Vincent S

Past & Future Is Imaginary

10 posts in this topic

Why exactly is the past and the future Imaginary?

I just had a deep sense and realization of the fact that that what I experienced in the past is Imaginary. Because I imagined it first, and then got to experience/live it in the Now.

I have been putting off listening to Leo's Deconstructing Myth Of Science videos for a while now. And while watching part 3, I came to the realization that I Imagined watching that video before. And now I'm getting to live/experience/listen to it "live". But I of course realized that all that is happening in one Instant, in the Now.

There was no "past" me Imagining it, there is no future me deciding to watch it: It's all happening in the NOW. But my mind has (past tense) been so focused on linear progression and been programmed with a certain way of looking at Reality. Even the Imagining of the mind being focused (past tense) on linear progression and programmed (past tense) is looking at the situation in a linear fashion that is heavily time oriented. That itself is the fabric of its limitations and expansions/liberation happening in the Now. But as the finite separate pieces of itself. it can choose to look at the situation in one way or the other. And its experience will be exactly mirrored on to itself, by its way of looking at it. And once it has looked from both angles, it can choose to look at it as a whole single happening.

Then, what is Now is what Is, has been, will ever be, and at the same time wouldn't have ever happened. It's just a perfect loop of Nothingness appearing as Something-ness and then looping back in on itself.

Your/our reality is just a construction and deconstruction that is happening at the same time. But we separate the happenings in to linear moments and separated objects that we watch the entirety of the play from. And that play itself Is just what God is. The ability to create yourself, experience yourself, and to destroy yourself. Like an artist which uses one hand to draw something beautiful, and use the other hand to erase what it is creating. At the same time, but then the animation is live, because it is constantly moving, changing, evolving and morphing.

Everything I ever experienced and will experience, is pages of a flip book animation. And of course, even beyond that, being the creator of the flip book, is then watched by another me, watching me, drawing the flip book animation of me watching a flip book animation. I'm sure you are getting where this is going.
Or shall I say: I'm (you the reader) sure I'm getting where this is going. ;)

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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Right, this is one of the most interesting elements IMO. Great topic.

I wonder what you would think if you knew for a fact your physical death has already happened. Like in eternalism. Imagine knowing your death has happened and yet you're here. Like wtf are even the implications of that?

Difficult for a human to comprehend non-linear time, which would be like a novel or flipbook. Certainly we have only known now. It does not mean past and future events did not happen, but they happened now. So not really past and future in actuality... On acid I have had delusional ideas of course, but one that was interesting...

I was playing with one of those synths you can program a note into each beat and it plays over and over. And I considered that I am like those frames on the synth, and I die each frame that passes... Acid actually produced a few interesting ideas but often very abstract.

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2 hours ago, RMQualtrough said:

I wonder what you would think if you knew for a fact your physical death has already happened. Like in eternalism. Imagine knowing your death has happened and yet you're here. Like wtf are even the implications of that?

Funny you mentioned LSD. I'm more open to this fact after one of my deepest LSD trips where I broke out of this dream entirely. But can definitely from that POV, see that all of life has already happened. Its just that the choice of coming back here to see it unfold, always catches my attention. Until It don't and I'll be elsewhere dreaming something else up :P

We are here and everywhere at the same time. It just that we choose to localize and see these finite POV's to make up a bigger picture once we are done with them.
It's like being in an Infinite space where you have access to different screens. Each screen showing an entire lifetime or POV. These movies/lives are always running on the screens, they are just like any other movies. But when we choose to focus on one of them, and then they become "real" and we get attached/connected to them even further.
And once a while we choose to do something within those dreams, that makes us zoom out and detach completely from it (5MEO DMT). And all of a sudden, we remember that we are in an ocean of white light. Each piece of this white light is a screen/life/movie, and we have access to all of them. This was shown in my biggest 5MEO DMT breakthrough. This was what I saw, an ocean of screens/movies/dreams collapsing in on one and other, and flowing in a beautiful ocean of Infinite Consciousness. Or Eternalism as you called it.

But its really funny how Consciousness tricks itself to believe the movie so much that the movie content becomes its whole reality. And of course then it believes that death is an this awful thing. And that it is going to experience Infinite horror in this death. And also tricks itself to have weaknesses, fears, attachments, desires and illusions.

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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19 minutes ago, Vincent S said:

Funny you mentioned LSD. I'm more open to this fact after one of my deepest LSD trips where I broke out of this dream entirely. But can definitely from that POV, see that all of life has already happened. Its just that the choice of coming back here to see it unfold, always catches my attention. Until It don't and I'll be elsewhere dreaming something else up :P

We are here and everywhere at the same time. It just that we choose to localize and see these finite POV's to make up a bigger picture once we are done with them.
It's like being in an Infinite space where you have access to different screens. Each screen showing an entire lifetime or POV. These movies/lives are always running on the screens, they are just like any other movies. But when we choose to focus on one of them, they become "real" and we get attached/connected to them even further.
And once a while we choose to do something within those dreams, that makes us zoom out and detach completely from it (5MEO DMT). And all of a sudden, we remember that we are in an ocean of white light. Each piece of this white light is a screen/life/movie, and we have access to all of them. This was shown in my biggest 5MEO DMT breakthrough. This was what I saw, an ocean of screens/movies/dreams collapsing in on one and other, and flowing in a beautiful ocean of Infinite Consciousness. Or Eternalism as you called it.

But its really funny how Consciousness tricks itself to believe the movie so much that the movie content becomes its whole reality. And of course then it believes that death is this awful thing. And tricks itself to have weaknesses, fears, attachments, desires and illusions.

Do you have a more detailed trip report on that 5 experience? That sounds very strong. Can you elaborate on what ideas came to you about how it was all working etc?

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11 hours ago, RMQualtrough said:

Do you have a more detailed trip report on that 5 experience?

No, sorry no trip report on that one. I'm still integrating it, months after.

Well it all started a year ago when I went to a psychedelics retreat. And after that retreat I had my first mushroom trip where I became 100% conscious that I am in a dream.

And for a year I have been working with different psychedelics to dive in deeper in to that awakening of the dream. Mostly been working with LSD together with a method of meditating on the bed and falling in a state between the human "awake" state, and deep sleep. All the awakenings since then, has been about going deeper in to this space, more and more. Realizing how the dream is constructed on different levels, and the mechanisms of how they are locked, unlocked, constructed and deconstructed has been showing itself within these deep states of  LSD + meditation.

Each trip showed a different facet, and different stages of awakening was accessed. And unconsciously/consciously I have sort of made up a map of these, in those states. And each time I trip or meditate, I go back there to keep iterating and connecting deeper to it, deeper and deeper.

And all these just accumulated in to a an extreme breakthrough on 30mg of 5MEO DMT, a year later. It's not really easy to put in to words, because we are all put asleep in different ways. So it is up to us to wake up in the ways we are supposed to wake up. Just finding your white rabbit and following it. ;)

11 hours ago, RMQualtrough said:

That sounds very strong. Can you elaborate on what ideas came to you about how it was all working etc?

It felt like Ultimate Freedom. Everything I could ever desire, everything that I ever hoped for, was Instantly met/given. And I died to that. Forever. And rested there for as long as I wanted. And when it reached its own climax, I became aware of my body again, and I felt like I was levitating down in to the dream on a big feather. And I felt so loved that I couldn't do anything but to hug myself.
After the trip, it was just crystal clear, what God/Consciousness is doing. It is just experiencing itself, in whatever ways it want's to experience itself. It's all for Love, Growth, Self-understanding and Sharing of its own Gifts, with Itself.

It works automatically, this ocean of Consciousness just does what it does, without even having to think about anything. It works as our own heartbeat and breath in the dream. It is so giving and so clear on what it does, that there is no doubt about anything, and how it handles itself.

There is no time, so God has forever to play with itself. To instantly manifest whatever it wants to experience. And once it is done with that dream, it zoom's out and rests in this Infinite Ocean. So this space or this Ocean is prior to all dreams, time, questions and answers that could ever be be formulated or asked. But it is also the mechanisms of dividing itself in to one of the finite separate selves/movies.

In this Ocean of Consciousness, it is 100% Infinite Good/Pleasure. It is like having endless orgasms over and over with yourself. Kinda how Leo described it in one of his videos (cant remember which).
In this endless orgasmic state, there are no worries, because everything is One. Whatever you desire is instantly given to yourself, as God.
But through that desire, you experience it as the Ocean, and the separate finite self in the dream. So you experience the finite way of that desire, and the Infinite way of it, at the same time. But nothing is really separated, Nothing is ever lost, and nothing has ever to be found. Because it is all One. The finite experience of it, could be used as a droplet within the Infinite Ocean, if we are using that analogy. So the droplets are still within the ocean, thinking that they have become separated, by becoming droplets.

But when the character becomes firmly identified with itself, it goes through time, space, separation and lives in a reality of limitations and weaknesses. God uses that to gain and to prolong its desire for itself to come back. So when the time is right, and that separate self moves back to God, that reunion becomes even more Pleasurable.

Once we unravel what we "think" we are in this realm/plane of existence, we can open ourselves more in to what is behind all of Reality. It is about being 100% honest with yourself, and start doing all the counterintuitive things that you/we are resisting in our day to day lives. And also to follow our dreams, following our authentic desires to wake up, and not falling short to anything. Fearlessly keep going at it, balls to the wall, Leo style xD


Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

@Vincent S beautiful!


“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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7 hours ago, Fernanda said:

@Vincent S great post. Thank you:)

Thank you ?? ?

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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