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How much EPA and DHA is optimal?

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I am asking specifically about these and not ALA because I tested rigorously for about a year to get by with just ALA of flaxseed oil by consuming around 20ml of flaxseed oil a day and having a 1/1 omega3 to omega6 ratio but when I tested my EPA and DHA levels they were very low. 

I feel like it's hard to get too much health wise, its more about finding a compromise between health and money. Especially if you buy algae oil and not fish oil. So what's a good bang for your buck compromise?

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I saw a talk a while back which I'm looking for and cant seem to find again where the speaker presents research that higher EPA to DHA ratios gave the best results compared to equal amounts of EPA and DHA or ratios where the DHA was higher.

Currently I get "triple strength" omega 3 supplements, cus they have more EPA and DHA than the others. (600mg and 300mg respectively, and I'll take 2-3 capsules)

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While much of the evidence is all over the place, I have repeatedly seen signs that you want EPA intake significantly higher than DHA to allay the potential negative effects of DHA, yet the bulk of both the negative and positive effects primarily come from the DHA intake. With that said, it seems you likely need at least 300mg DHA per day to get noticeable positive effects (cognitive and otherwise), but there can be negative cognitive (particularly mood/focus) issues if EPA intake doesn't sufficiently exceed that; preferably double the DHA; 600+ mg EPA if 300mg DHA... but if you don't like any of the formulations with those ratios, at least don't take more DHA than EPA.

The brand matters too. Canadian supplement companies are probably some of the best quality, and certainly superior to USA, at least for fish oil.

Two companies I can confirm are great choices: Nordic Naturals, ATP Labs.

Edited by The0Self

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