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Reselling/speculation resources?

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I don't remember exactly. About a year ago I found some cheap used item. I didn't need so I bought it to sell it with profit.

Once year later I'm getting reasonable income. My room is messy (not only).., bicycle parts are laying everywhere. I struggle to open my wardrobe because of boxes. I also have video LED lamps under my desk.


Sometimes I fix stuff or make it look nicer. Sometimes I buy a set of items and sell them separately. Sometimes I just buy cheap, make a good description and great photos same make a good profit.


My inventory is growing. At some point I will need to scale up because it doesn't make much sense to have more than five or ten identical items.

If I'm syndrome selling cheap stuff because I got them as a set with one or two more expensive items. It's time consuming. Preparing two or three auctions a day would be reasonable. At some point I will need to scale up and find more expensive items to buy because my time and energy is limited.



Do you know any good resources for a speculative reselling?

What are good items for reselling? Bicycle parts are good because for an ordinary person it's hard to estimate a value. They are also quite small and easy to store.

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I just started ebay reselling a couple weeks ago. I dont know about speculative resources but this channel has been really helpful in the systems building aspect of a reselling business. It also has a reasonably affordable mentorhsip/mastermind where they will help you streamline your business practices


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On 5/29/2023 at 7:11 PM, Phil King said:

I just started ebay reselling a couple weeks ago. I dont know about speculative resources but this channel has been really helpful in the systems building aspect of a reselling business. 

I listened to a couple of videos. It's quite interesting.

However I'm doing exactly the opposite thing. I can't dedicate a whole room for my stuff at the moment. I keep most (in terms of value) of my stuff in just two suitcases.

He claims that you should sell 10 items a day. Two items a day would be perfect for me. I tend to have a lower return form investment but I avoid buying stuff that will earn me less than $15-20. I like to buy stuff that costs $80 and can be sold for $120. It also takes as much space as a boxed mobile phone.

I would like to transition to another category of product in order to make my stock smaller. Selling 5 expensive items a week would be perfect.

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I think you could resell fashion collectibles like sneakers and watches, especially limited edition items. Nike Air Jordans, Seiko watches, etc. People go crazy about them for some reason.

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