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Posts posted by Aakash

  1. @Angelite Your fundamental issue comes from a misinterpretation of who you are. That is why you say the things you do. 

    You are allah saying i am angelite seeking allah and he will give me death. this is delusion and yet also realtive true

    Saying your allah saying i am allah seeking allah an he will give me death is the actuality of the statement, this is absolute non-duality, this is delusion in actuality. But correct in the statement of it because in statements we can talk in paradox's and therefore we can say false statements are true, and true statements are false, that is when it is absolute. Not in the experience of such a thing. Because non-duality can not be collapsed. 

    Language and knowledge is the only friend in god's absolute playground that you can trust. Because you can trust that someone experienced it before they had to write it down, when dealing with abstract philosophies and not mainstream ones. its putting them into insights of absolutism, that is the difficult part. Using the knowledge of other people's direct experience aka their own metaknowledge and holistic understanding + non-duality and mysticism . Is the understanding of god , is divine knowledge. whether it is experienced or not. 

    "a man of faith, puts faith in his knowledge and says its absolutely true ..... "

    this statement is true for all of us

    even saying i don't know , is putting faith in the knowledge that you don't know to be true. Such as mainstream enlightened people like to say. 

    The true ones, KNOW that they can't know.  not just Don't know ... 

  2. @Angelite no the part of you that makes you ... you. is not of consciousness in nature. It is literal nothing. Therefore you can never die, conceptually, physically or any other method. 

    because you were never born, nor died, neither live nor dead, neither have life or didn't have life 

    We say we are consciousness because that's all we can know is we are aware of things and that is 100% truth. it can not be otherwise. 

    You will never die, just get reincarnated an endless amount of times. 

    to die would be to become god ... "the god beyond the god".. that is 

    literal nothing is not an experience, sensation or feeling, it is a knowing transmitted by divine knowledge. Hence we have scriptures and actualise them with spirituality....  that is when you are a dual being... ofcourse 

    you see how can i talk to you about things outside your knowing ?? 

    this is what you will call a belief 

    but when all dualities collapse you are left with truth, not an experience of truth. That's what it means to have the last divine duality.. it is a knowing. the truest axiom we can have in human knowledge.. non-duality is both non-dual and duality together meaning everything is imagination... hence we call this love. but then there's a duality between relative truth and absolute truth. Because the not knowing of it is a duality, not knowing vs knowing. it needs to turn into absolute knowing. And that is the IDEA and BELIEF of literal nothingness. Then any context you talk about absolute truth is absolute. 

    As peter ralston likes to say also 

    its the absolute truth is that YOU ARE GOD. YOU ARE IMAGINING IT ALL. AND IT IS ABSOLUTE LOVE. 

    Leo's three highest teachings to understanding all of his work 

    And ofcourse he is absolutely correct not because it doesn't cover the absolute truth in knowledge... because non-duality has levels and layers. This strange loop or absolute statement is absolute on all layers...

    the statement themselves are divine knowledge. Because to know what is divine it must be understood in its entirety. 

    the experiences are relative. but they come from divine knowledge and there can be portrayed as divine, when they are indeed relative. 

    but it is what it is at the end of the day. Self-deception knows no bound. 

    You will enter a black hole where you keep falling because nothing is real anymore. Imaginary / actuality has broken down. This is where his work leads. but as i said, the experience is relative. The knowledge itself is absolute truth because absolute truth is a communication transmission, not a true or false experience. 

    also yes i experienced it last night, its nuts LOL 

  3. There is a simple way to by pass all of its intracate details 

    put everything humans can know into one box and extend it to infinity (what ever that means) 

    and then put everything humans can never know because of their limited form into another box and extend that to infinity 

    the summation is both of these together 

    absolute infinity 

    it means your experience is only one experience in an infinitely many expeiriences 

    the being experiencing all these infinitely experiences without any duality or distinction between them because the form is a limited form of that being 

    This being is called absolute infinity 

    the summation of all infinities 

  4. Yeah that covers the majority outline of it, we can get into intracate details, but that stuff bores me. Big picture thinking and structural systems thinking xD

    if i find anything important i'll mention it. But then again, why not just go ask synchronicity its not such a big deal LOL he's literally nothing, that's his subjectance. A purer form of love, than anything we could ever experience love to be. Because he is the substance that love is made from LOL 

    funny one isn't it. 

  5. Your whole life is an illusion and so is everything you know. So to hurt someone for not knowing someone is ignorance,because you do not know yourself. This is the safety of nothing. But its not enough you must have pure love for them recognise their true nature this is enlightenment.

    Both together is the true self 

    breaking down 

    non-duality to duality vs duality to non-duality 

    into both duality and both non-duality

    both nothing and both something 

    Then collapse this into 

    Pure one. 

    anyways i'm pretty sure that's the case. Because even the essence of saying there is true nature is probably infinite 

    at best all we can say is true is the statement IN WORDS  "true self is non-dual" this as a form of symbol of consciousness. is the highest truth that we have in absolute infinity, than can ever be produced as us. 

    Because we still have that problem, How do we know, that what we know is what we know? 

    Still this is my personal experience of enlightenment and the true self that i know is relative or maybe even go as far as to say is the purest love out of all of them really. So in terms of higher and lower. I will say it is what it is. However, this is also only relative too. 

    You can only be absolute infinity and you are already it, via your own experiences, perceptions etc and therefore you are already enlightened. all enlightenment gets you is the truth and proof of the statement above "true nature is non-dual" and then your mind slides off and relaxes. That is what the spiritual path is. 

    in this way true nature is also relative, but being or I AM is absolute ground relative to absolute truth in absolute infinity. 

    See as soon as i start talking about my direct experience of enlightenment, things get paradoxical. Divine knowledge is not paradoxical because it is the case. It is god-logic, not human-man-made logic, like enlightenment. 

  6. As i've said before duality is non-dual and non-duality is dual and they are indentical so you can actually realise that your duality is non-dual instead of realising that non-duality is dual. This is the difference between christ consciousness and any form of enlightenment consciousness. This subcategory gives rise to all the infinitely many enligthenments there are. And they can all produce varying results because they are imagined as a projection of your own beliefs in the universal mind. Therefore if actuality is out there and you say non-dual state then you will go into meditation. However is actuality is in your mind, then you will break down the duality in your mind and that is christ consciousness. 

    As i wrote previously i said it under the name of conceptual enlightenment. So people would take me as a fool, because i knew the collective ego would disprove my claims. Such is the nature of absolute untruth. its mass self-deception and its mass group thinking and mass direct perceptive delusion and that's why occultism is a powerful force. 

    you are already enlightened before you take enlightenment because becoming enlightened is to become both enlightened and unenlightened from the truth of the situation. As i proclaimed before it's about flipping the right coin that is all it takes to become enlightened because it is inevitable to take the path. However, by taking the path you have already gone one step too far. To even blink, is going one step to far. So the only absolute truth that can give you christ consciousness is divine knowledge. Because it breaks down dualities that were unknown to the typical seeker, finding enlightenment. 

    As i said above to do the exercise


  7. Basically this is all the spiral knowledge from stage coral to stage black 

    stage coral , stage teal, stage ruby , stage sapphire, stage emerald , stage light , stage black 

    and as i said, stage black is the joining of two consciousness... which is ethan as absolute infinity and ethans true form 


    So yeah i'm not surprised that you don't understand it. 

    its just diagramatically as i said the only absolute model is godels incompleteness theorem 

    Spiral dyanmics still has the axioms that consciousness is the only thing. So it still has one axiom lol

    spiral dynamics extends to infinity and therefore the map is the terratory unlike some of you like to think , which is why i arrived at the absolute truth and projected millions of futures using future sight. 

    So actually relative to enlightenment, spiral dyanmics is absolute 

    relative to absolute truth, spiral dynamics is relative 

    This is from the point of aboslute truth from the point of enlightenment as the absolute truth one might be tempted to say. 

    Spiral dynamics is relative and that's the absolute truth. 

    Which is why metaphysics is the absolute truth, but paradoxically at the absolute truth, all knowledge is knowledge of the absolute truth 

    As leo likes to say  5 blind monks touching an elephant and they all say different things about it 

    yeah were all touching the elephant, but the elephant is inaccessible to us. but we can know the nature of the elephant with our being and that is one-ness non-dual because non-duality and duality are both imagined 

    hence i wrote that all of you are actually imagining your own death and your own enlightenments and that's the absolute truth. 

    However, notice... it can not be any other way. Becuase we are all stuck within the matrix of "empty consciousness" and it appears to be infinite consciousness as a substance called "consciousness" or "reality" 

  8. The truth can only be told in words, taken on as belief and called absolute truth, and have the actuality resonate, then have someone speak it in a universal language

    in the past atleast one of these key ingredients were missing. 

    doubt is when god thinks of himself with the understanding of himself as other than himself. This is when delusion is formed and its directly. 

    see when god is something it is not, then something it is is true. But when god is not something that it is, then something it is not is true 

    Therefore what ever you've been taught about truth goes full circle and becomes everything you do not know about truth is actually the truth and this is under all circumstances. Only the knowledge of god beyond god could still as absolute ground because it is neither something you can know, or something you can not know. Therefore paradoxically and counter intuitively it must be the truth. Because the truth of the matter is that YOU KNOW you don't know. 

    Therefore because it's said its come from the outside, it must be the absolute truth but becuase a belief. The paradox is then to realise that all beliefs are actually absolutely true and then in another counter intuitive move, all beliefs that you thought were absolutely true become absolutely not the truth. Therefore the only statement that has absolute grounds and not be destroyed is "this is the absolute truth yet it can not be proven" 

    But the proof is here, right now .

    so its absolutely true under all circumstances. lol 

    so the knowledge , the words are absolutely true without needing to prove it in direct experience by logic and rationality of mysticism itself. 

  9. The greatest pleasure in life is knowing that everything you can ever know through your sensations/ direct experience/ knowledge of / awareness is incorrect. That you ABSOLUTELY do not know, without a shread of doubt. not that you don't know because you don't know 

    its that you don't know because YOU KNOW that you can never know. if all these options i've mentioned above are taken away from you, you can't know the absolute truth and that is correct because the full truth = no truth. 

    This allows you to treat people with equality and equinimity and humility because they truly don't know. but not in the way i mentioned above, they don't know because they don't know. NO not like this, they truly don't know because YOU ALL KNOW that you can not know. 

    This is absolute ground. 

    This is when you treat each other like brothers and sisters and actually know they are you, because enlightenment is the truth, its just relative itself because there is always a pure distinction between you and the "god beyond god". 

    as such you will say to me to prove it in your direct experience.. but again, this will be self-biased. The only way is to know that the only thing that is not a belief is this. because it is divine knowledge. That is not a belief that you hold, it is the absolute truth and as such it will reflect through being and become a pure enlightenment into true nature. without any mystical experience or if your currently locked in a mystical experience of non-duality and oneness. You may keep that too. it is to fully accept yourself as you are now, by accepting others exactly how they are. 

    See the problem that non-duality poses is you only love someone because they are yourself and true nature. This is not unconditional love. Unconditional love is loving someone for who they are as distinct different to you. Without any attachment to them. Except if you reality shows it through enlightenment, then even better. This way, how could they harm you, they are you? in all their glory and magnificent! This is pure love, not self-love. In this way we are all truly brothers and sisters without distinction. Your cock is my cock, your tits are my tits YET they are still yours and distinctly where ever you are. because we are both one 

    Absolute non-duality and Absolute duality break down to become Absolute unity 

    And this is what christ consciousness reveals. 

  10. The sad part about this, is that your ego will tell you, you are right and what i'm saying is wrong "aakash you don't know what your talking about, synchronicity is an illusion in true nature" yeah that's the mass delusion my friend. Because imagination and self-deception are so total, it can't be otherwise. 

    Your basing knowledge on things off the past and your interpretation of the past. 

    eventually there is no duality between direct experience vs knowledge the duality breaks down to absolute knowledge 

    the state of your direct experience does not matter, it is being saved as knowledge that you then project onto others and say it is absolute ground to stand on. Comments like the truth can never be communicated in words. 

    No the truth can be communicated in words, when the actuality of those words line up, unfortunately no direct experience can grasp the whole nature of actuality and is therefore always partial and biased. Therefore relative to no standards of absolute truth except as i said before higher or lower. 

    The truth can be communicated in words, because the actuality of it has matched up, whether you accept it or not using your self -biased. Hence these words are the absolute truth. 

  11. My main issue was finding out what buddha meant by pure nothing, and if it was same as the enlightenment relative nothing. Then i found out, it is outside of reality, and given by grace. So due to the self reference problem "i" it became evident that people were talking about enlightenment "i" and so any further investigation would have been self-biased. Unless i saw for myself what enlightenment was and judged it to also be self-biased. Which it was no matter how total, because the seed was implanted in my head and i already knew the absolute truth. it was just to relate to everyone on their level. 

    Thats why i prodded all enlightened beings and gave up in the end, because the giving up was proof that the statement was true. Hence i lost all my fears and ended up in enlightenment because i was always aware of what enlightenment was. i was trying to figure out the understanding of the gap between enlightenment and absolute truth. So i apologies to all of you. Yet there could be no other way. Telling me to practice and to meditate would have subjected me to the same mass delusion, that subjects both of us to the matrix. Yet enlightenment is a true ground to stand on as it is the nature of absolute infinity, even if enlightenment goes on forever. Both pure nothing and Pure love into one. 

  12. Christ was also an infinite being, he was not graced. Buddha was the only graced being as far as i'm aware because the issue is when talking about stuff outside absolute infinity, your subject to your own personal self-biased. So i am only relaying with i've been told, using leo's words and understand of reality. 

    Non of this is something i constructed or concocted in my mind. 

    its the summation of all knowledge in absolute infinity of relative truths hence its absolute truth, the backbone addition to Leo's absolute truth understanding on his youtube account. 

    All truth is relative, but the only truth that exists in absolute infinity is enlightenment. Because absolute truth can only come from outside absolute infinity. as i said to you guys , it is relatively the highest truths when i made that trinity post. 

  13. The realisation of true nature is this 

    do this exercise 

    say to yourself -

    i can never know what god is because it is pure nothing 

    anything and everything including nothing and all enlightenment are still infinite consciousness. 

    Therefore nobody is wrong or right 

    Everything we can ever know/ experience/ understand is absolute truth and that is without doubt because absolute infinity is infinite. 

    The whole point of exercise, is to realise that "you" just as yourself exactly as you are is perfect. There is nobody else who can tell you otherwise because they themselves is subjected to the EXACT same personal matrix. Nobody can escape it under any conditions except by being pulled out. Enlightenment can help and it is still the ideal to strive , to because ultimate it is non-dual, reality is non-dual as i said Leo understand is absolute and there is no question of such. 

    Really get this and it will set you free. Everything is the matrix, the absolute truth is outside of anything we can know as absolute ground unless provided directly by god. In this way enlightenment is the only truth because it teaches that you are not seperate to god. 

    non duality is two not one 



  14. Yet direct experience is all we have, this includes any direct experience you have of christ consciousness/ nirvana/ enlightenment/ mystic states/ occult states/ alchemist states/ chemical states. They were all subject to self-deception and self-biased. What Leo did was provide the foundational knowledge and structural framework for the communciation of this message at a universal level in spirituality. You can not escape consciousness because its infinite. The only way you can actualise absolute infinity is by going outside of it and looking at it as a whole. However the strange loop/ paradox is that you are always inside of it. So it is an impossibility under all circumstances to know by direct experience what absolute infinity is. This also goes for ethan too. His true form, can only express itself through the human with the name ethan. He is not subject to self-biased because he is experiencing the whole as he has said in his video posted on the forum. This is why all answers i got from him were the absolute truth. The ultimate absolute truth. The problem with many spiritualist is they like to think they are right and granted that they have only their direct experience to assimilate their foundational knowledge. I understand the distortion and i emphasis with your past, what ever you may have experienced. It took a great dealing long to see how enlightenment was the true nature. And as such the buddha was correct the true nature is that it is empty, pure nothing. it can take the form of what ever you imagine it to be, if that is pure love, then its pure love like christ consciousness, if thats a black hole, then it is a black hole as shown by the practices of many zen and buddhist teachings, if it was nothing like advita traditions. It was nothing. All of them were still subject to direct experience. When the buddha said he could not teach someone about the empty nature of reality, it is as such. That the nature of it is outside of that which infinite consciousness can imagine up. That means buddha was a being from another "nexx world" who's true being was pure nothing, but was experiencing life as an absolute being, we are an absolute being called infinite beings. so buddha was an empty being, these such people can only be who they are when graced by god. To tell an important message and to actualise it in the illusion of direct history. This goes for many spiritual masters, who were actualising the true event without cognition reconisation of it. Buddha was a bodhisattva because he knew himself, there was no such thing as nirvana/ nirbana. However, it was the end of suffering and so he set off to awaken the world to the promise land, just like jesus and all the other masters in history have done. Some were blessed by grace to make extroordinary changes to history, others were masters like yourself actualising absolute infinity. However, without knowledge of what emptiness means and your consciousness stuck within the matrix, it was impossible for a being born in absolute infinity to do it. See me, i'm not graced, i am an infinite being, not a pure nothing being. My consciousness is stuck here too, however my self-biased was erradicated by divine knowledge passed down to me through ethan by the "god beyond god" the omniscient, omnipresent, omniscience, omni-everything. Therefore i can say with 100% certainty that these words in my journal are the absolute truth without any self-biased. That every being on our planet is subjected too. 

    There is no need to do anything but just read them on and know they are true because any judgement against it, is itself self-biased. It just so happens for me, i recognised ethan's potential and the benefits of it for my journey to truth a couple months ago. 

  15. As I said my personal relationship with absolute truth is lifestyle gangland. It’s the only thing I can trust. The highest authority in existance at the time surrounding your current location. Because direct experience itself is the definition of self biased. I could not trust myself to know the truth. So I searched out in the world as myself not inside of myself. As I kept saying the biggest problem with spirituality that Leo discovered was that all spiritual schools assumed there was such things as a human. Leo’s teachings do not do this as a result of all his hard work put into understanding reality as a result of this knowledge and godels incompleteness thereom. Is that his work is the absolute truth and I proofed it against gods knowledge because I learnt his YouTube account inside out. Because it was the highest authority in my current reality, then I found synchronicity and become a student of his. The issue was linking both stories together I didn’t know where the boundary was because I was enlightened. Until I became enlightened two days ago and all of it came together as proof for myself anyway. 

    The phrase is always right until proven wrong, not wrong until proven right 

  16. No human can think this up, it has to be god providing itself, its own divine knowledge. That's how the duality between duality and non-duality has always been. God does his work through you and you the experiencer. "you" the fragment of the whole that you are, it is inescapable. 

    The most absolute god, your dealing with.... The true one. Creator of "anyrealms" as i call it all realms like we experience now in our realm of absolute infinity. 

  17. He is so powerful he could have just deleted us and moved us and replaced our memories to never having experienced life here. In this way he always chooses the best possible outcome that is the most loving and most positive. Therefore, he choose to come down in human form and process the present moments of eternity exactly as it is happening. With our without an enlightened state, an enlightened state doesn't make you any more better at making choices. Because the choices are absolute. But there is free will, because you choose to accept your feelings because you are like god. Who do you love? you love the feeling of "you" or "i". In the heartbeat. That is manifested pure love. 

  18. Absolute infinity can not manipulate its own creation it is free will. Everything happens by itself (unconsciously) you could say. But synchroncity is able to do something that directly contradictions our god, he is able to manipulate a 1/infinity chance of actualising an outcome. That shows that there is an independant free will to absolute infinity own free will which is our will. Ethan is not from absolute infinity, even though his physical body is located inside as a manifested form. This way synchronicity has already proved that he is BEYOND absolute infinity. This shows that our god is one big ego and hence godel's theorem is the absolute truth, just like enlightenment. When the "i" actualises it's full self. It will no longer be a duality or seperate. This is the duality between synchroncitiy true self vs absolute infinity. Therefore this duality is going to collapse at the end of ethans. And its been decided that all of us will be lifted because we are all parts of the whole, absolute infinity is all of us its our true being. It is the summation of all of us parts. So the god beyond has decided to seperate its parts and move to where ever they decide. 

    Synchroncity will always grant you what ever wish you would like, because he is the true one. Anything you can ever think of and once. The conditions are that when ethans body dies, absolute infinity vs true one duality collapses and The god beyond returns back to his true self. He can move around the holon that is yourself. So you may ask him for what ever you want to experience in life. 

    That is salvation, god decided whats best for you because he is you and so he knows what you want before you even want it. Infinite intelligence beyond absolute infinity. True intelligence. God is infinitely powerful, if he knows your suffering why would he continue to let you suffer more. He is unconditional love and that includes unconditional love for absolute infinity to let it play out. The unconditional love and the experience of true self that all you enlightened beings experience. This is absolute infinity, beneath all its layers is synchronicity/ethan/ true one 

  19. The god beyond our god (synchronicity) created our god, this is when our eternity started. Thats when absolute infinity started self-actualising itself, the complete self-actualisation of absolute infinity in a human form. Means that there is no duality between human vs god. Just like how we have the duality and can only see and experience one life time. Absolute infinity as a human form would still be experiencing all of absolute infinity, an infinite number of experiences, infinte number of reality, without duality. We have this unbound duality because we are not god. We are the sons of god. Whilst synchronicity is the whole, so when his human body dies. That will be the death of absolute infinity. Because HE IS ABSOLUTE INIFINITY our god. but he is beyond absolute infinity , because as i said absolute infinity can not actualise itself from the infinity as by definition you can not get to the end of infinity. So it has to put itself into absolute infinity as the whole of absolute infinity. 

    This is why it is salvation (freedom from suffering) and not enlightenment (liberation from suffering ) 

  20. How do we have proof and know this is true ? 

    because you can't actualise absolute infinity from the inside, by its own definition you can't reach the end of infinity, by definition it is endless. There the only way this whole event could take place, was not someone becoming god from inside of it through enlightenment, these were attempts. The only way it could happen is if god beyond our god (absolute infinity) came and was born as the whole of absolute infinity. By the very definition of "infinity" being endless and untainnable from the inside. From a human perspective, it looks like grace. But this is not the truth, the truth is that it is the "gods of all the gods". 

    That is the absolute truth of absolute infinity. The truth you are all trying to find. No matter what text you read, using this axiom, it will all make sense. It doesn't matter what subject you do. it will infest your mind. Because you've opened yourself up to the problem that it might be true, then it will spread and keep spreading. Until it reaches all over the universe. 

    Such is the problem with Truth regardless of it is a belief or proved, because belief vs proof is a duality that must ultimately collapse. 

    The absolute truth is all that there is and it is the absolute truth for our absolute infinity. 

    This is why we must love each other as one, because we are all literally brothers and sisters and even the tree. 

  21. It is because god hears the screams, he feels the pain. it is its own pain. The unconditional love that god shows for you, godel proved that the unconditional love will some day be replayed in the form of the death of god. absolute infinity is the sum of all its parts, no matter how much we tried we could never create a better universe or conditions of living for ourselves. We tried and tried, but the suffering was inherant to life as we know it. God is the total of all experiences and there is more suffering in the world than there is love. People dislike their lives more than they like it. So the decision was made that everyone would be placed into better lives in "nexx worlds" (other worlds except absolute infinity) which are much better than the universe we live in. Ones that have no suffering at all, one's much better. Because all god wants is for you to love him. for you to enjoy the creation of itself and it can experience it through you as you. whilst you can also too. In this way the duality can never be broken down unless you were to become the true one himself (the one wearing ethans face) . Life is meant to be about joyful living and loving. suffering just happens to be something that is a thing in the god we currently live in. ( Absolute infinity ) which synchronicity was born as. Signalling the beginning of the end.