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Everything posted by AncestorOfAisle6

  1. If you realize others are imagined by you, does it make sense to tell those "imagined" characters that? Like, "Hey, made up humans, Just realize that others are imaginary". I only know I exist, but others claim the same. Does waking up (or any other God realized pointer words) answers this question? Or does it remain a mystery?
  2. Crypto scam didn't workout. Starting a cult now.
  3. It sure does! Thank you.
  4. Do you have a loving support system In your surroundings?
  5. Do we need to ask before you are going to share it?
  6. By becoming a Spiral Wizard.
  7. In this video the two dudes here claim to become "undeniably" telepathic while taking LSD, DMT & nitrous. Did anyone here have had experiences like this before?
  8. Really depends on the kinds of music and mood. And I doubt listening the right kind of music will prevent you from getting triggered. How about stop listening to music for a week. See what happens.
  9. Low dose of shrooms to test the waters. maybe 0.5 to 1 gram.
  10. You kinda start to transcend the spiral dynamics model, so nothing "needs" to be done.
  11. I've tried eating the seeds; I did not have a good time. Felt really sick and slightly delirious. Never tried extraction, but that seems to be the way to go if you want to get anything positive from LSA.
  12. @Leo Gura Isn't there some overlap with regards to seeing through the ego?
  13. I prefere Lsd atm. Shrooms give me a massive headace the day after. But both work out just fine if you're starting out. And everyone has their own preference. Just try them out and see what you like most.
  14. My experience is that when you "break through", ego death and all. There is no you to die. Just eternal consciensness. The fear is just gone then and seems silly. But it gets back when ego return. Albeit a little less. I guess you need to be non dual all the time
  15. Why is it so hard for insights and Enlightenment experiences to stick? One moment I see and understand the next moment back to dense consciensness.
  16. @Leo Gura I feel like the ability to love has become harder in the daily grind as an adult in comparison when I was younger. It feels more stoic now. Any ways to open up again?
  17. 28, Male, I stumbled upon it about 5 years ago through Youtube. The stuff really resonated with me. Especially when the spiritual stuff came up because Leo has found a really great way to introduce these subjects to... let's say, stage orangish people. Biggest pain points would be mainly worrying about job, financial situation and life purpose. The job I have is OK but I know that it's not really the thing I wanna keep doing, even though I have no idea yet what that would be (LP/dreamjob). Also I really need it because I have a household to support and thoughts about fucking up and getting fired regularly haunt my mind. This results in an almost constant feeling of anxiety in the background which comes in waves and also fucks up my sleep and appetite. My greatest strengths in spirituality are I think being somewhat gifted into reaching altered states of consciousness. I meditate very inconsistently but when I do it almost always feels like a light psychedelic trip within about 15 minutes. I pretty much always get visual distortion and sometimes it feels like I'm spinning, falling or losing the feeling of being in a body. Also I've a few enlightenment experiences with fairly low/medium doses of psychedelics, mostly non dual/ego death but even god realization once (That really freaked me out). My concentration is not that great and lot's of monkey mind but self inquiry and deep existential questioning has always been a part of me since childhood. So I think that with the help of psychedelics it was easy to see what I've always subconsciously suspected. Worrying about uncertain job situation. Getting stuck in wage slaving for years without having time to find out what I want and self actualize. Sometimes thinking about wasted opportunity, although that is getting less. Really active and creative mind that just won't stop. It has a strong need to express itself but I does not know how and is insecure about it. So it half assess or never finish it. Meditation a few times a week usually half an hour. A thing I do which works really nice for me is walking at night in a quiet area just doing witnessing meditation. Doing psychedelics every once in a while mostly mushrooms. I'm currently trying to find out what my LP is I would say. I've used to do a lot more creative stuff back when I was younger but I got depressed for a few years and lost interest. Now I've got a household and have little spare time which is a problem combined with being a not so structured person. I don't even know what my greatest vision or goal is right now.. I can't make up my mind. I do however know that spiritual enlightenment is something that will definitely come up if the lower Maslow pyramid stages are met. I don't think I can just go on living the orange or green live for too long with all these enlightenment experiences. Those where the only times I felt completely free.
  18. They say this song will make you enlightend
  19. Not yet. "Unfortunately an inaccurate title: the study did not find DMT in the human brain, only the enzymes that are involved in its synthesis"
  20. @Joseph Maynor What does teal feel like?
  21. To the people who have done multiple psychedelic trips for spiritual proposes, Did your baseline of consciousness increase after doing many trip over the course of a certain period? I know you can reach incredible peaks, but how much of it 'sticks'? Also, would tripping regularly substitute for meditation or yoga if done properly and with right intend and setting? I'm curious what your experiences are