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Everything posted by Rilles

  1. I decided to stay in this forum... for a while... I still stand by everything I wrote and I am not taking it back. Thanks for all the replies, it is refreshing to see that not everyone here is a blind follower.
  2. I can close my eyes and realize there is noone looking out into the world... yet I still exist as this idea of a person in a body. So not much has changed really even though Im really grateful for this realization that I have worked hard at for the past 4 years. How do I deepen and fully let go? Where do I look? Thoughts I guess? Any help 'preciated thanks. (Sober. Dont recommend psychedelics please, I know they exist but Im not in the right mindstate to do them right now.)
  3. @Leo Gura Exactly what I thought you would say. Nice little insult there too with the "cute", seems all your awakenings created an infinite ego, good for you. Im out. Bye.
  4. And you constantly harping on how elevated you are makes me start fantasizing about distant awakening lands that I will never reach which turns me off even more. I will never awaken unless I shove 500 capsules of 5-Meo DMT up my ass which I will never do anyway so whats even the point anymore. Its like youre floating around Jupiter in a spaceship telling me how awesome it is while Im a homeless bum on street barely having food to eat. Anyway do you I guess, Im leaving this forum and your videos soon, feel like I have integrated most stuff already atleast mentally. Hopefully I will become infinitely conscious the day physically I die anyway.
  5. Why not focus simply on teaching instead of constantly comparing yourself to other teachers? It makes you seem less credible rather than more. Newcomers will get turned off and in turn probably not awaken.
  6. "Leo when he hasnt said how he is the only truly God realized person for 5 minutes."
  7. One of the reasons Im scared to try astral projection too. Reality is weird, man.
  8. Im so lucky I have never experienced it. I once got sleep paralysis after a some really bad sleep deprivation but it was more like I was stuck inside my head, everything was black and I couldnt move my body. Very anxiety inducing but not like a horror movie. Lasted about 10 seconds tops.
  9. Creepy as fuck, and way too structured to be an accident. Its almost like they are guardians which job it is to keep you in the body. It is really fucking weird that everyone has similar experiences when it comes to this, cant be an accident.
  10. Tattoo your forehead and say "Careful, fragile ego-mind inside."
  11. But what is the doer-feeling made of? Where does it exist? Point me to it!
  12. Nah, its more nuanced. What would you say the I-feeling consists of? I like these types of explorations. I have never really gone there, to me its mental imagery, the feeling of the body belonging to me, thoughts etc.
  13. I never said there was no I-feeling, I said you are aware of the I-feeling. Slow your roll duderinoo.
  14. So? The feeling of taking a shit exists too, doesnt mean you are that at your very essence.
  15. Youre not a feeling. Youre aware of feelings.
  16. Go to the psychward, you can probably be prescribed an anti-psychotic or something. If you kill yourself you dont know what kind of fucked up alternate reality you might end up in. I believe your problem has a solution here on earth.
  17. This question usually takes years to answer. If I told you yes you would try to find the "I" so I will say yes which will lead you on a hunt to eventually find out the answer is no.
  18. I do this too. Im in Uni with very few in-place lectures and I get up at like 11 o clock, Im such a sloth lmao.
  19. Its kind of like asking "can we create a reality from scratch?" No not really because reality itself would be encompassing that reality... Its a mindfuck.
  20. First tell me in your direct experience what it is, what it looks like. Then I will tell you if its possible to create it.
  21. Its important to feel good in your clothing, dont wear a suit if its not you, but also you cant wear whatever you like because you have to work within the existing social matrix. If you can combine authenticity with social matrix youre home. Clothing is the first thing someone criticizes before you have even said a word.
  22. This is what imagine Love awakening is like...