Big Guru Balls

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Posts posted by Big Guru Balls

  1. 22 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

    @Stoica Doru @robdl @Faceless @Big Guru Balls  Yea, check this out. It's not just all about what it appears to be. It gets better as it progresses into the audience questioning in the 2nd half. Well worth watching!


    Interesting. I read Teachings of Don Jaun years ago,and took him to be a shaman of some sort. Giving Castenada peyote, and devils flower?,can't remember. His trips and morphing into a animals and such was an entertaining read. Didn't he just disappear . No one knows what happened or where he disappeared too?

    Thanks for the vid.B|

  2. 8 minutes ago, Faceless said:

    Indeed friend...

    Intelligent action which is (complete), doesn’t move in accordance to that which is so obviously dangerous. It sees danger and it steers clear of it. It sees the whole of the problem, and in that seeing is the ending. The seeing-understanding is action in and of itself. This is not action influenced by incomplete action, (positive and negative movement of timers the i), or a movement of (thought-the chooser), and then action. That is what we call divided action, incomplete action, or fragented action. 

    (Incomplete action), is a reflection of its own incoherence, and will continue to pursist, and only feed that same pattern of dualistic action. 

    Good stuff Faceless.:)




  3. Big question, sounds like a question for BIG Guru Balls.:)

    Why would anyone want to be aware of something that they currently are not aware of?
    Because there is something affecting them and/or their life in a certain way they can't,or don't understand. If that something comes into awareness it exposes,brings clarity to the reason for why things aren't going the way they wanted or expected. Usually, it is a repetitive action consistently playing out and causing the problem,but isn't understood why. If brought into awareness,they can then see what is needed to change,drop or alter in order to no longer be a prisoner to making the same mistakes that are causing their undo suffering.

    Or something like that. :S

  4. 1 hour ago, Faceless said:

    What we don’t see is there is no possible way to meet the unlimited-infinite nature of THE NOW, with that of the limited-finite static nature of thought(experience, knowledge, memory).

    The fragment(thought), can never contain the whole,(what is). Or the dead nature of memory can never anticipate the active and alive nature of now. 


    32 minutes ago, who chit said:

    Fragmentation arises in that ,which is still,timeless and aware (what is). The whole, in which fragmentation of an experiencer (self,I-thought) experiencing an experience (time) arises. It is movement, that arises in stillness,timeless awareness. The Now of that which is.. Being.

    Thus there is movement in stillness and stillness in movement.
    Appearance/movement of an experiencer(self,I-thought),experiencing an experience, in stillness,wholeness of that which is aware (what is), and is prior to, throughout,and the ending (coming and going, arising and falling away), of experiencer experiencing an experience.

    Big Guru approves . :D

    This may be of significance to the thread.


  5. 22 minutes ago, tsuki said:

    Wouldn't that make Buddha or Jesus half-baked prophets though?
    Why would anybody wish for others to be enlightened?

    Were they making enlightenment a big deal,or,were they driven by choiceless compassion? Given they were fully realized,were they not driven by divine will,not personal will. "Not my will,but Thy will, be done".


  6. 1 hour ago, tsuki said:

    One is not, and never has been separate from the source.
    That is also true pre-enlightenment, from the post-enlightenment point of view.

    Pre-enlightenment/realization, is this known?  Did you know for fact, pre-enlightenment/realization,or only have ideas/assumptions?


    1 hour ago, tsuki said:

    What is the incentive to make a big deal out of it?

    The urge/desire to know for oneself what is true,not willing to rely on previous ideas or conclusions.
    After realization,not such a big deal,loll.


    1 hour ago, tsuki said:

    Why make spirituality out of it?

    Good question. Does truth claim to be spiritual,or those who seek it? Is it a 'spiritual awakening" or just realizing what was always there?
    Is it a natural behavior for human beings to romanticize the unknown?

  7. Perhaps the happiness the techniques can bring, will open avenues of growth not yet perceived or considered. One thing practices do as a consequence of doing them consistently, is bring more clarity of mind,and "seeing things more clearly"(clearer perception).
    "Things" not as in objects,but a clearer,opening up of perception. Of possibilities not previously seen/perceived due to "mind clutter,cloudiness,fogginess etc. Like cleaning dirt off a windshield. If you're consistent,it won't take long to notice. It's easily noticeable when it happens.

  8. Responding rationally to the moment would be the appropriate move. If anger is quick to take control,then the ability to stay in control and respond/communicate your dislike of the persons behavior and how it is affecting you assertively, not aggressively, would be the way to go.

    Either that or minimize, maybe even discontinue the relationship, if the person is not willing to stop the behavior. Adopting enlightened concepts that are not yet in your full comprehension of it's proper meaning or experience is not a good behavioral strategy,imo,. And as you found out yourself when it all crashed.

  9. Wanting to know Truth is not enough.
    If you need to know it like it's eating at you from the inside out night and day and even if it kills you you're willing to die to know it,then I'd say you're ready.:)

    "willing to die to know it" doesn't mean physical suicide either. That's a cop out reserved only for elite pussbags who can't stand themselves and don't deserve to even sniff the sweet taint of truth.


  10. Ego is the developed and then repeated assertion and reinforcement over time, of the conditioned identity and belief that "I am this person,identified as a body",separate from and other than, what is not me/itself. It's primary concern is itself and it's own survival. Death of the belief that it is the body identity, means the death of  itself. Fight to the bitter end it will. And in whatever way it can.

    Identified as the body it constantly seeks and desires to perpetuate and reinforce the identity through physical/object related means. Sex,money,power, big shiny shit it thinks it needs,etc., etc., Purely selfish with no redeeming qualities,ultimately makes more bad decisions than good because what the hell does it know. Not a damn thing,that's what.

    This separation belief,along with it's supporting thoughts/beliefs,of judgements,opinions,I'm right,your wrong,and since you're not me, f*uck you stuff, Imho it , (the separation belief), is a primary, if not the  primary cause of the mountain of unnecessary bullshit a human being puts him/herself through.
    And it is a strong ass,deeply held belief that keeps the shit show going.

    When there is strong resistance felt in the body,stand back a bit and watch/observe if this, me/I am other than belief, is at work.
    Or not.:S

    I'm not really a guru per se as the name suggests.
    But the big balls...,well that can't be argued.:D