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Everything posted by Equanimitize

  1. Just wanted to post a solid political news resource that takes multiple perspectives and understands different cognitive bias. They developed their own rating system that categorizes different news sources on the political spectrum and rates them accordingly. Sort of a one stop shop. (Not sure if this has been posted already.) https://www.allsides.com/unbiased-balanced-news
  2. Adam Smith Wealth of Nations will provide a solid base. David Graeber Debt the first 5000 Years Probably a good idea to study Karl Marx as well. Check out the numerous college courses online, MIT, Stanford, etc. has free courses I am sure they have an Economics course.
  3. Maybe you’d be interested in Chek Institute for holistic health and wellness courses and certifications. He has tons of courses and goes deeper than the surface. Even has a course on how to use marijuana in a conscious way that supports growth and development.
  4. I stumbled upon a pretty good resource from Seth Godin. He has a weekly newsletter on what he describes as lynchpin jobs. Seems like these are higher consciousness gigs and maybe some of you can land one of these as you work on your life purpose because as you know it may or may not take a while to come to fruition. Heres the link to register every Wednesday they send out an email out with a listing. https://linchpinjobs.com/ If anyone else has resources to help people find some solid work I think this would be a good place to post it in.
  5. For not being successful? You’re building your own prison and you’re not aware of it. The first thing you can do is change your language. In order to change your language you have to become more conscious. If you want to become more conscious then maybe start a good habit of meditation. Meditate everyday for a year, and see what happens.
  6. The best way to handle insecure people is by you yourself becoming secure. A secure person will make insecure people feel secure. A secure person has worked on him/her self and knows where the insecurity is coming from which would then lead people to feel secure around him/her. Insecure people know when they see a secure person-it’s hard to fake this (the body shows this). Judgment is what promotes insecurity, judgement is a lack of love-you are telling the person that something is wrong with them. This of course compounds insecurity, because insecure people make other insecure people feel more insecure. With all that being said the ego in of itself feels insecure, the ego is in a sense fragile in some form or fashion. Until someone transcendes the ego, there will always be some spectrum of insecurity showing up in different ways. This is essentially what makes a good leader, someone who brings people up to his/her level. Turns insecure people to secure people, he/she does this by lack of judgement. You’d be surprised at how much you can change someone’s attitude by not feeding into their victim hood and insecurity. How you can change the energy of people around you by the level of consciousness/awareness your bringing to the table.
  7. Sure, I think that is what essentially is happening on the forum. There's no other way for people to get value, other then that what you write. The most profound truths are the most simple.
  8. Keep chipping away Man Don't beat yourself up because you are emulating mentors, this is healthy. Eventually, you will grow unto yourself and others will emulate you. It is all part of the process, everyone emulates everyone how else would we connect and how else would we have structure in order to live out our Dharma? No one shows up with their own unique operating system from day one. Just take it easy, often times we compare ourselves to some illusory ideal version of how we should be-thinking that they have it all together (shadow hugging). This I would say is part of the problem with the internet, it is very easy to think people are superstars in life by reading what they are typing on a forum or even by what they are saying in videos-when in reality their shit does in fact smell like shit. You're young and you are ahead of the game. Keep working, you will breakthrough.
  9. Sometimes Green falls back to Blue/Red when not properly integrated, and especially when not aware of shadow. Also remember there are many developmental lines. You can be high in morality and very low in cognitive. You can be very high in cognitive and very low in morality (Nazi Doctors). Awareness=Consciousness, Having higher levels of consciousness is not directly correlated with moving up Spiral Dynamics. For instance, you can be fully enlightened and be at stage Blue i.e. certain Zen Monasteries. Try not to confuse consciousness as it pertains to spiritual evolution and states of consciousness VS your level of development as it pertains to world views and your capacity to be more inclusive.
  10. I am sure you have had a peak experience at least some time in your life, where everything is all good-maybe you have to go back to childhood. It can range from what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls flow or a full blown enlightenment experience. The more you develop yourself, the longer and wider these peak experiences become. I'd say just keep chipping away, and keep turning the wrench on yourself. You will get where you need to go.
  11. Thank you, just wanted to add one more thing: more peak experiences will happen as well (Maslow talks about this), the more you move up the growth hierarchy- an overall feeling of well being your center of gravity of fulfillment & happiness will have a tendency to rise as well. This is subjective of course, and there is no way to actually measure this however you will know-when just being is a joy.
  12. The best barometer to know if you are growing in my opinion is to look at your relationships. We are all interconnected, and when you start seeing people act differently, treat you differently, look at your differently, then you know you are growing. You can really notice this especially if you have been in any sort of inauthentic quasi manipulative relationships, where the mechanisms by which people use to manipulate you no longer work. Of course they will complain and try and get you back to your "old you" so that it can benefit their own egoic desires-usually some dysfunctional means as to lift their own self-esteem. Another way to tell if you are growing is if what you use to think was right today becomes wrong tomorrow. In other words if you're developing quickly what you said/learned yesterday is already expired and only partial. This means of course that you are learning and continually increasing your operating system and your level of consciousness and seeing things differently than the way you use to. Once you get going, and you start using mind movies, vision boards, life purpose, body/mind/spirit/relationship visions, goals, etc. you can actually look back and see how everything has come to fruition If you have any sort of neurosis, you will know when you conquer this because it's like a 500 lbs. atlas stone has been lifted from your life. Of course homeostasis kicks in and you forget sometimes how much and how far you've come. Hope this helps
  13. A Coach is like having a professional best friend. A good Coach will support, guide, motivate you to get to the next level in wherever you are trying to go in life. The problem with looking for “free coaching” is that you don’t have skin in the game, and that in of itself may prevent you from achieving that which you set out to achieve. What will happen then is you may think coaching is not worth anything because you already got coached and you validated as to why or why not it’s worth your time. Money is simply an agreed upon collective symbol which we use to transfer goods and services, where you put your money in is a direct correlation as to your commitment in that which you said out to achieve or that which you value. Check your bank statement and see where you are putting your money, this will give you a very solid perspective as to what you value in your life.
  14. I was thinking about this as well. The whole idea is to transcend and include, the problem with inflammatory Green is that there is a tendency to throw the baby out with the bathwater (Orange values), you obviously don't want to obliterate all of orange because it does serve its purpose and did serve its purpose. Although, since the center of gravity of the United States is Orange, things will inevitably more than likely balance out in the end regardless of how strong Bernie brings in Green ideals, policies, and values. I agree with this as well. Just not sure if the collective is ready for someone like this. Theres no box for them to put him in.
  15. You are not your thoughts, emotions, or body.
  16. In its proper context its an amazing tool: I heard it called enlightened multitasking, when you are doing a specific task that does not require your undivided attention as others have noted driving, doing the dishes, etc. basically you are simultaneously getting a low ROI task done while taking in potentially life changing knowledge. If theres something that gives you an insight just bookmark it, write a brief note about it and review when finished with the book, you can compile the notes afterwards as well.
  17. I have found that there are usually two types of people: People that elevate you or people who don't. It is important to not pursue relationships that no longer align with your higher self. If you are going out of your way to hang out with people who don't serve you, it will hinder your growth. Of course if you have no choice to be around certain people (work, living situation, etc.) then work with it, however it is important to make a distinction as to who is in your social network and ask the question are we actually symbiotically connected and are we benefiting each other where we equal something greater then the sum of its parts? Also, at a certain point there becomes no difference between having fun and doing the "hard things." In other words, there is no dichotomy between personal development work and fulfillment/happiness. In other words the very process of growth is the mechanism which fuels your gas tank up. The way I see it is, focusing on these things gives me the enjoyment, passion, and drive to continue the process. The whole point of self-improvement is to not be a miserable stressed out grouch. Meditation, exercising, eating healthy gives you the capacity to be more compassionate, more fulfilled, more understanding of yourself and others. Of course, if you are doing these activities while not be grounded in the present moment, then of course you will be stressed. For me it is about the constant improvement-I actually enjoy the process. People have to be careful with this because this can be a trap in of itself not to do the work necessary to change your life or to give yourself an excuse as to why you may or may not be doing something. Be careful with the question am I having fun? This can be tricky, for me personally the work fills me up so much to the point where I can give so much back to others.
  18. I'd just like to offer you a different perspective that you may or may not have thought of: Your Dad must've dealt with a lot of abuse or trauma or some aspect of this which in turn has allowed him to be fragmented as well as for him to show up in this world and reflect his own insecurities, fears, and limiting beliefs on to you when you were a Child. Your Dad probably didn't know know any better, he probably didn't know any other way to deal with his problems. What I am trying to say is that healing first comes from understanding the root cause, for me personally the more I understand the big picture of how things operate the more I have the capability to heal. So, I would first try and understand that he was working with what he had, he didn't know any better. Try as much as possible to come from a place of understanding for this person-who at the time (or maybe still is) was just a little boy trapped in a grown mans body who was running away from his problems and used alcohol as his escape mechanism. I am not saying this as a way to diminish your Dad in any way-just that maybe you can come from a place of compassion. A big problem with parenting that is not understood in our society is how parents project their shadow on their children, realizing its parts of them that they are hating on the outside world because they failed to integrate this aspect of them (shadow boxing). Now, unto You. In order to have compassion, you will have to stop being a Victim (not saying you are, by the way this is just my perspective). The way I see it you have been given the opportunity to change your own life and not allow circumstances such as childhood difficulties to dictate and operate your life unwillingly. To change the karmic trajectory of your life so that you can show up in the World as a more powerfully integrated compassionate human being. I think the continuous pursuit of trying to patch these aspects up of your life up is huge. Just inquiring as to how to "fix" these parts of you and your life is a big step. The key is to keep looking for answers, at the end of the day only you know your reality, only you know what you truly have to do. The power is all within you-emotional pain is neither bad or good only thinking makes it so-if you can stand on the fire a little bit, maybe you can see as to the origin of the suffering that is happening in your life. It is a blessing to be the one that is powerful, strong, and courageous enough to not continue down the path of of unconsciousness to willingly self traject your life into something grater. You have been given the opportunity-the question is whether or not you will pursuit what is important. Either way Pain will get you back on track, the key is to make sure you listen to it- it is trying to tell you something-no different then when you have your hand in water and it starts to get really hot. A few action steps: Theres tons of books to read (specifically those that have to do with improving aspects of yourself in your situation today) Meditate Find a solid therapist, coach, mentor, etc if you have the opportunity (be very picky here, and take your time choosing specifically local therapist) Keep searching for answers and take action. Everything is out there for you to change your life.
  19. There seems like there is a lot going on here. If you don't meditate, that's a good start. You are obsessing because you think you are your thoughts, when you are not. Find a good therapist if you have the money/opportunity to speak about some of these things. ...& keep moving towards that which is uncomfortable.
  20. You are not your thoughts. You are not your emotions. It's the equivalent of identifying yourself as a piece of dirt on the ground, when you are the planet Earth. Why would you limit yourself to a piece of dirt? Why would you worry about the piece of dirt? Hint: You are so much more.
  21. Not too familiar with Marriane Williamson other than she is affiliated with Eckhart Tolle and Oprah. She sounds/looks powerful (in a good way). I love how she talks about deep change, not sure if America is ready though.
  22. Almost like you need someone that is able to infiltrate the political arena, and then once grounded in a position take the necessary action to change the trajectory of the collective. A leader that is capable of playing the game, but also sees the big picture and knows where we need to go. Not easy, because you're essentially prostituting yourself in the process. Good question, I think it's important to vote for who has the highest likely hood of winning but also who aligns with your values & heart. Me voting for my Mother even though I think she is the best woman for the job wont really help anyone; although, if enough people vote for her it will garner some awareness to the Country which then may lead to change. I think you have to take both into account, and do the best with what you are working with. This probably didn't really answer your questions but its how I see it. I did a cursory search of the forum and didn't see anything posted as a topic. Wasn't aware that you posted in the SD thread. I am not too familiar with her, is she at stage yellow? She mentioned something about paying 10 billion dollars a year to African American leaders to try and change the racism and repression that is deep into the psyche of Americans. I do agree, that this definitely needs attention but I am not sure of the efficacy of handing out money.