered from a weak ego, which always compares myself to my family members (I am the youngest by far), who are making money, doing creative things, travelling, and living a fun life. And I idolise them. I have lost initiative because I let my older members in family walk all over me and tell me what to do, how to behave and act. And this makes me socially anxious because my self image doesn't like being walked over so I avoid people. And I have lied to a lot of people in the past to make this "cool" self image "real". I had a tough childhood (beaten at school, a lot of shouting, fights, throwing glass, bullied).

    However, I do acknowledge the amazing circumstances I have been brought up in and the oppotunites my parents have given me, it makes me feel guilty that i feel this sad when in retrospect my life shouldn't have anything to complain about at the moment.. I been doing enlightenment work because I saw it as a way to escape from the ego and end suffering, so i reclused from life for the past 6 months staying at home trying to convince myself that this is the right thing to do. But I have seen that I have been using this as an excuse for avoidance and escaping my life. I also created spiritual dogmatism around it and get pissed at people who disagree with me. All these feelings come and go but I am feeling it hard now. I am also scared of intimacy because my previous relationships have been fuelled with low-self esteem but i see other people having success with women and when i do i get these reactions in me which make me lonely and the need for companionship.

    Also, I had a tough time tackling bulimia and thought i conquered it but recently i have done it a couple of times. And my addictions to porn, TV, youtube fluctuate. I get these urges to start smoking, drinking and just doing drugs again but i am just using brute force not too. And I have started to feel suicidal again after a year and recent breakdowns of anxiety and fear. I feel like I am losing all the work i have done because things where going well (health and work) but i feel like i am back to square one. Maybe this consiousness work is bringing up all this junk within my mind. Or maybe this post is a way for my to procrastinate and to get people to feel sorry for me. I dunno

    At the moment I cant find the motivation to do anything. I study maths and physics and I want to do a PhD in cognitive neuroscience and spend time trying map consiousness to science in some way (i have no idea weather this is authentic, but when i came across this idea i felt very happy but my mind/ego was involved a lot of how this can make my life interesting and accepted by people - I think my ego wants to be like Leo and the success and impact he has had on people). But i dunno what to do where to start and my self image doesn't agree with this, constantly hindering my work at uni because it wants this "cool" life like people in my family who are having fun, parties, relationships, sex, being creative, making money etc.  And now i feel people who are in my family don't really see this as path (for a PhD) noble or a worthy and now it is becoming less appealing to see through.

  9. 33 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

    The drug experience is a forced, phony experience, but because we don't know the real, the phony seems to be right. If you have not seen the real, then even the phony is too much.

    The drug experience is so cheap and the meditation experience is so costly, because you have to go through such effort. Then by and by the mind starts choosing the cheaper one. Mm? It is the path of least resistance, so the mind says "Why bother?" The drug can give you something so easily, then why bother with Vipassana -- sitting and meditating and struggling hard? Why not the easier way?

    I don't see why both cant be used in congruence with each other. Do psychedelics say once every other month to deepen you practice, open your mind and obtain insights. Then it would give you motivation to do consciousness work even more. You probably take the path of least resistance a lot in your life. Say for example, I am guessing, that you use mechanical transport to get around town. That is the path of least resistance. You don't apply the same ideal of not taking the path of least resistance in all areas of life. Only to the parts which bolster up your belief system, and beneficial to your ego. Yes doing psychedelics is taking the path of least resistance in some aspect, but if used responsibly it can be a powerful aid for your spiritual practice. Just like driving a car is for your life. If you use the car ALL the time and don't walk, it would be unhealthy, just as if you trip balls on acid all the time it would be irresponsible and damaging to your practice and health.

  10. 6 hours ago, SoulSugar64 said:

    I'm familiar with this, I do also.  I don't call it a phobia I call it an "aversion" to answering the phone or engaging in the conversations.  You are disinclined to answer those calls for a reason and you might want to explore those reasons.  A couple of my reasons were- 1. It is so hard for me to get focused that I didn't want to be distracted and it took me a while to not feel guilt and realize it was ok to have boundaries.  2. I don't feel like making small talk or having the uncomfortable conversation with someone who I don't have that much in common with.  3. I felt like it was frivolous.  4.  Since I don't call them, I know most of the time when they call its with bad news or petty news or gossip - something I am not interested in or the want me to do something and I am going to have a hard time saying no.  4. I was going to be made to feel guilty for not keeping in touch.  5.  I am not inclined to talk to anyone at the moment.   6.  I was in my zone (my mind)and didn't want to be impeded upon.  6.  ...and the list goes on....I might be having anxiety that day and just don't want to engage with other people. 

    It seems that they way you feel is all about you and you can either accept it and get comfortable with it, or let it bother you.  I finally just started telling people that by now they know how I am, and I am that way across the board- I want friends and people in my life who allow me to be me.  Leave a message, or send a text, or note me on Facebook - when I am in a place where I can engage I will.   For me its more about having my space and time and thoughts to myself, but that is how artist function.   I have learned to feel no quilt about it, and now I expect people to meet with were I am and how and am don't try to be who others want me to be.   I accept this about me, its not something I want to change.  Is this something  you really want to change?  It sound like you value your time, and space and boundaries but feel like you should be like everyone else who is walking around distracted  almost 24-7 with mindless conversations, and just engaging others in order to not focus on themselves.  They are outward focused and you are inward focused that is just the way it is, and I bet you have always been that way.

    Thanks a lot! The list of your reasons are very similar to mine also. I can relate to 1,2,3,4,5,6 oh wait thats all of them hehe. I guess it starts of with acceptance, and the if the matter improves they thats nice but to be ok when it doesnt. Yeah I am definatly an inward person. Been tough in a society who values external goals and extroversion. I guess i will let this go because it is getting in the way of my meditation and enlightenment work :) 

  11. 1 hour ago, Allinthemind said:

    Calling it a phobia helps people to relate to the severity of your response. I'd put it more into the category of (informal) social (performance) anxiety:

    Do have anxiety talking to everyone on the phone? What about with video calls? Do you suffer with social anxiety generally?

    There are a number of ways to approach this. What is your core fear in this situation? Not being able to see the other person's responses? No being able to speak when you are panicking? Do you need to know who you are speaking to? Or how to control your panic?

    Away from the phone call situation you may be able to gradually build confidence dealing with your anxiety in stages, then building into your program a phone call conversation (desensitisation).

    Have you tried having a face-to-face conversation with someone whilst simultaneously having a phone conversation with them? You obviously don't need to be connected by phone, but this practise may help you to dissociate your anxiety response.


    No, not everyone. But some extending family members, and those i don't really know. Friends who I wanted to impress and people who I don't really know. I don't really video call anyone other then my family, but i think i would get anxious. I used to suffer from it badly but it is improving.

    I am believe it is due to my strong perfectionism. I want the call to express myself fully. I worry about not having the perfect call which doesn't make me seem fun etc. I worry about silences and me not being at my funniest. I act like this sometimes in real life but it is know way near like my expectations that i put on myself on the phone.