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Everything posted by Sempiternity

  1. All was answered. Any shared answer will be unsatisfactory. Find answers for yourself through direct experience.
  2. "Benefits": You are literally God. You are eternal. You can never not be, so fear of Death is gone. Not having fear of death greatly improves the quality of life. Fear of death is the root of most all fears, so not having this fear means you don't have fear in general. You live with confidence. Can fully experience life, without holding back. You are infinitely intelligent (whether you realize it or not). There is no Past to suffer from, as the Past is a concept you are imaging Now. There is no Future to worry about, as all there is is Now, and Now forever. There are no other people to suffer from, as they are illusions you have dreamt up. No one can ever hurt you, as You know they are figments of your imagination. Others are inconsequential, as they are just You experiencing Yourself. This recontextualization changes everything in how you relate to "others". There is no meaning to anything, except the meaning you create. There is no purpose to any of it, other to experience. There is never anything to worry about, except if you as God want to experience worry. Taking ownership of the experience of all of Reality (You), recontextualizes your experience of it. Everything is Love. You are all that exists. You are Love. So You (as consciousness) are bathed in Love for eternity.
  3. One is choosing to wake up from the dream, the other is choosing not to go back to sleep. You cannot accidently kill yourself via Mahasamadhi. It is you, as God, choosing not to go back to being a human in a reality. It is chosen with all of God's will, so it cannot be accidental.
  4. This is about as solipsistic as you can get in a video
  5. I am vividly aware that Now is all that exists, and that any Past is a story I am creating Now. So here is a story: I used to be a sex addict. I couldn't go more than 2 days without sex before needing a fix. 4 years ago I started on my spiritual journey. In doing so, I gave up all attachments, including communities I loved, connections to friends, and gave up relationships and sex. I have been fully celibate for the past 4 years. I had many opportunities, but held fast to my commitment to my spiritual journey. Lately, I have been experimenting in reintegrating back into social things, such as parties, festivals, and house gatherings. On Halloween, I ended up connecting with a woman at a house party, and we had sex. It was nice, but...because of my awareness that Now is all that there is, I know that that sex never happened, as all of my Past is nonexistent other than a thought that I am having Now. My lesson in this is that any moment, including sex, is all equal, in that it is nonexistent except as a thought in Now. So there is not really a reason that I can see to pursue sex, or anything for that matter, for as soon as it is experienced Now, it is gone as if it never happened at all. Now is all that there is, and whatever is Now is perfect, as it is all that exists.
  6. It's a paradox / strangeloop. Watch Leo's videos on Paradoxes and Strangeloops.
  7. Now is simultaneous Creation and Destruction, hence simultaneous beginning and end. It has no end, as it is eternal/infinite. How are you still not getting this?
  8. The beginning and end is right now. Nothing at all exists outside of Now. Now both exists and doesn't exist, as it is nothing and something at the same time.
  9. @Galyna I would say I contemplate on often, but that would be a fallacy wouldn't it I chalk it up to God's (me) infinite will and intelligence to create such a convincing illusion. It may seem like there are others with their own life and backstories, and that there is motion and the passage of time, but all of it is just the powerful illusion of Now (me). The trick is to install a permanent recognition of the truth, so not to fall for the illusion.
  10. Yes, I get this. I, being all of Reality, not the human 'me'. This is where language breaks down. I am this, this right Now. Nothing exists outside of this Now. If I create others and language to communicate with these 'others', that is what is. But, the 'others' and the 'me that thinks it's making choices', are just illusions happening/not happening within the perception bubble that is me, God. As Now is an instantaneous creation and destruction of this perception bubble, there is no action or choice happening, as that would require a past to exist, which it doesn't.
  11. Yes, that is exactly what I think. And from what Leo has said, he also believes this (not speaking for him).
  12. "oh yeah, we're transforming all the time. In fact, my favorite movie is transformers"
  13. Humorous look into Stage Green transformative festival culture. "Bus energy is the best energy"
  14. I'm 46. I've had about 8 different roommates at different living situations. Most were tolerable, a couple were complete nightmares. One got a big dog without asking, and let it shit and piss on the carpet, and would scream and curse at me when I told her it was unacceptable. She stayed for another month after me telling her she needed to leave. I had to replace all the carpet, costing $2000. Unless you know the person well beforehand, it's always a crapshoot. People can lie in roommate interviews, and can put on a good act for awhile, but their true nature will always eventually come out. Best to either live with close friends, were you already know the type of person they are, or try to live alone.
  15. And you're on his forum, so what does that say about you? Going to other people's places of business and shitting on them, is that what you find to be worthy of your effort?
  16. I've heard people say to not do 5-MEO more than once a week, or every other week. Why couldn't 5-MEO be done every other day (giving one day for rest, recovery, and integration) for a short period of time, say 2-4 weeks? Upping the dose a little each time. I guess it also depends on if we're talking a ceremony ending in an Awakening or not. I can see how after a full blown Awakening is experienced, to take some time to integrate that. But, if it's just a trip, I don't see the harm in doing it more frequent than once a week, or once every other week. Thoughts?
  17. What a gift to be able to share that with your father. Wish I could do that with mine before he is gone, but there is no way he'd be open to it.
  18. When it comes to living with someone, you either get along with someone or you don't. And when you don't it will only get worse and worse as time goes on. At least in my experience. If you can't see it working, then best to do another move.
  19. How can one regret something from a past that doesn't exist? When one truly understands that now is all there is, there can't be any other to compare it to.
  20. Oh the irony of Tyler Durden, an imaginary man, inquiring about being alive I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
  21. There is only one opinion that matters, and that's your own. Do what makes you feel at peace. If people don't agree, then fuck em and cut them out of your life. There are many places where people are fully accepted. Where I live, this is not even a thing, people just are accepted and loved as they are. I have many many friends that are trans and don't have a worry in the world. Follow your intuition, and let it guide you. Wishing you the best on your path.
  22. If you haven't seen 'Midnight Mass' on Netflix I highly recommend it. Starts slow, but it all comes together masterfully. This is a conversation that happens at the end (spoilers obviously). For a show about fanatical Christianity, this powerful speech at the end is quite on-the-nose Nonduality. Just goes to show that Nonduality is truly becoming mainstream and part of the collective-consciousness. As the character is dying: ‘What do I think happens when we die? Speaking for myself...myself...myself. That's the problem, that's the whole problem with the whole thing, that word, “self”. That's not the word, that's not right. How did I forget that? I thought I'd despair or feel afraid, but I don't feel any of that. Because I'm too busy in this moment remembering. This body is mostly just empty space after all and solid matter, it's just energy vibrating very slowly. And there is no me. There never was. I'm no longer breathing and I remember. There is no point where any of that ends and I begin. I remember I am energy, not memory, not self. My name, my personality, my choices, all came after me. I was before them and I will be after. And everything else is pictures picked up along the way. Fleeting little dreamlets. And I am the lightning that jumps between. I am the energy. And I am returning, just by remembering. I am returning home. It's like a drop of water falling back into the ocean, of which it's always been a part. All things, everyone who's ever been, every plant, every animal, every atom, every star, every galaxy, all of it, that's what we're talking about when we say God. The One. The cosmos, and its infinite dreams. We are the cosmos dreaming of itself. It's simply a dream that I think is my life every time. But I'll forget this. I always do. I always forget my dreams. But now, in this moment, I remember. The instant I remember, I comprehend everything at once. There is no time, there is no death, life is a dream. It's a wish, again and again and again, and on into Eternity. And I am all of it. I am everything. I am all. I am that. I am you.'
  23. That is your bias view being passed off as truth. Look into Masochism, where what others call torture, is the greatest pleasure. I've been beaten hard with a bamboo cane, to where my back was so welted, bruised, and bloody, to most it would be the worst torturous experience of their life, but to me it was euphoric transcendent pure bliss. Be aware of your views on things are not universal truths.