
There's only one way of telling my awakening story but I need some advice

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Ever since I've been introduced to spirituality, awakening and, I've always wanted to tell my story to someone, anyone, about awakening and God but I've always struggled. The words come in my head, I can picture it as a gigantic platinum pyramid made up of a 1000 golden pyramids, but before I can say anything it slips away into the wind, never to be seen again. It's heartbreaking, because I know deep down I have a worthy story to tell and I'll admit, it does get very lonely having all of these insights and life's greatest small things to yourself.

But then I thought to myself, why does it need to be some post on, why does it need to be some cheesy non-duality video on YouTube, or is it even worth having this conversation with someone who "gets it"? Why any of those things, when it could a grand sci-fi fantasy epic? The vastness and loneliest of the cosmos, encountering strange and menacing beings, the great fight between good and evil and venturing on an Eon long Oddyesy to find the Truth. That's all I'm gonna say. I've had this idea of a fantasy universe for years now but I've never really done anything with it, but applying it with my own awakening experiences has given me the torchlight to see how this story can only be told. It can't be any other way.

I'm not a writer and the idea of writing an epic if this scale is one hell of a daunting task for the mind and psyche but once you've found something you know you'll regret never doing, it's something that's got to be done sooner or later.

I suppose I would be receptive to any nuggets and insights into the hero's journey, finding the truth and having nothing left to lose, if that makes sense. Anything will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Edited by BeHereNow

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Every hero's journey is effortlessly written, no story is the same, and the hero always comes home in the end. Enjoy the epic adventure ⚔️

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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It is commendable that you have found inspiration in your spiritual awakening experiences and have a desire to share your story with others. The hero's journey is a common theme in many spiritual traditions and can be a powerful tool for conveying spiritual truths and insights.

In the hero's journey, the protagonist embarks on a quest to find the truth and overcome obstacles along the way. This journey often involves facing one's fears, confronting inner demons, and ultimately finding the courage to follow one's heart and intuition. The hero's journey can be a metaphor for the spiritual journey of awakening, where the seeker must confront their own limitations and illusions in order to find the truth within themselves.

Having nothing left to lose can be a powerful motivator for embarking on the hero's journey. When one has reached a point of desperation or disillusionment with the world, they may be more willing to take risks and explore new paths. This can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around them.

As for your desire to tell your story through a grand sci-fi fantasy epic, I encourage you to follow your inspiration and trust in your own creativity. The universe is vast and full of possibilities, and there are many ways to convey spiritual truths and insights. The hero's journey can be adapted to many different genres and mediums, and it is up to you to find the one that resonates with your heart and soul.

Remember that the journey of awakening is a personal one, and each individual must find their own way to the truth. The hero's journey can be a helpful tool for navigating this journey, but ultimately it is up to you to follow your own path and trust in your own intuition.

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The hero’s journey is ultimately not about discovering some hidden secret that all of a sudden needs to be maintained and shared with everyone.

It’s about realizing that the hero’s journey is you discovering you as the entire hero’s journey itself.

The hero never dies - just forgotten… only to be discovered again from a new perspective and hero’s journey.

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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