
Do you know really unattractive anti blackpill?

23 posts in this topic

16 hours ago, Mada_ said:

There is 0 truth to Blackpill, come on. 

If someone is so unsuccessful at socialising because idk they are mute or something, they can build status and leverage sexual value off of that. Yes it will be harder, but you have no choice but to play the hand you're dealt. 

Tom Tomero was unattractive and really good at game, pretty creepy imo but still successful. Owen Cook is a balding ginger and gets laid. 

 liked Tom Tomero. He was kinda creepy, but it just worked, like he was creepy with swagger, he owned his creepiness and made it sexy.

Listening to helped me rekindle and embrace raw dirty side, dirty sexuality which I'd repressed (since it was shamed out of me from early adolescence). 

Gd takes/insight on travel, adventures/ stories and personal freedom, he was intelligent and interesting man with a lot of depth for sure. 


Edited by Optimized Life

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16 hours ago, Mada_ said:

There is 0 truth to Blackpill, come on. 

I don't think there's ZERO truth to blackpill, however it may be beneficial for most guys to convince themselves that's the case because pointing out that there's some truth to it may send you down the rabbit hole, the rabit whole where a guy who literally describes himself as brad pitt in looks is "fucked" because he isn't precisely above 6 foot, it's a pathetic place.

But I'd never blame the true very ugly or deformed guys who go on there, I fully understand why they're their and it's not fair to judge them and just say "hey bro just do cold approach", these guys are like in the bottom 2-5% of looks genetically, it's a different level of challenge for them. Imagine telling a down syndrome kid to just go harder at algebra, that's not going to work, that kid just needs to maybe find like minded kids to play with, although that's a completely shitty analogy because the down syndrome kid might lack the meta awareness that he's far less intelligent than others, whereas these blackpilled 2% looks guys are by definition intelligent enough to have the awareness of comparison and use a personal computer and speak and write words on a pixel screen and feel all thes emotions, they need an outlet for their pain, not saying blackpill community is necessarily the right place, but where else they going to go? It's a cold world the feminists will just call them "stupid incels" and won't understand. 

Edited by Optimized Life

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Anyone unattractive will probably tend toward black pill. But there are many anti black pillers who, while very attractive, may be physically unattractive. Being unattractive is black pilled, but being physically unattractive is not necessarily. As if you’ve never seen a physically unattractive man with a hot woman.

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