
What would you think about being visited by something very unusual in your sleep?

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If something was communicating with you in your sleep, and, in the past, several people in the past mentioned it,  but, you already thought everything was an illusion, what would you think? It was bargaining with me and showing me images that were based on something, trying to communicate with me. 


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I was visited by a very beautiful girl in my dream. Before that, there was many animals coming to my house eating. In my kitchen area and living room. Animals of various types like a guest. One of it was a parrot. It was quite big but not too big. At first the parrot was white, then its body changes colours to hot pink. It has a female partner outside the house so the parrot came in pair. But the male are bigger than the female. I was amazed by this dream when I woke up. It was from a few days ago. I think the parrot becomes the girl that appeared in my dream. I wonder what my dream means. 

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I'd question what saying everything is an illusion meant. Does it make it less than it was before you thought that? Its still what it is. Everything's a dream! WHACK you get hit in the face by a dreamy problem and it still hurts or confounds you. Do you see what i'm saying? Its not less than some other value (you also invented), just because you now know you are infinity and its inside of you.

I'd set my intent in my dreamtime to go right to its metaphorical front door or whatever part of my psyche was wanting a word. I'd ask what it was showing me or wanting, then i'd do what my intuition said. Maybe it needs hearing/seeing and then integrating into your life, maybe its a boundary issue and you tell it to get lost, maybe it's a problem headed your way you are getting heads up about, it could be anything. You can do this in meditation too of course if you want more conscious control, unless you are a lucid dreamer and have more control over your dream time. Remember though whatever it is, its you.

I used to do a lot of third-eye work, and so sometimes i'd get experiences with things that bothered me. If all of this sounds too much, you are infinity, you have an infinite amount of ways to communicate, to talk to parts of yourself. Back when I was much younger, I liked calling up my ancestors for help that night with whatever problem it was. We have more of a connection through our biology than most realise or explore. That's just one more tool in your toolbox. You could burn white sage, use Tibetan bells (and Tibetan dorje), keep some white Selenite crystals around next to you while you sleep for clarity, or listen to high-frequency sounds to clear the space if it was problematic, perhaps solfeggio sounds to clear things.

Edited by BlueOak

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