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Everything posted by SageModeAustin

  1. @Raze why? he seems like a meditation dude. theres plenty of that.
  2. how do you guys manage solitude/loneliness? I'm on average alone in my apartment 5/7 days a week with little social contact. I talk to one girl, and a few guy friends. Besides that its basically me myself and I. Any tips on actually enjoying your own company?
  3. @Roy hmmm yea maybe this is just my path and nothing wrong with that. TRUE. i thought of a list sky diving stand up comedy exercise exploring abandoned haunted buildings playing the flute climbing extremely tall skyscrapers photography sailing scuba diving camping and contemplating my existence
  4. @Byun Sean AH YES! attunement! i remember teal swan emphasizing this thankyou for reminding me. and yes agreed @Regan facts. ty
  5. I took this girl on a date to a comedy show. It went really well. I didn't kiss her at the end because my "intuition" said to take it slow since things are going so well don't rush into things so soon. Also we drank a few drinks too, so I didn't want it to be the first kiss on the lips (ive already kissed her before on the cheek). I think she kinda likes me now because she told me indirectly. I was a hardcore pick-up RSD guy for five years, did bootcamps, etc. So every pick-up cell in my body is saying i should've went for the kiss, but as i get more into personal developent/enlightenment work i realize that rsd pickup tactics "work" but not really in the long term. i think that power>force is more important, like being cool and going with the flow and not really forcing anything. (dont get me wrong if i feel like i really wanna kiss her ill do it) but i find it difficult because it feels like two parts of me are constantly fighting over what to do. ive never had a succesful relationship in the long term and completely new to this relationship stuff so im not sure if im going about this the right way...can anyone help me out a bit here?
  6. @Leo Gura thetigerbelly podcast...BOBBY LEE!
  7. @Roy wellll its more like it feels like im missing out. almost like everyone else is having fun, while im down in the dumps clearing karma. i cant think of any hobby that could possibly suffice that. the only thing right now is stand up comedy but that high only lasts a few hours
  8. @Roy if im on psychedlics then yes..but right now everything seems so black and grey and like a chore. even games. i quit gaming a few months ago becuse it just made me depressed
  9. @WaveInTheOcean i like your idea. i think you might be right with the letting go of EVERYTHING. i guess maybe im just bored and stressed out with college etc. the sex doesnt seem too appealing atm as my consciousness isn't interested unless its romantic based (i went thru a fuck-boy stage and really did all that for a while). drugs i cannot do because of my new mental health goals. i like the idea tho i think you might be right, i think i need to just dissociate from this world/identity in some cathartic way
  10. @tatsumaru hmmm. i think david hawkins teachings apply best here. what does "the extreme weirdness of transcendence" *feel* like? Does it feel hot in your chest area, your head, your feets, your balls? where do u feel it, dive into the experience. thats a practical way of "solving" the feeling. as for the intellectual answer to ur question. i would follow your own intuition
  11. @Natasha cool thanks im listenign to it rn
  12. @WelcometoReality kournaling? you mean journaling? yes i journal daily and i have a gratitude journal i do daily too
  13. @Natasha yea i could do that, but its extremely boring. do u honestly feel content and satisfied just drawing? if when i draw it feels as if im doing homework to go against time. its almost like every hobby, every activity do is a pushback against the universe's shit its throwing at me mentally/spirtually.
  14. @Nahm so you're saying if someone says "life is meaningless" your response would be "is that meaningful to you?" ?
  15. @Nahm true. its how you interpret experiences.
  16. @Javfly33 I did rsd for five years. Rsd/pickup culture is totally different from spiritual/self development work. Two diff paradigms of thinking
  17. @Raze not sure. I’m sure I have symptoms of it but I have never been diagnosed with it
  18. i'm on day 2. i feel empty as fuck. i also feel less stressed. i also feel more content with myself. i dont care about other peoples opinions of me. its only day 2 and it feels like im closed off from the world. i feel depressed like always but its more of like a cool depressed, intelligent depressed if that makes sense. im really considering who my real friends are. i recently re-did the assesmnet of values from leo guras purpose course. i find myself so alone that its almost laughable. its almost like i always knew it was like this, but i've been distracted by technology 24/7 that i couldn't experience it. im really considering if i even want a girlfriend as i've thought i always did because it would fill a gap in my loneliness. but now i realize this gap cannot be filled by something outside of myself. impossible. its simply not possible this void is too great. independence is my #1 most valued trait interestingly enough now. 2-3 years ago it was truth/reality as my #1 value. i guess in the 2-3 years since i've taken the course i realize now that a lot of my values changed. i think im becoming more depressed but in an evolved way. i am also noticing things in my house i never noticed before like the design of the walls. i also dont see a point to no-fap anymore as the main goal of that is to be "someone" or "get a girlfriend" or "be better" but that is all pretty meaningless to me now. its like we really are just alone. nobody can experience you only you can. i guess people can get close to it but who cares. everythings temporary and transient anyways. all good things go away and all bad things go away, so whats the point hahahahha
  19. @Tim Ho yes I’ve meditated doing nothing for hours before
  20. Update: I failed on around day 2.5-3. Danm it’s actually crazy this challenge is hard haha
  22. yea dont do psychedlics if ur mentally unstable. i did that and lost my mind a bit. i had to cancel my 3 day ayahausca ceremony and lost a couple hundred dollars because i felt intuively if i did more psychedlics at my current state of mind it would not be beneficial. also lol to everyone freaking out it doesnt matter if we are god or if were not god were all gonna die who cares hahahaha
  23. @blackchair oh man its rough. but worth it. i cried last night. it feels like im facing my emotions head on and becoming lighter quicker.
  24. recently i fucked up and sent a dick pic to this girl i like with the caption "eat a dick" because she flaked on me four times in a row. i felt really awful to say the least and felt the karma of my actions come up and so i did the best i could do with making an honest amend, therefore she kinda forgave me, but it forsure dented the relationship/friendship between us. is there a hypothetical possibility that if i DIDNT do that then lets say for example we would be in love with each other right now? i remember david hawkins saying that hypotheticals all calibrate as false, non-reality, non-truthful. so basically david hawkins is claiming that everything is happening/unfolding exactly the way it should be. Therefore me making a "mistake" was inevitable. Thoughts? also, ocd sucks
  25. @Inliytened1 well if it happened precisely as it was supposed to based off inevitably and karma..then in a way i'm kinda screwed. I've done worse things. Is there a way to clear this karma faster like all at once right now?