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Random witch

Are we worshiping the death? The horrible time we live in

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I like the way he explains it, in no bullshit way.

He describes the current time as "The worst time in modern era" and he explains why. Nothing new but it worth watching.

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I agree with him that we are living in terrible times. I disagree with some of his reasons for why this is / I think he missed a few major factors why this is. I think we need more splitting in specific ways to return to a state of peace, not less. I disagree with his idea that owning material things is worshiping death. Or that worshiping the dead is bad. Most cultures venerate their dead and those that came before. His idea that all magical and occult thinking disappeared after the enlightenment and is only now making a comeback is also incorrect.

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You have to "worship" death to appreciate life.

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@Gabith Just Love it.  In whatever way feels right for you, it's individual.


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5 hours ago, Yarco said:

I agree with him that we are living in terrible times. I disagree with some of his reasons for why this is / I think he missed a few major factors why this is. I think we need more splitting in specific ways to return to a state of peace, not less. I disagree with his idea that owning material things is worshiping death. Or that worshiping the dead is bad. Most cultures venerate their dead and those that came before. His idea that all magical and occult thinking disappeared after the enlightenment and is only now making a comeback is also incorrect.

Splitting might be an essential thing to our development, I agree, and at the same time it's one of the dominant players in our current chaotic situation.

What I understood from his talk about worshiping death is that we only worshiping the death materialism and put it above life. It creates such a situation when there is no balance between the material and the spiritual as it should be.


When he talked about the occult and magical thinking he means to all the shallow, nonsensical stupitish new age stuff like astrology and wishful thinking.


I didn't agree when he implied that it's a bad thing we all are too focused on the now rather than the past and future. It's not accurate. I don't think that he fully understands what it means to live in the now.

It's true that we live in an era of instant gratification and we expect everything to be fast and instant, but at the same time most people aren't live in the now but in past and future, identified with their egos, false selves which is also accountable for many current problems. 


5 hours ago, Loba said:

You have to "worship" death to appreciate life.

What is happening now is that we are too worshiping the death and ignoring life, avoiding life, escaping life, finding our lifes meaningless, empty, seek external fulfilments, too obbssed with materilism and "stability" that we forget to live the now, take risks, accept the dynamic and mysterious nature of life. We should balance between the two.

Edited by Random witch

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@Random witch Agreed, wise comment.  We need both, you must view death as a companion that helps you to view life in it's fullest form.

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9 minutes ago, Loba said:

@Random witch Agreed, wise comment.  We need both, you must view death as a companion that helps you to view life in it's fullest form.

That's true. Ironically at the same time we afraid and in denial about our physical death. Trying to delay it by technology. Our culture doesn't have healthy relationship with physical death.

At the same time we're worshipping the death without knowing it consciously, we're thinking we live life, we sure that this is how life is, but it's only a materialistic paradigm.

Edited by Random witch

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@Random witch How is materialism worshipping death, I guess I don't understand. What are your opinions?

Death is life...
It really is.  How can materialism worship it?

Keep in mind Sam is a narcissist.  Can his word really be trusted?  Even as a genius?  

Edited by Loba

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4 minutes ago, Loba said:

@Random witch How is materialism worshipping death, I guess I don't understand. What are your opinions?

Death is life...
It really is.  How can materialism worship it?

Keep in mind Sam is a narcissist.  Can his word really be trusted?  Even as a genius?  

The physical stuff that people are attached to, material property like cars, houses, clothes, gadgets. They are all "death" unlike people, relationships, and life itself that is dynamic, mysterious, unexpected.

"Death is life" in the absolute sense it's true, but relatively not.


I know he is a narcissist and it's quiet fascinating that he's so aware to it and on the other side it's not surprising because it's pretty common for some narcissists to brag about it. 

He's word still can be trusted, although he might have some inaccuracies (not because he's a narcissist but because he's a human) he says pretty obvious stuff but in a direct way.


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15 minutes ago, Random witch said:

The physical stuff that people are attached to, material property like cars, houses, clothes, gadgets. They are all "death" unlike people, relationships, and life itself that is dynamic, mysterious, unexpected.

Gotcha.  About halfway through Sam's talk...

"Death is life" in the absolute sense it's true, but relatively not.

It is both, imo

I know he is a narcissist and it's quiet fascinating that he's so aware to it and on the other side it's not surprising because it's pretty common for some narcissists to brag about it. 

I just feel like the illness would cloud what he says a bit.

He's word still can be trusted, although he might have some inaccuracies (not because he's a narcissist but because he's a human) he says pretty obvious stuff but in a direct way.

I can see dead objects being worshiped, in this day and age, for sure.  But death itself, if they saw it, they'd run screaming.  Like seeing the monster, but not knowing they are looking at it until they're about ready to die and then they see it in the things the have collected over the years as this dead material they wanted so much to make up for the lack of life they could find in life.  I get it, but death as it is, if it is worshipped for what it is - is a friend, that brings illumination and life into everything one sees.




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