
Childhood dreams related to God's infinity?

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I'm new to forum so I dont know if its okay to post this here
As a kid while being sick and with a fever I would always have those dreams that I think have something related with all of that spiritual stuff
The first one is about a floating sphere in a vast white space, and in fact there is a lot of people that had the exact same dream. Most of the people have some object in their dreams to become infinitely small or big and that would scare the crap out of them, but for me it was a bit different. As my sight was glued to the sphere, it would start changing its texture, the soft perfect sphere would become spiky, or hard, or it would have a texture of leaves, but the most crazy part is that my body would FEEL the texture of the sphere as it changes. ITS SUPER UNPLEASANT. My whole body would feel the spikiness, or softness (the softness is the most unpleasant). It seems like my body or mind falsely identifies itself with that sphere and so the surface area of that sphere translates onto me. I remember Leo saying that God is a shapeshifter, and that dream kind of hits this mark. 
The second dream is vaguely remembered, and its even harder to explain. I would see two fully black flat circles that are almost or slightly touching each other (they really look like black holes to me now as black holes appear just like flat blackness). And the thing is that those circles were sentient, they had some kind of intention of taking control or doing something that I cant remember as I always forgot the moment I wake up, and they would argue with each other about who would be the one to do the something. And I would have this sense of dread, and need to do something to stop them. There is also a third dream but its hard to explain it in a proper way cuz english is not my native language. Do you have some similar dreams? I sense so much meaning in dreams especially in those super weird ones.

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6 hours ago, Alta said:

slightly touching each other (they really look like black holes to me now as black holes appear just like flat blackness). And the thing is that those circles were sentient, they had some kind of intention of taking control or doing something that I cant remember as I always forgot the moment I wake up, and they would argue with each other about who would be the one to do the something. And I would have this sense of dread, and need to do something to stop them.

When I was super young, like basically a baby, I had a "dream" where I was being thrown around by these black shadow looking orb things. I actually didn't realize it was a dream until I got thrown into the bed and jerked "awake", otherwise it felt completely 100% real. Maybe it was some sort of sleep paralysis, that would explain how it felt so real.

I also had an experience when I was a baby where I straight up saw a blue spirit thing, while I was completely awake.

It seems that these weird almost psychedelic experiences commonly happen when young. The stereotype of kids seeing ghosts and stuff might not be too far off. There is also some science to back this up phenomenon if I remember correctly.

I don't think I'll definitively ever figure out what any of that actually was though.


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I remember I used to have these weird hallucinations when I would start falling asleep when I was a kid. it's really hard to describe but its something along the lines of sensing some sort of shape and then I can feel it just get exponentially bigger over and over. I hadn't had this happen in years but then when I started a meditation habit a couple years ago, I now get it every once in a while when I meditate.

"We are born of Love, Love is our mother" - Rumi

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I had a particular type of  dream that is in a similar fashion to yours, when I was a kid. I believe it was a recurring dream or that I had glimpses of it or something like that. The dream consisted of a big steamroller wheel made of some sort of stone.And this wheel was floating in a white endless space. This wheel turned so slow, that it almost didn't move, but I knew it was moving because the slowness of this wheel was what I felt as dreadfuly slow for me to even watch. And infront of this wheel, was generations and generations of human civilization, that was eventually going to get crushed in a painfully slow, and inevitable way by this wheel. This wheel as I understood it as a kid, represented eternity. All that was and ever will remain, was this slow turning wheel in infinite white space and nothing more. It was the begining, the end, and beyond time itself.

I woke up in existential terror from this dream, and I could not shake off the feeling of it being just a dream because the message felt like a deep realization rather than a silly fantasy, and this dream wasn't like any other dream I have had prior to this one either despite other dreams being more vivid and all.

I think I also feared this wheel, beacause when it appeared, there was no possible interaction with it. It was a slow grinding wheel in empty white space. Any concept or thought or even time itself, was part of what was going to be grinded slowly into nothingness and remain like this forever. It's impossible to describe the absence of time, but that eternal emptiness was what I was felt in that dream.

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