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Posts posted by White

  1. 17 minutes ago, DocHoliday said:

    @White Frankly, I can see all kinds of differnt people at differnt stages on this forum; mostly orange and green though, but yellow's certainly in the mix there too - and perhaps 1 to 5 mainly turquoise people as well, but who could possibly know who they are:ph34r:

    There is nobody green on here. It's only mean green meme, people who think green, talk green but are still at red because they failed to pass through blue. Critical thinkers don't come here and follow Leo like a religion. However people exploring blue might... People at red, who think green and are having insights into blue. This explains this forum. A tell tale sign is the way people shop for a perspective until they find one they agree with (or "resonate" with). This is rampant in this forum. 

    Mean green meme. The "me" values meme. It's all about me and my life. My life purpose, my enlightenment, my feelings etc etc. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, DocHoliday said:

    @White I wouldn't necessarily agree that nobody on this forum is at Yellow. In fact, that'd be highly unlikely IMO since this forum is such a melting pot for so many people that aspire to higher levels of consciousness and such. But thanks for the recommendation though:)

    You implied that some people here may be at yellow BECAUSE they are posting on a forum that is a melting pot of ideas. 

    So by your reasoning forum consisting of melting pot of ideas = yellow contributors.

  3. 5 minutes ago, DocHoliday said:

    @White I wouldn't necessarily agree that nobody on this forum is at Yellow. In fact, that'd be highly unlikely IMO since this forum is such a melting pot for so many people that aspire to higher levels of consciousness and such. But thanks for the recommendation though:)

    Yellow doesn't mean melting pot of ideas. Where did you get that from? :D melting pot of ideas just means melting pot of ideas. 

  4. On 27/06/2018 at 11:18 PM, metwinn said:

    I'm curious to hear people's veiw on free will and control etc.

    No, not really. Free will does not exist because we are all controlled by nature / the will to live. We can't stop that, but we can work to understand it and get some freedom from it. Which is what development is about. 

    Notice that even in spiritual circles all of it is just pleasure/power seeking. We have an increase in happiness when we perceive our chances of survival going up (making money, making friends, getting sex, securing power, winning debates, collecting a following, having an imaginary God looking after our interests) and we have a decrease in happiness (anger and depression etc.) when things go wrong for us.  It's all down to the will to life, to exist. All of it is controlled by the sex, food and power drive, there is no actual free will involved in any of this. 

    As an experiment start a YouTube channel talking about enlightenment and you can guarantee your state of happiness is secured because now you have girls screaming your name and guys thinking you are a profit. Same with a spiritual sangha.  It's all an ego game 

  5. @Viking Viking, also notice that you have a HUGE should over your head weighing you down. What I see is you think you should love people and you should be more loving and you should not hate. That's very poor self understanding. In fact it's nothing more than an intellectual intoject you have taken in uncritically from your environment. If you hang out around spiritual types you're maybe going to internalize this chatter. Understand your feelings. Be an observer. Be ok with hate. Be ok with all your emotions. Your emotions are the only true thing about you that you can  count on. Understand them by observing and staying present to your body. Don't escape into the head with all kinds of interpretations and attempts at manipulating your feelings. It doesn't work. 

  6. @Viking Have you noticed that you're stuck in your head? Try to feel rather than think. You don't understand why you hate people yet. Orange doesn't mean hate, in fact orange is a very rational stage and is objective about emotions. You may be stuck at blue at the moment because of your inability to understand your feelings. You want someone outside to tell you how to do things and manage things, but stage orange has grown out of making anything outside itself an authority and is self accepting. 

  7. @Leo Gura orange can't integrate green. It has to develop it. But I get what you're saying. Orange shadow will inhibit transcendence into green non dual states.  But they are only states. Non dual states are not the stage themselves, they only give insights into the structure above. That's why Wilber refers to Non dual states as "peek" experiences (as in they give you a "peek" into the next structure). It's true that green like every stage is a existing structure already carved out in the collective we space and stored in the collective psychic storage bin of humanity, but there is work to be done and that work is understanding your own stages shadow (that's where integration comes in!) and then understanding your own stages limitations/ contradictions. Healthy green should study spiral dynamics and other models, but it should also study yellow guys like Jurgen Habermas and Ken Wilber. Trying to understand Habermas when you're at blue or orange is not a complete waste of time, but coming back to it when at healthy green you're going to interpret it differently.  And this is the case for all stages and their wisdom.

  8. If you want some philosophy/ tools to grow fully into orange then Shopenhaur, Spinoza, Kant, Buddhism. 

    For green Heidegger, Camus, Nietzche, Satre, person/client centred therapy. 

    Be careful though, Heidegger was a member of the Nazi party and Shopenhaur was a straight up asshole!! All philosophies have their issues and shadows - which is why it's best to supplement your devleopment with the AQAL model so you don't fall into traps. 


  9. On 25/06/2018 at 0:04 AM, Sea said:

    @White Out of curiosity, what stage are you at right now?


    I apologise for the late response. I got blocked from posting on this forum. 

    I'm stage orange. 

    Red can talk "green" if it was brought up in a green stage environment. Just because were conditioned with a set of introjected values doesn't mean our self line is at that stage. That's why green is dangerous, it tries to whitewash humanity so that there will be nothing left except green values. And this has the effect of stunting ones growth. Those guys crying over the trees are not healthy green, they are the mean green meme that has regressed back to red, because red is where they are at, they never got schooled properly into blue. A mentally healthy person who inhabits the stage they are at fully can't regress.

  10. 4 minutes ago, DavidK said:

    @White This makes sense! I guess it accounts for the ugly spouts of hyper moralising too. So I'm safe to proceed becoming more green safe that I don't have to become a professional victim or scream at people for not being as "caring" as I am haha. 

    Of course you are safe to develop into green. Just don't get stuck there without awareness. 

    If you want to know the lowdown on green and yellow read here. I explain everything in detail and give context. I provide clinical data on what green and yellow are in their healthy forms and you can fact check it against any of the researchers I mention. 


  11. 5 minutes ago, DavidK said:

    I consider myself largely green with a good leg still in orange. But I have a couple of issues with some of the more outspoken part of green, which I can't help but see as less developed. Mainly, those who take on feminism to become a professional victim and have very toxic views on men.   

    I accept the point that as a white male, there are discriminatory factors I can not fully appreciate, but surely these stances are missing the point of green and belong in a lower level? 


    Yes these are extreme green. This comes about when green cannot evolve into yellow and gets stuck. It regresses back to red. It's called the mean green meme. Its the pathological expression of green. If you like read boomeritis by Ken Wilber. Eye opening

  12. 14 minutes ago, lmfao said:

    @White I'm trying to say that someone who deeply connects to the present moment will "see the beauty" in reality irregardless of how it manifests. When you let go of your ego, your consciousness will not be engulfed in neurotic anger in the face of any external circumstances even if somebody is trying to physically harm you.


  13. 3 minutes ago, lmfao said:

    @White I'm trying to say that someone who deeply connects to the present moment will "see the beauty" in reality irregardless of how it manifests. When you let go of your ego, your consciousness will not be engulfed in neurotic anger in the face of any external circumstances even if somebody is trying to physically harm you.

    You don't know what neurotic anger is. Leo getting enraged at people breaking rules is neurotic anger. Getting angry because of capitalism of the West is built on exploiting the third world is a global concern and if you didn't get angry then there is something wrong with your enlightenment . There is nothing neurotic about seeing the sadness of the world. 

  14. Just now, lmfao said:

    @White I'm trying to say that someone who deeply connects to the present moment will "see the beauty" in reality irregardless of how it manifests. When you let go of your ego, your consciousness will not be engulfed in neurotic anger in the face of any external circumstances even if somebody is trying to physically harm you.

    Matey, this is just your fantasy coming through. Things you have read from spiritual teachers who want you to believe they live a life of absolute 24/7 bliss . 

    Watch closer your spiritual teachers. Most of them you know are facing the public and are watching their behaviour. How do you know what happens behind closed doors? 

    This is reality. 

  15. Just now, lmfao said:

    @White I don't think awake people get "enraged" at anything at all. 

    You don't know what you're talking about then. 

    Why don't you actually read the data I provided on patterns that awakened people all have in common?

    Because you can't be bothered and just want to make a reality out of your own preferences and what you seen on Buddha at the gas pump? 

  16. 7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    No civilization is possible without rules. So get used to it.

    Yeah but you're a gatekeeper. You're still fused with your social conditioning because you get enraged at people breaking your rules. Awake people actually get enraged at social injustices. Huge difference there because awake people know social airs and rituals are arbitrary

  17. 25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    That tendency is very hard to overcome. The ego judges "high consciousness" as "better than" low consciousness. This is of course false. A truly conscious person knows that consciousness is not better than unconsciousness. All it one. There is no better or worse. Those are all relative judgments of the ego, which are very difficult to surrender in total.

    This is nothing but postmodern deconstructionism masquerading as liberation. When you get there you will see how much suffering you are causing. I thought you were an integral thinker? You're just blue aren't you? Botching your way through development.