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Posts posted by Kensho

  1. An interesting theory to entertain on this matter is the Hindu concept of Avatars.

    Below I am quoting passages I found online.


    Avatar literally means "descent" in sanskrit and it refers to the descent of divinity from heaven to earth, and is typically used to describe an incarnation of God.

    An Avatar is a special emissary of Light and Love that incarnates for the benefit of humanity, having technically no karmic obligation to incarnate. Paramhansa Yogananda explained that the term avatar refers to a soul who has been freed from maya (delusion) and is sent by the will of God back into manifested existence to help others.

    Examples include the founders of major world religions, such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Krishna. Yogananda said that an avatar “is born not to show us how great he was, but to give us hope that the state of consciousness he had attained, we too can attain.


    The point is that in certain eras, very high level souls are "sent" to earth to help people realize their path. Avatars are divided in levels with some being sent to establish civilizations, like Moses, and others to establish religions like Buddha or Jesus. 

    In any case, as per the principal in our work here, these should not taken in faith but being put in contemplation among others, in order to give a broader understanding without clinging to the explanation or having the need for it to be in a certain way.


  2. 1 hour ago, Toby said:

    I seriously wonder why - when realizations are real - one needs to continue taking psychedelic substances. Doesn't make sense to me. Shouldn't it be the other way round that experiences are seen as just experiences and the need to alter the state of consciousness (aka "spiritual materialism") drops away? Can someone explain why you continue to take substances?

    If you had a huge library, would you read only one of the books?

  3. On 6/12/2019 at 11:00 AM, Leo Gura said:

    That's a psychedelic breakthrough, LOL.

    My channel should just be videos like this. There's really nothing more to say.

    The perfect depiction of Infinite Consciousness/God.

    The whole scene, from the moment Dr. Strange enters the room till his awakening experience, is what would happen in an encounter of Leo and Sam Harris.

    Plot twist: there would be something in that tea, except honey ;)

  4. 2 hours ago, Shaun said:

    It's not like that. Once I know myself, I just start the cycle again from the stages of primordial sludge and all the misery continues ad infinitum. How the hell do I work with that?

    I was in a similar position some months ago, feeling emptier every day. Nothing had a meaning any more, and days were passing functioning in auto-pilot. I had depression before, but boy, that was on another level.

    Alongside the sense of spiraling down the abyss though, I was feeling a kindle smoldering deep inside telling me that's not all. I had a feeling that there is something wrong and I have to do something. One day I got it. I managed to saw myself driven by the lowest parts of my ego more and more. I was losing the battle of the selves. The self (ego) was conquering the Self more and more. Then one day I had an epiphany: "I m tired of Adam. I have to defeat him" (let's say Adam is my real name). I realized that the ego I ve been constructing for decades became too much of a burden, paralyzing and catastrophic for my life. I saw myself standing opposite of Adam. But I didn't feel strong enough at the point to fight. 

    So, I called upon the BIG gun.

    A month later, during and incredible and unforgettable night, the BIG gun shred my ego to pieces. I went through hell, felt my ego resisting, surrendering and dying. My Self arose and for the first time and I felt totally liberated. Despite the ego back lashed hard the next day, it lost some of its power. Everything had a meaning again. The feeling of void was diminished and during the last months big changes have happened to my life and I now can see my ego in a way I never was able before. I still have a lot of battles to win, but I learned some of its weak points. I started meditating daily and consistently and started Kriya Yoga all over from the start.

    With my story I d like to point out that it may be your ego that has taken all the teachings and Leo's paradigm and created a distorted view, that serve a dark side of it. Elaborate this possibility, think about if something is getting "joy" from this despair. See if it's lower consciousness disguised as higher consciousness that has taken you in these muddy roads.

    As for the BIG gun, you may have already guessed what it is:



  5. On 5/25/2019 at 3:37 AM, kieranperez said:

    Would any of you guys say an ideal psychedelic for questions along this line? What substance tends to work best for you with asking and answering deep personal questions like this? 

    From my experience, to get guidance and answers to such questions, Ayahuasca works better than mushrooms. 

    If your only option is mushrooms, try the McKenaii variety in a dark room alone. The experience on them has similarities to Ayahuasca. 

    Trip safely, consciously and responsibly.

  6. 4 hours ago, jim123 said:

    Around 1:35:47 in his recent video "Becoming God" Leo said the most bizarre thing I think I've heard anyone say. According to Leo, nothing evil has ever happened in the world nor can happen, and if you believe otherwise, "you're just wrong."

    Last time I checked, molesting children was pretty evil. Lying, stealing and murdering were also evil, but apparently "I'm just wrong."

    It's like the parable of the emperor's new clothes. In the parable the emperor is naked, but people are told that he has new amazing clothes on, but the catch is that you can only see them if you're wise. If you say the emperor is naked, it just means you're not wise enough to see the clothes. In reality the people who thought they saw the clothes were not wise, they were fools. What Leo teaches is not wisdom or higher truths, it is foolishness masqueraded as wisdom.

    Jim123, Leo is right. It's not that you are wrong, it is that you just haven't got it yet. 



    ...give it a minute







    If the above statement makes you angry or creates any negative reaction in you, it means that is true.

  7. On 3/31/2019 at 7:28 PM, Manjushri said:

    I didn't even care about making it into music, because I was so creative that I was just spilling music ideas all over the place. 

    It was a divine state of creativity just making and making and making music.

    Let's say that the SD was not corrupt/lost and you now decided to create all the music that was in it and publish it. You would like to create more music, right? Where would that music come from? 

    You are sill there so the divine state of creativity is still there. You have blocked yourself. You conceptualized that SD card as being your whole inspiration.

     The muse is always there to bring you the best ideas. Now you believe that you can't and it is manifested that way. Can't be otherwise

    Let the loss back, believe that you have it, and it ll come again. 


    Here 's a little story to cheer you up:

    Jesus and Satan have an argument as to who is the better programmer. This goes on for a few hours until they agree to hold a contest with God as the judge.

    They set themselves in a room before their computers and begin. They type furiously for several hours, thousands lines of code streaming up the screen.

    Seconds before the end, a bolt of lightning struck taking out the electricity. Moments later, the power is restored, and God announces that the contest is over. He asks Satan to show what he has come up with.

    Satan is visibly upset and cries to his screen that has only the cursor blinking, "I have nothing! I lost it all when the power went out."

    "Very well, then," says God, "let us see if Jesus fared any better."

    Jesus enters a command, and the screen comes to life in vivid display, images of unimaginable beauty unfold, the voices of an angelic choir pour forth from the speakers.

    Satan is astonished. He stutters, "But how?! I lost everything, yet
    Jesus' program is intact! How did he do it?!"

    God chuckles, "Jesus saves."

    (in your case, backs up) :D

  8. If you can't convince your family and cannot be away from distractions for 10 days, then don't go. There is no point on being in the retreat and thinking of how to secretly check the phone and sending an sms to the family. You will be cheating yourself and missing the point. 

    Prepare the family for the 10 day radio silence and then go experience it. Being 10 days in isolation is a big part of the experience

  9. 6 hours ago, Jkris said:

    @Kensho one enlightened master asked me to see everything as good even if it is bad. I didn't ask how to? Now I am asking you the same how to see bad as good? 

    I assume that being in this forum means that you have understood that there are different levels of consciousness, hence different levels of comprehension.

    To see bad as good requires a major perspective shift. The moment of the realization comes suddenly when consciousness is raised enough. The mechanics are simple: 

    Let's say that there is 'good' and 'bad' as you currently perceive them. Your current 'bad' is indeed not equal to your 'good', they are vastly different, and that's why the whole thing about bad==good seems absurd.

    When you grow further, the 'good' and the 'bad' will get more depth, different quality, different feeling.

    That higher consciousness 'good' is a puzzle piece that fits perfectly to the higher consciousness 'bad' piece. 

    In order to reach that point, firstly you need to leave space open for the possibility that the bad==good is true. Needs trust. 

    The suffering will still be there after the realization but you ll get a different notion of it. Then, besides the new 'bad' and 'good' you will understand more about the suffering and the paradox that it exists because 99% of the people can't see its true nature (what Leo is saying in his video 'what is the devil'). 

    And you don't need to get enlightened to get it. Spiral dynamics stage yellow is enough.

  10. 1 hour ago, Jkris said:

    @Moreira I am not realized nor i haven't understood the non dual truth. But body/mind is finite and not infinite. Its the Body/mind that suffers pain. So the mind should appreciate the killings cruelty and sufferings as perfect and not at all evil?  ?

    If 1.000.000 persons that have understood, told you that your point of view is false, would you accept it? And if not, what would make you to accept it ? (apart from experiencing it yourself) 

  11. 5 hours ago, Billy Shears said:

    How can we be certain that the insights we receive during psychedelic trips are real and not illusionary?

    I am really open minded concerning this topic and I believe that these realizations in fact show you the truth. But I have never tried anything harder than cannabis so I would just like to know some conclusions from our psychedelic experts here.

    I am refering to mushrooms, LSD and especially 5-MeO-DMT (maybe @Leo Gura could help out). 

    A common thing in noumerous testimonies after psychedelic use is that the experience felt like the realest thing ever. Inside a psychedelic experience you feel like you have awoken from a dream and you finally can see clearly. 

    The even more common thing everybody will tell you is that you have to experience it yourself to get your answer.

    P.S. Most reliable source imo are shroom grow kits from well known websites. Trip safe.

  12. On 4/4/2019 at 11:43 AM, Rilles said:



    The legitimate way to analyze words is etymology and glossology (linguistics, history of words etc.).  The fact that the word evil can be written by taking some letters out of the word 'believe' doesn't mean anything. There are numerous words containing the letters 'i,e,l,v'. So what? 

    If you seek to see something, you will make it up someway, to see it and fulfill some 'need'. 

    Ask yourself, 'Why do I get some sort of satisfaction by 'seeing' these things? ' 

  13. 5 hours ago, Tausif Ahmed said:

    An Atheist YouTuber says that she tried Psychedelics out of curiosity and experiences the affects.She says she saw friendly seemingly un-harmful snakes coming towards her.Her friend had a different experience as she saw dangerous snakes trying to attack her.

    Why did these people have different experiences?

    Seeing snakes during a psychedelic trip is not a mystical experience. Spiritual-mystical experiences are one kind of psychedelic experience that doesn't happen every time. Somehow these girls thought that whatever you see during a trip is a mystical experience, hence they thought they debunked the whole eat-mushrooms-you'll-stop-being-an-atheist hype. It doesn't work that way.

    When you have a true mystical experience, then you know. Then you are absolutely sure that is something beyond the ordinary level of existence. A friend of mine had his revelation in his 4th (!) 5-Meo-DMT trip.

    Obviously the girls didn't experience something significant. The psychedelics gave them what they deserved ;-)