
Someone Confirm This

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Isn't this exactly what's going on when you take a psychedelic? Your vibration becomes faster and faster the way this sound becomes faster and faster to a point it becomes incredibly fast that you start to perceive reality in a totally different way? Just like this sound becomes really wacky + I think I've head similar sounds as my consciousness/vibration was getting highe and higher. Hm..


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That's exactly what is going on, your vibration can change to the point where you don't even perceive physical/material sounds because you're in a different world operating in the same world. You can even hear the vibration you vibrate at because you become so sensitive. When you're in total god mode, you can hear that vibration and it's not as fast anymore but more like extremely powerful slow vibrating beats. God is so alive and conscious that he builds up extremely amount of heat/vibration from being so conscious and become the vibration itself, on lower levels like here this vibration takes form as love/heat but there it is more like having extremely amount of heat from being so conscious of all the infinite amount of realities god hide itself away from his true reality


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@Jowblob Off topic question.

How is your normal life? How old are you and have you had to work on your basic human bs (money, relationships, etc) before Awakening?

I ask this because I'm so sick of feeling pressured to "work on the basics first" before being free to discover God.  It's like a duty that people here in this forum make me feel like I must do before going more serious into Awakening.

Since I was 15, everything in life became so meaningless and nothing was worth it. The most important thing since then is to understand what the fuck is going on here.

Every death around reminds me that I can't stand being here clueless.

So I say, fuck them all. I want to Know.


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14 minutes ago, Vibes said:

So I say, fuck them all. I want to Know.

You can try, but don't be surprised if you don't like what you see. I can only speak from my experience (which also happens to line up with many schools of thought on the topic), but also, there are of course cases where young people have woken up and didn't have an averse reaction at all. Besides, when are we ever truly grown up?

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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8 minutes ago, Vibes said:

@Jowblob Off topic question.

How is your normal life? How old are you and have you had to work on your basic human bs (money, relationships, etc) before Awakening?

I ask this because I'm so sick of feeling pressured to "work on the basics first" before being free to discover God.  It's like a duty that people here in this forum make me feel like I must do before going more serious into Awakening.

Since I was 15, everything in life became so meaningless and nothing was worth it. The most important thing since then is to understand what the fuck is going on here.

Every death around reminds me that I can't stand being here clueless.

So I say, fuck them all. I want to Know.


I'm gonna make it short, i'm 29

When i was a boy i've always wondered what the purpose of life was, at one point i've had realization that money didn't matter but the only thing that mattered was reproduction on earth. I was thinking that the only purpose of life here on earth was to reproduce and that's all. Because our ancestors have been having sex for thousands of years just so we can be here, so i thought the only purpose is basically to not disappoint your ancestors and have children to make you gene pool last. I was thinking what's the point of having millions of dollars and no children, when you're just gonna destroy your gene pool and disappoint your ancestors.

This lead me in becoming sperm donor at age 26, before becoming sperm donor my interest was in learning about human behavior specifically female behavior.  I've experimented with female behavior to a point that i could make them like me and sleep with me without knowing me just by doing some things that they were programmed to like. I've tested it hundreds of time online in a virtual world wearing fullbody vr equipment.

Anyway, when i applied as a sperm donor i had to go through a 49 year old female clinical psychologist. Before that i sent them an e-mail explaining that i could achieve everything that i wanted without doing much and  acted like a narcissist. But at the interview i had so much control over her without doing anything/much that she was in shock/awe/bliss also a lot of miracles were experienced. This lead to another awakening and the new purpose was, to research/develop my own consciousness and i was thinking this is the only purpose on earth. But recently when i was conscious of being god and deconstructed the whole of reality i've realized that the only purpose is to live life and that all the awakenings or consciousness research isnt important. The reason you are here is because you don't want to be there, god loves having others that would love him and others.

So you can say i've achieved all the important human goals at a young age, right now i'm just living and working alone and in peace without stress or any bullshit. At my current level of consciousness, i've realized that this is heaven and perfection where we are but it doesn't make me highly conscious like all these "consciousness scales" make you perceive. But it's just that i realized how boring and how bad the true reality of god is without having "others". Everything is known and deconstructed including all the lies, but god had no other choice. God is loving because he take cares of you at all times, giving you a perfect balance of everything at all times, making "others" look real as possible so you just can enjoy your life.


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12 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

You can try, but don't be surprised if you don't like what you see.

So what if I don't like it? I need to know MORE, ALL. What's the worse that could happen? Suicide?

I've seen how I create the illusion of being a body, I've seen that everything is my Mind, I've felt immortal and my room was my divine heaven. I've seen how I was creating my neighbor, I've felt enormous intelligence "backing me up", and more...

I also felt like those experiences were the best in my life, the joy of understanding and discovering is better than anything. And I noticed when the little drop of poison (fear) gets in, the whole juice gets bad. That's ego coming back online.

And I wouldn't hurt my body.

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3 minutes ago, Vibes said:

So what if I don't like it? I need to know MORE, ALL. What's the worse that could happen? Suicide?

Feeling like you're constantly on the verge of psychological death for 2 years straight.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard Still can't scare me, really.

If that is necessary, so be it. But it might not be for me.

Edited by Vibes

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11 minutes ago, Vibes said:

@Carl-Richard Still can't scare me, really.

If that is necessary, so be it. But it might not be for me.

It's easy to say that.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard My biggest problem in life is lack of confidence and fear.

When I feel the fearless fire in me, I know it's real.

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4 minutes ago, Vibes said:

@Carl-Richard My biggest problem in life is lack of confidence and fear.

When I feel the fearless fire in me, I know it's real.

I think surrendering fully to God and giving up control over your human existence is the biggest challenge in life, and all the other challenges are just practice for that moment.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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48 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

I think surrendering fully to God and giving up control over your human existence is the biggest challenge in life, and all the other challenges are just practice for that moment.

Well said. Amazingly, the best is yet to come despite all of the challenges we’ve come face to face with. Nothing short of a miracle. 

Love expands and contracts

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