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About joeyi99

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  1. Incredible & Jaw Dropping LSD God Realisation
    Incredible & Jaw Dropping LSD God Realisation
    That's not what Consciousness is about. You want a nice life, but Consciousness doesn't care about that. Consciousness will strip you of all your human fantasies, stories, desires, and ideas. The deeper you go, the less human you will become.

  2. What are the main reasons processed food is bad?
    What are the main reasons processed food is bad?
    Lowest quality ingredients humanly possible, and all the matter is long dead, or wasn't ever alive in the first place.
    Whole foods all contain living cells and matter. Processed foods don't.

  3. How to let go of Socialism as an Idealogy?
    How to let go of Socialism as an Idealogy?
    Capitalism includes the urge to help others. Healthy capitalism helps others.
    What's really the problem is excessive, toxic capitalism.
    In practice socialism could make the environment worse off if the socialist system is so dysfunctional, corrupt, and unsuccessful that it cannot create innovative new technology and people are too desperate for survival to even have resources to devote to environmental issues.
    Caring about the environment requires a realtively high degree of wealth. Poor people can't afford to care. And it also requires high technology.
    Caring about the environment as an ideology isn't good enough. You have to have the material wealth necessary to do something about it.
    Look at Cuba. What are they gonna do to solve environment problems? They can barely feed themselves.
    Nothing in Europe is actual socialism.

  4. How to let go of Socialism as an Idealogy?
    How to let go of Socialism as an Idealogy?
    Socialism means: no private ownership of businesses.
    Welfare programs are not socialism.

  5. New War In Israel / Gaza
    New War In Israel / Gaza
    It boils down to geography. The geography in the Middle East is so bad that survival there is much harder than elsewhere. Requiring harsher cultures.
    One of the biggest problems for Gaza is that they just don't have enough geographical abundance to ever succeed there, even if peace is magically made. Successful nations are built on abundant geography. Which is another reason why Zionists are grabbing land.

  6. New War In Israel / Gaza
    New War In Israel / Gaza
    To recognize that 9/11 was a trick, designed to provoke and trap Americans into an over-reaction. To not fall into this trap and instead focus on shoring up defenses against terrorist attacks and using very targeted drone strikes on terrorist targets in the Middle East and hunting down Bid Laden and Al Queada via undercover CIA work. Also building alliances in the Middle East by providing them with humanitarian aid and not trying to exploit them or push an American agenda on them.
    Think of how Captain Picard would have handled 9/11.
    If I was the President on 9/11, I would have made a national speech in which I told the American people that we have been set up with an ingenious trap, explained the trap, and urged everyone that it is our patriotic duty as Americans not to fall into the trap of waging a war against the Middle East or over-reacting, as that would make us fools. Instead, since we are intelligent, we will carefully allocate our resources to technological solutions which will actually make us safer at home. And that Bin Laden would be captured and brought to justice via covert means since he is a sneaky devil. We must be more sneaky and clever than him. And above all else we must maintain our moral high-ground by never abusing any Muslims. Anyone who abuses Muslims is an unAmerican traitor because America is defined by our integrity. No amount of terrorist acts will get us to abandon our integrity. Bin Laden is welcome to blow up half of New York, but we will never compromise our integrity because we will never be devils. As Americans we will respond to all acts of violence with maturity, wisdom, and intelligence, not like wild raving apes.

  7. Consistently weird pattern I am noticing with trip reports
    Consistently weird pattern I am noticing with trip reports
    Sounds more like an exploration of guilt in the abstract.
    You can explore what extreme guilt or shame feels like without having done anything in the "real world". Psychedelics allow such high levels of abstraction that you can explore moods and feeling disconnected from your personal life.

  8. Why don't girls bother with basic human respect?
    Why don't girls bother with basic human respect?
    @Vrubel It's not about acting disinterested, it's about being disinterested.
    If you had 3 other girlfriends, you would not have felt disrespected by that girl. Because you would have been too busy to even notice what nonsense she texted you. You would have replied to her "K" a few days late. And she would have felt like you are a valuable guy. Instead you communicated to her that you are a desperate and lonely guy who needs her more than she needs you.
    This stuff is extremely counter-intuitive. It will drive you crazy until you finally figure it out.
    Detachment is a core principle of game. The lesson goes very deep.

  9. Why don't girls bother with basic human respect?
    Why don't girls bother with basic human respect?
    You need to learn that girls have no investment in you until after sex. She is not going to care about you until after sex.
    The issue is, you are invested in her and she is not invested in you. Girls are not thinking about you, they are lost in their busy little lives, like rats, until after they sleep with you. Then everything flips.
    Your only problem is over-investment. Stop expecting respect from women until after sex.

  10. Completely lost and trapped in my mind
    Completely lost and trapped in my mind
    @Matthi This is an opportunity for you to grow socially, to learn to be comfortable around other people. That is necessary for your future regardless.
    Try this exercise: go deliberately be around other people, and when that happens, consciously try to relax your body and mind. Don't think about anything, don't tense your body, and just be at ease as other people are around you. And keep doing that. You don't even have to talk to them. If they talk to you, you can tell them that you just want some space to relax and meditate.

  11. Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    He's from San Fran, not Vegas.
    When he was a teen his father raped his mother with a shotgun, tortured her, and killed her. He caught her cheating on him. He tortured and killed the guy too. It was a big news story back in the 90's.
    Jeffy turned into quite the character as a result.
    Jeffy has an insane autobiography which you can read called Nine Ball. It details all his crazy abusive sex adventures.

  12. Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    You don't even know the half of it.
    I know a PUA coach who wanted to install a commercial grade radar jammer into his high-rise condo to scamble girls' phones so they could not text their friends. Until he was informed that radar jamming phone signals is a serious crime.
    This same guy would also secretly film his coaching students having sex. Which is a crime.

  13. Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    @Vrubel Jeffy also has serious charm and social skills. Charm is how you get away with stuff like that.
    Girls are easily attracted to psychopaths and narcissists.
    It's a lot easier to get away with stuff like that if you are also handsome, which both of them are. If a guy is really handsome he can treat girls badly and they will be attracted even more.
    One of the reasons a psychopath gets away with stuff like that is because his behavior is so bold that people just go along with it.
    One time I heard Jeffy say, he could probably walk up to a random guy and just make out with him, and the guy would just accept it because it's so unexpected he would not know how to react and Jeffy would just steamroll him with his confidence. Psychopaths can get away with stuff like that.
    Jeffy would go to a club dressed in a furry costume, start dancing with a random girl, and then just whip his dick out in the middle of the dancefloor and stick it inside her while she danced.
    That's psychopath kinda game.
    Jeffy has a term for it: "the audacity of boldness".
    One time his friend was smuggling drugs through the airport when the police showed up with a drug dog. So he ran to greet and pet the drug dog. The dog started barking at the drugs it smelled on his body. But the cop was fooled into thinking this guy was just some dimwit playing with the dog and yanked the dog away.
    Warning: If you try to do this kind of stuff and you're not a psychoapth then you will probably just get arrested. A psychopath has the personality and style to pull it off. A normie doesn't.

  14. About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo
    About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo
    @Breakingthewall Imaginary doesn't mean unreal, imaginary = reality.
    Your hands are imaginary. You are dreaming them. And that is reality. A mind is imagining a world around itself.
    Physical objects are just a denser kind of imagination than the images in your head. Don't forget, the images in your head are real. So don't hold imagination as something unreal. Imagination is real. The way a human imagines a picture in his mind is directly analogous to how God imagines the physical walls of your house.
    This is what is being pointed to. Practically what this means is that if you become conscious enough your couch can turn into a dragon. Because the couch was always imaginary. Very few humans understand that this is possible. Even "enlightened" people may not understand this point. So the question is, do you understand that your couch is imaginary?

  15. About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo
    About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo
    Have you ever fucked in a dream? It feels totally real.
    Last night I had a dream of aliens surgically implanting tracking devices into my arm and leg. It felt so real I woke up freaked out.
    The material world is as imaginary as the sleeping world. Just more vivid and stable.

  16. About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo
    About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo
    @zurew Don't get me wrong. I do have a worldview on top of my consciousness. And that worldview does contain errors and biases of various kinds.

  17. Reoccurring long-term relationship paradox issue
    Reoccurring long-term relationship paradox issue
    You are shooting yourself in the foot with all those games. You should aim to be more authentic and natural, so she is interacting with your true personality, not a facade. If you present a facade she cannot fall in love with the true you.
    Girls are very sensitive and even when you believe you fooled her with all your tricks and games, she probably just feels that you're an unattractive weirdo. You may be fooling yourself with your games more than you're fooling her.
    And work on financial success. A girl don't want to go long-term with a scrub. Make yourself into bf-material.

  18. Reoccurring long-term relationship paradox issue
    Reoccurring long-term relationship paradox issue
    That IS proper game.
    You gotta learn to trust that girls will like you for how you are, so you don't need to work for their love. And those who don't can take a hike.

  19. Seeking validation or love from women is wrong
    Seeking validation or love from women is wrong
    After something with a girl I recently met didn't worked out, it came 6 days of utter hell and extreme suffering, Life showing me the darkness and lack of love there was inside me all my life.
    I had to go deep into the pain and realized I feel I do not deserve love and I'm not worthy of being alive. I had to drown myself in the pain of that belief, trying to look at it clearly. 
    All my life I was running of this belief, of this energy. All of my schemas and goals for years and years were subconsciously desired in order to feel love, always from outside, the love I couldn't feel just being ME.
    I saw clearly the love and unconditional acceptance I was projecting to her, I was not giving it to me.
    Now is clear to me, I deserve Love, but not a love from others, but Love itself, from Life, because I'm Life. Because I'm Love itself. I completely love and accept myself. And 100% worthy of being alive, just being me, with no conditions.

  20. Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    The best way to explain game to normies is: "I'm going out to build to social skills."

  21. What stage in spiral dynamics are these people?
    What stage in spiral dynamics are these people?
    Biden and Trudeau are Orange/Green.
    Teal is a freak of nature so she'll be hard to map on that model. Green and above + a spiritual freak.
    Spiral Dynamics does not account for spiritual freaks.

  22. Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    My pickup line for the night was:
    "You're Perfect. I want to sell you into sexual slavery."

  23. I don't resonate with the usual model of success
    I don't resonate with the usual model of success
    It's not weird at all.
    Owen is quite an immature person at heart. All PUAs must be to keep doing or teaching pickup.
    What you have to understand about Owen is that he's a supernaturally ambitious human. His ambition is off the charts abnormal to the point of being dysfunctional. Owen is psychotically ambitous.
    You just lack ambition. Most humans do. This is not bad per se. It's just a personality trait. Chasing down Owen's insane level of ambition is both exhausting and delusional. You don't need that to create a great life.
    Of course what Owen considers admirable about typical successful people is a very shallow, laughable, cartoon version of success and happiness. In the end none of that shit matters. He is stuck chasing status.
    But underneath Owen's material immaturity is a deeper spiritial set of values such as passion for life, the quest for truth, God, and Consciousness, and personal growth which are the real measures of success. You must learn to see through the immature material parts of Owen's work to get the gold.
    What you're missing out on is not million dollar mansions and hot chicks. What you're missing out on is passion for life and making the most of your life. You're missing your full potential for being fully yourself -- whatever that means for you. This is Owen's highest teaching.
    You becoming fully yourself does not mean you will chase what Owen chases. You will chase totally different things. You are confusing the content for the structure. Take Owen's structure and replace money, sex, status with God, Truth, art, family, or whatever you want.

  24. Talking to girls at raves
    Talking to girls at raves
    I'm not sure why you say there is no carry-over. Being more social carries over into all social interactions. Humor carries over, vibing carries over, leading carries over, conversation skill carry over, your inner game and confidence carries over. But even if it didn't, so what? You get girls and that's a great skill to have. If you want other skills develop them. No one said that flirting with girls is supposed to improve your public speaking skills.
    The benefits of pickup outside of getting laid is the inner game you build, the confidence, the initiative, the work ethic, the passion for self-development, the sense of humor, etc.

  25. Masculine attractive energy
    Masculine attractive energy
    Of course confidence is key. Confidence is a signal for LEADERSHIP, which is the one thing all girls want.
    There is a great old pickup analogy: Treat the girl like you are the captain of a ship going on safari and she boards your ship. Your job is to guide her into a wild, exciting adventure. Do not put her into the captain role. The captain doesn't ask his passengers how to steer the ship.
    With girls, don't hesitate. Just do what you feel like doing unless they give you a hard No.