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Everything posted by tenta

  1. The irony is that what Jordan Peterson was defending is what caused him to break down over, he was saying the individual should conform to the group and be able to be tough or else they're weak, but when he got mobbed on twitter it changed to "a bunch of people hating you is very difficult to deal with", and that's WITH a group of people defending him and sending him money.
  2. It's not difficult to see, saying you are pro-America takes no bravery and they are just being conformist, just like Jordan Peterson isn't revolutionary.
  3. - Too little time spent studying hard sciences, they are valued in society more than other fields of study and seen as more impressive so I should have spent more time learning them despite studying being based on dopamine levels, genetics and book quality. - Should have brushed my teeth more. - Not enough working out. But really I'm just going with no regrets.
  4. The hate Novak and dr Buttar got is a good example of herd mentality and closed mindedness. Ofc we don't want mandatory vaccines, untested vaccines, untested 5G, spying, authoritarian measures and hostility towards people questioning those things.
  5. That could be stage green too where a more loose way of reasoning is used, with more relating. Again the reason is because he hits the points that appeal to stage blue and orange, this is more obvious in older Jordan Peterson videos. He is right that authoritarian communists are wrong and that people who are falling into the same patterns as them today are wrong, like someone hating on working class landlords because they sell land. And criticizes people expecting to leech off UBI in a first world country (which btw discourages people from working, would make prices go up and other welfare benefits go down).
  6. Because he hits the points that appeal to stage blue and also orange. He doesn't just use word salads he also makes some valid points, like how his criticism of UBI isn't bad, but then turns around and says things that are clearly closed minded against socialism or something he disagrees with, with logic that wouldn't fly unless his audience already agreed with him.
  7. Notice that's your bias, you're wishing happy birthday to Leo, not others.
  8. I don't believe it's just that, it's also him being uncharitable in debates and looking for any way to aggressively nitpick Bernie, he also agreed with someone else mocking Bernie for his heart. You have named those examples, but how prominent are they? Not as much as you'd expect, he has more debates against Bernie supporters than against conservatives (where he relies on ideological talking points such as "these communist countries failed therefore you're wrong"). "we only value knowing the truth if it benefits our life" could be interpreted as stage orange self bias.
  9. I just don't use facebook, it's not good and there's lots of bragging and fakeness.
  10. Who isn't even stage green and is just a horseshoe theory centrist who hates Bernie.
  11. Voting with your wallet doesn't change the plan of executives and CEOs.
  12. That is true, you aren't going to follow in someone else's footsteps if their life is different in a million ways.
  13. Who cares, no reason to care much about teachers, take what is right and ignore the other stuff.
  14. I guess the forum is roughly: T - 10% Y - 5% G - 60% O - 25%
  15. That's a duality. I don't know, maybe you aren't going far enough with how much reality is being dreamed of.
  16. I guess am between brooder and reasonable person. Also I don't know why human calculator is on the top of lateral reasoning, a calculator is not lateral.
  17. How do you know? Also I believe it's not just your brain chemistry deciding dopamine levels, it's your genetics in general influencing your life, then deciding dopamine levels, which then influence motivation negatively or positively, which can then decrease further decrease dopamine levels. That makes sense, if someone had low dopamine they could try to use closed mindedness as a defense mechanism.
  18. Too little reliance on proof before believing things like that.
  19. This seems circular. And you are saying there really is an ego and someone to be enlightened?
  20. You could have a bad trip and Leo has said you shouldn't take them if you have depression etc.
  21. Nobody is actually going to be able to get their hands on illegal drugs like that and psychedelics and be risky.