
Death - Ways To Remind Youself

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Anyone here got ways to remind yourself of how soon your death and the unpredictability of your life, to make yourself liberated from fear and to make yourself hustle for accomplishing your goals. For example, the random nature of strokes.

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Put a poster on your wall or buy some artifact reminding you of death.

Don't ignore videos, news coverage about certain accidents, don't ignore gory images either.

Save videos or articles of rare and painful conditions, re-read them once a week.

Inform yourself about the chance of dying.


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Take a walk at a graveyard and look at how old they got, especially the ones who died young and just walk there and look at the stones and just pounder it.

And also: 




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Observe and experience it as close as possible. My Dad died a few months ago... He was a brilliant man but in the end he didn't even have his mind. However, I was fortunate enough to be there for his last few weeks.  He was off of life support for 16 days and couldn't even eat or drink, we had to use wet sponges to hydrate him. My family and I insisted on caring for him at home... so I was able to observe his dying process carefully. I recorded those observations in a journal daily. I also took pictures of him everyday, to the point we visited him in the morgue.

I made a slideshow of those 16 days and anytime I feel down or worried or sad or fearful, I pull out those pictures and look at them again. I remember  his love of life, his struggle and fight just to stay alive although his body and mind were already gone...

So I would recommend volunteering at a hospice or something around the terminally ill or if you have a relative, spend as much time with them until the end and keeping at least a journal of it... There is nothing like experiencing the dying process to contemplate death.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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