
Vulnerability walks and open heart meditations outdoors

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I’ve just felt this surge of energy to share this practice. Someone recently asked on here what self-confidence is. This practice is what helped me developing true self-esteem, removing all my shame and fears around being me in front of other people.

This is especially life changing for people who feel like they are an isolated bubble when they are moving in the outside world. For people who want to feel completely free talking to anyone at anytime, singing, dancing, flirting and especially people who want to feel confident in feeling their own emotions fully and the emotions of other people, and to create their own experiences and feelings. 

I see lots of people getting good insights about awakening. They understand oneness inside their mind. Yet, when they go outside, they are still operating as an individual contracted bubble that experiences separation from their external environment, hiding from other people and from him or herself.

Vulnerability walks and heart centered meditations are there to break down your energetic boundaries that separate you from the external environment. They are there to set you free emotionally, to expand your ability to create experiences and to start to move into the direction you wish to move into.

It all starts with answering the question ‘How do I really feel when I step outside my house’?

How much does the freedom we have at home contract, how much smaller do you become?

To create contrast, first think about this. If you stand in front of the mirror, how free do you feel? Sometimes we even feel ashamed of being ourself in front of ourself. When you stand there in front of the mirror, go ahead and be crazy. Flirt with yourself, smile at yourself, tease yourself. You know these improv acting classes? Do that with yourself in front of the mirror. How much range do you have? How many characters can you play? Can you even act like you are the opposite sex? A pirate? A baby? 

And now taking this to what this is really about. When you step outside, how much does this freedom go away? How much smaller do we become?

Doing vulnerability walks is about going outside, walking around the city, and taking things in through your body, feeling the tension of people, objects, sounds, smells, feelings, energy and learning to become really vulnerable to all of it, taking it in through your body, learning to channel it down into the earth and becoming non-reactive to the vulnerability that comes up when stepping into tension. It's done completely out of your mind. When you're thinking in tension, you are avoiding vulnerability. 

Tension is everywhere. Walk up to a street that has cars passing by at a high speed. How do you feel thinking about running across the street while you know you can be hit at any time? That’s external reality pushing you into rigidity, into your bubble, in order to keep you safe.

This is not negative, but this dynamic exists with so many other energies from the environment that we shut ourself off to in order to feel safe. We have so much conditioned shame and fear inside our body that separates us from everything around us. Especially people. We try to hide ourself from other people constantly.

Can you walk down the street, completely open and expanded, taking everyone that comes your way right into your body, letting them touch your heart, your stomach, your sexual organs even if it is someone you find sexually attractive? How much of the energy is being blocked by your contractions you have within your body? Look all those people in the eye, for as long as you can. Stare, smile, wink, say hello, become as expansive as you can and create a conduit with these people, merge with them and feel them through this conduit. Feel all the vulnerability within this space, and now GROUND your own reactivity from your body into the earth. This works best without shoes. But of course with shoes as well. But to learn to get more intuitive understanding of grounding, no shoes works best. Or try both and notice contrast.

All your projected stories will come up when you look into the eyes of other people. You will feel through their eyes how you feel about yourself. Can you go up to groups of people and just be in your body, staring at them, not even saying anything? Just being yourself and letting the group into your body and then into the earth. Or do you tense up, contract and feel separation?

How would you feel stepping outside through the city completely naked? Society has conditioned us to feel shame, fear and guilt when we would do so. You can go to jail as well. Or some guy could stab you because he thinks you are offensive.

Try it. Take your shirt off in public and notice how your body contracts. Take your pants off until you are standing in the midst of 100 people, looking at you, while you are standing there completely stripped down into your underwear while getting judged.

Those people who have had awakenings. How non-dual do you feel?

Awakening is much more than just knowing and understanding through the mind. It’s embodying your infinite nature and becoming one with the energetic world, eliminating all of your aversions in your body to whatever is the moment. 

You start at low amounts of tension, low vulnerability, and work to higher amounts of vulnerability until you feel like you are so free in your body and expression, that you have no shame and fear to be who you want to be, to approach who you want to, to steer the energy in the environment in the way you want. Imagine you are so free in public transport, you play a song on your phone and you can get everyone singing along. 

If you work towards high amounts of tension and high vulnerability and can let go of reactivity in that tension, you will feel very powerful in creating the reality you want. 

First you do this practice consciously. You specifically go out every day for some hours to seek out vulnerability and to merge with it.

This practice will let you become really vulnerable. It doesn’t have to be painful. It will be painful the more you resist vulnerability. The more you become one with vulnerability and love it, the more you merge with the universe.

Ultimately, everyone around you is you. Why don’t you feel that way in your body?

You know you’re doing this right when you start to feel lighter in your body and you’re just flowing.

I first tried this practice on psychedelics. I noticed that I always ran home during psychedelic experiences and that I went to my room. In the middle of the trip I finally understood that my path of healing is outside my house, right in the vulnerability that the tension of being in other peoples presence put me in. 

I went outside at that moment, and stayed outside for the rest of the day while I was still tripping. What happened then was super crazy and completely shattered my self identity and all the things I identified with. 

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So well put. I feel the main issue to be that most people feel as if they're "not allowed" to feel this free. 

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Enlightening post. This isn't talked about a lot on this forum. Many people here seem introverted. Solitude is important for being able to calm your mind, but you can't understand everything by yourself.

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