Leo Gura

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Posts posted by Leo Gura

  1. 1 hour ago, zurew said:

    I think there can be done more than guesswork unless you  want to take the position  where you say  that cognitive science is purely just a guess-work and not grounded in anything tangible.  

    I agree that we have a lot more to learn, but I disagree that cognitive science can't be grounded. Will that mean that we will have a perfect theory that will be able to make sense of alien minds in a perfect manner? Probably not, but it won't mean either that we will have 0 clue about them. The more we can study them , the better grip we can get on whats going on.

    Cognitive scientists don't even know that hypermind exists. So how are they supposed to study it?

    I'm not saying it's impossible, but we are a century out from meaningful work in this area.

  2. You have to start by figuring out what you want. Getting very clear about that. It's hard to help you if you are so vague and general. Good advice requires specificity. We need to understand your goals, your values, your situation, your sticking points, your strengths.

  3. 1 hour ago, Majed said:

    is there a connection between spirituality and mental illness ?

    There can be a connection. But that's not a connection my teachings explore.

    Treating mental illness is a niche specialization. It requires specialized experience and expertise. It's not like giving general life advice because you could really harm already fragile people. Therapists who specialize in that go through special training and they get special certifications. And even then it's an uphill battle to help such people. This task requires a lot of time and close attention which I cannot provide over the internet.

  4. Mearsheimer is a reasonable guy. I was speaking not against him per se, but about the trap of turning his perspective into a kind of doomerism within your own mind.

    Your mind is cherrypicking all these political videos you watch to form its own worldview, and if you do this carelessly then you might end up in hell, even though the world at large is doing fine.

  5. 1 hour ago, Buck Edwards said:

    Poor thing. She must miss ya. She must have needed your help very badly. You should have coached her privately. Bpd sufferers often react badly to their environments and supportive environments make a huge difference. Sad that you let her go. Suicide rates are high in bpd. Who knows some help from you would have made a difference, hindsight. 

    You can't talk someone out of BPD and I am not anyone's therapist.

    Don't get the wrong idea about what I do. I am a philosopher. I do not deal with mental illness.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    If you give examples that you see as the most tangible to you I will try to answer what I think, but otherwise I can't understand you.

    You can find so many examples of Israeli spokespersons all over media spreading bullshit. I am too lazy to compile it all. Should be obvious by now if you watch the news.

    I'm not looking for an answer. Zionists gonna zionize.