
Starting yoga

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For a while I have been thinking about starting some yoga. Do you have any tips on how one should go about it, how do you find a good coach? How did you start, what helped you to be persistent? 

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Do that which makes you closer to your goal TODAY! Go to youtube and learn some basic yoga stretches, because starting it alone while you are finding coach, if you even need it after that, makes you progress faster. If when you read this you are like, hmm I don't have time to do that NOW, fine do one strech you learned from the school or somewhere else and do it right NOW, because doing anything starts the snowball and stops you from just thinking the thing to really put it into action. Don't think about being persistent when your first challenge is to start; you are thinking too much into the future and that prevents you from actually progressing.

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Depends on your goal, but since you're posting on the Meditation / Spirituality forum, I assume it's consciousness work. 

Simple answer: Kriya Yoga, ressources on Leo's booklist, but also SantataGamana's books on Kriya & Kundalini yoga. Pretty straight to the point

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Primary series of Ashtanga Yoga is a good practice. Lot of videos on YouTube to check how it is but you will need a teacher to learn it effectively. It includes vinyasa so it includes breathwork too 

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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