Mz Hyde

Great app for introspection

3 posts in this topic

So I've found this app called Antar a while ago and it's amazing! I'll leave the description from Google Play below.

- Meet Antar, a window to your inner world. It's a new approach to align your thoughts, emotions and decisions.

- Antar offers you a unique way to have an internal argument using various personas or emotions. You can be your own coach and help yourself through tough decisions.

- This unique approach can give you clarity of thought, bring you closer to your emotions, and help understand the multiple voices in your head.

- A clear mind leads to a motivated, happier and confident self.

- Chat interface to discuss with multiple personas
- We believe chat is the most natural form of communication. Communicate every thought with a message.

- Switch personas and guide yourself to look at different perspectives.
- Effortlessly switch between personas
- Each thought comes from a certain emotion or persona. By being able to switch easily, you can be more in touch with your emotional self.
- Identify the hidden emotion in your thoughts and explore multiple ways to understand your decision.
-A comprehensive and growing list of personas for your use. Also, the ability to create new ones to suit your needs.
- We provide a large list of personas and emotions.
- Create your own personas or emotions to represent yourself better over time.
- Ability to dive deeper into individual thoughts, by utilising our unique hierarchical argument format
- Our hierarchical format for thoughts gives an opportunity to immerse into a sub-argument easily without being distracted by other messages.
- We believe that our thoughts are not linear, so we give you ways to hop across to sub-thoughts as much as you like.
- Secure, Private and totally Offline
- We understand that lot of this information is sensitive. So, it never leaves your device without your consent.
- Currently, no data is transferred over to any server. You're always in control of your data on your device.
- Themes and Customizations
- Customize your personas through different colors.
- Dark mode support
- Various ways to visualise your chat message / thoughts
- Export to Share
- Ability to export your thoughts in markdown format.
- Integrate with any notes app on your device.
- Antar is free to download and use.


I hope it's gonna be helpful on your journey!

Happy holidays!!! ☃️?

Edited by Mz Hyde

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Looks promising. Cant wait for a deepfake AI VR version of this. 

Feral Buddhist Critter 

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