
Is Switzerland a stage yellow society?

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   More focused on the neutrality of the country, during WW2 and even today. What are your thoughts?

   Also, is one more bunker too many?

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12 hours ago, Fearey said:

I don't think any nation is anywhere close. I'd estimate that it would take at least a few thousand years before we see any second tier societies form at the national level. The fixation on wealth and material aquisition would need to go completely, replaced by one that values people by the person, not their material status. Imagine the radical shift in consciousness needed to get there on a collective level. We're lightyears away.

I envision a stage yellow centered society to be a highly intellectual society where creativity and the boldness to explore the unknown, in search of new ideas and opportunities that may enrich the whole would perhaps hold the same emphasis and importance that money and wealth does in mostly every society on earth today. People would be motivated to learn simply to broaden their perspective on reality, not just to materialize their knowledge, even if that will inevitably come as a side effect.

   But Switzerland seems like a stage yellow society, just look at some of it's history of staying neutral to other countries. Or is it strongly stage blue in it's national identity? But again, it's welfare state is handled like stage green or even yellow, so, is it mostly stage yellow?

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   Also, they're the only country, so far I know, that instead of negotiating peace deals, they dig. dig around the mountain ranges to make incredible fortress. Reminds me of when I played age of strategy, or civ like games, I made almost everybody build a fortress around cities and villages. Isn't this a stage blue or stage yellow aspect? I think it's strongly a stage blue thing, but building bunkers and digging holes into mountains, do they like to emulate Dwarves? I mean, Dwarves in fantasy are not known for complex societies on the level of Star Trek, they're more known for being very nationalistic and Monarchist like, digging into the earth and building complex architecture. Yes, I'm referencing Tolkien's version. So, why dig?

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1 minute ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Also, they're the only country, so far I know, that instead of negotiating peace deals, they dig. dig around the mountain ranges to make incredible fortress. Reminds me of when I played age of strategy, or civ like games, I made almost everybody build a fortress around cities and villages. Isn't this a stage blue or stage yellow aspect? I think it's strongly a stage blue thing, but building bunkers and digging holes into mountains, do they like to emulate Dwarves? I mean, Dwarves in fantasy are not known for complex societies on the level of Star Trek, they're more known for being very nationalistic and Monarchist like, digging into the earth and building complex architecture. Yes, I'm referencing Tolkien's version. So, why dig?

Have you played age of empires? Or total war? What stage do you think those games represent?

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6 minutes ago, TheGreekSeeker said:

Have you played age of empires? Or total war? What stage do you think those games represent?

   Mostly stage red to blue. With Civ games, you get to see stage orange, green and yellow societies.

   Mostly the stage yellow perspective comes from me being in my satellite making decisions for them. Seeing almost every part of their systems. 

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In my estimation, Switzerland is mostly healthy blue. Cinsidering they have to deal with a lot of orange and green in culture and politics and seem to handle that quite well, I can see why one would call them yellow (which they definitely are not).

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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