
What are Psychedelics?

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I was tripping on LSD and a word came to me. Spirit Modulator. The idea of modulation in this case is taking from my experience in music and the idea of frequency modulation. Here is a quick video explaining the idea of frequency modulation.

This idea could also basically be applied to the idea of color. If you mix two colors together you get a different color.

So you could say that psychedelics are a manifestation as the same consciousness you are, but they represent a different shade or frequency. When this frequency is introduces into your base vibration it creates a bunch of weird frequency shifting.

When you listen to a song, you're listening to a single wave of sound (well if you're listening on headphones you're technically hearing two waves for each ear, but your brain turns it into a single sensation anyway), but this wave is constantly being modulated, thus you hear multiple instruments, notes and chords. Similarly, this reality is made of a single infinite wave which modulates itself into an infinite amount of forms. Psychedelics are a reflection of this infinite capacity for modulation.

That was my insight, I'd like to hear your thoughts on it.

Edited by DefinitelyNotARobot

beep boop

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I had some similar insight on lsd that this physical reality Is swinging on a certain frequency and like a radio sender you can switch to another channel/reality. You can only interact with this reality if you match the frequency.

And if you are in between realitys/ channels reality gets distorted

Don't know if this is a good analogy.i know many before me use this analogy so it is not my invention. But it somehow clicked on lsd.

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Here's a musical exemple of how every distinction is made of the same stuff:

Rhythm & pitch are the exact same thing at different speeds. Pitch starts at around 20 discreet events per second & ends at around 20 000 discreet events per second for humans. Rhythm is below 20 discreet events per second down to around 40 discreet events per minute(even less if you have a good ear). Take a steady pulse of 60 bpm, which you perceive as rhythm & speed it up to 440 Bps & the rhythm you had just became the note A.

Mind boggling.

edit: discreet ain't the right word at all. I meant distinct.

Not sure how relevant to your question that is but I felt like sharing.

Edited by Rigel

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20 hours ago, OBEler said:

Don't know if this is a good analogy.i know many before me use this analogy so it is not my invention. But it somehow clicked on lsd.

I was also aware of this analogy beforehand, but that experience allowed me to grasp it on a deeper level. I was making music while on LSD and I had a spontaneous insight into how what I was doing connected to the larger scheme of reality, so I thought I'd share that connection with y'all.


20 hours ago, Rigel said:

Rhythm & pitch are the exact same thing at different speeds.

I've heard about that before. Here is a good explanation:

Don't worry, your reply is relevant since we were talking about how music connects to reality.

Edited by DefinitelyNotARobot

beep boop

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