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A Lesson On Shiva

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You may of heard the word Shiva, and may have a idea or something that springs to mind when you hear that word.

I am going to shed some light, on this.

Shiva, means that which is not.

Its refering  to The Nothingness everyone keeps on talking about.

Shiva is that which has always been, and always will be, the very womb of existence. 

Without the earth, there is no human & animal life, 

Without the sun, there is no earth,

Without our solar system, there is no sun,

Without the universe there is no solar system,

Without shiva there is no universe.

It is everything.

Who knows what eles is out there, who knows what other planets other life forms inhabit, how far does this stretch out to, does it go on forever? Never stops! And there are infinite planets & suns and life forms. I don't know.

What I do know is shiva goes on forever and ever, because it is without form, so what could limit it.

A limit is something that applies only to form. Limited in shape, size, duration and so on.

But nothing? 

Well you figure it out for your self.

Shiva is described as darkness, the reason being for this is, light is finite, a lightbulb and even the sun, will eventually die out, even something as powerful as the sun is still limited, to time. And will eventually lose its ability to give out light. So based on this quite Logical reasoning, its described as a infinite empty darkness.

I wouldn't get to caught up on that though because your mind will create a image, and that which is imageless, can't be limited to a thought of darkness.

it is that which everything manifest from, and that which all manifestations  fall back into.

Many words have been given, to this 

God, Tao, absolute ect.

So every master is one who knows himself/herself as a expression of the devine shiva, And imbodies that consciousness,  shiva consciousness, Christ consciousness, buddha mind and so on. You get the point.

And when one has ego death meaning they literally, lose there experience of being themselves, they then know themselves as the infinite without question because they are it.

Shiva also refers to a yogi who knew himself as the devine, thousands of years ago, but I won't go into that in this post.

I have to give credit, to sadhguru who I learn this stuff from in a little ebook I was reading this morning, and I gave my own little twist on it.

Hope you liked it.

Peace :)




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11 minutes ago, Callum A said:

You may of heard the word Shiva, and may have a idea or something that springs to mind when you hear that word.

I am going to shed some light, on this.

Shiva, means that which is not.

Its refering  to The Nothingness everyone keeps on talking about.

Shiva is that which has always been, and always will be, the very womb of existence.

Without the earth, there is no human & animal life,

Without the sun, there is no earth,

Without our solar system, there is no sun,

Without the universe there is no solar system,

Without shiva there is no universe.

It is everything.

Who knows what eles is out there, who knows what other planets other life forms inhabit, how far does this stretch out to, does it go on forever? Never stops! And there are infinite planets & suns and life forms. I don't know.

What I do know is shiva goes on forever and ever, because it is without form, so what could limit it.

A limit is something that applies only to form. Limited in shape, size, duration and so on.

But nothing?

Well you figure it out for your self.

Shiva is described as darkness, the reason being for this is, light is finite, a lightbulb and even the sun, will eventually die out, even something as powerful as the sun is still limited, to time. And will eventually lose its ability to give out light. So based on this quite Logical reasoning, its described as a infinite empty darkness.

I wouldn't get to caught up on that though because your mind will create a image, and that which is imageless, can't be limited to a thought of darkness.

it is that which everything manifest from, and that which all manifestations  fall back into.

Many words have been given, to this

God, Tao, absolute ect.

So every master is one who knows himself/herself as a expression of the devine shiva, And imbodies that consciousness,  shiva consciousness, Christ consciousness, buddha mind and so on. You get the point.

And when one has ego death meaning they literally, lose there experience of being themselves, they then know themselves as the infinite without question because they are it.

Shiva also refers to a yogi who knew himself as the devine, thousands of years ago, but I won't go into that in this post.

I have to give credit, to sadhguru who I learn this stuff from in a little ebook I was reading this morning, and I gave my own little twist on it.

Hope you liked it.

Peace :)




 the power of destruction of Lord Shiva has a great purifying power on a universal level

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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The power of destruction of lord shiva? Obviously you know more about shiva, I only read a few pages this morning.

Would you care to elaborate?


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@Callum A

The Hindus have a trinity of gods.

Brahma is the creator god, or God's creative function. Vishnu is one who maintains the existence, or God's maintaining function. And Shiva or Rudra is one who destroys the world when it is no more needed; God's destructive functioning.

Each creation needs destruction, and without destruction there is no creation. That is one of the most beautiful concepts ever evolved because it combines both the polarities. So Shiva is the function of the divine of destruction.

If you really want to be born, you will have to die. That death is very positive. If you want to make a new house, you demolish the old. That demolishing is very very positive, because without it the new will never happen.

So Shiva is the god who goes on destroying that which has become old and is no more needed. It is a very revolutionary concept. The christian concept of creation is as if it happened once, forever.

Somewhere in the past God created the world and since then He has not bothered with it. There has been no connection, no live connection.

But the Hindu concept is that God goes on creating continuously. It is not that in some moment He created the world. The creation is continuous and eternal. Right this moment He is doing the creation, so He is more like creativity than like a creator. Of course when He continuously creates, He has to destroy. So whatsoever has become useless, whatsoever becomes mechanical, whatsoever becomes old, is destroyed.

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On 25/1/2017 at 6:13 PM, Callum A said:

I have to give credit, to sadhguru who I learn this stuff from in a little ebook I was reading this morning, and I gave my own little twist on it.

I immediately recognized it coming from Sadhguru, I saw one of his videos about this a long time ago. Before that I also had an impression of a blue dude meditating with serpents around his neck. Needless to say, that old image I had is not a complete and accurate description of Shiva.

If you research more on this, you will find that this description comes from Shaivism, a highly advanced philosophy. Its still alive in the form of Kashmir Shaivism. So Shiva, according to that, is everything, the primordial consciousness that creates, maintains and destroys "creations". He does it through his energy - the Shakti (sometimes referred to as his wife). When Shakti leaves and descends, we enter ignorance and experience duality (or diversity as a separate self), when it returns back to Shiva, we experience union (yoga), or enlightenment, whatever they call it. (IMO, the leaving and returning can be simply start and stop of energetic activities of consciousness. As usual its all metaphorical.)

Shiva as one of the trinity is found in Vedic literature, where his name is Rudra. I don't know how it got all mixed up and same name was used for many things later on, including for that master who first imparted the knowledge about the Self to seven seers thousands of years ago. We don't know if its history or a myth, but is it very interesting indeed.

Edited by PureExp

My Blog : : Pure Experiences : : Pure Knowledge

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