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3.5g Mushroom Trip Report 011 - Enrichment.

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Mushroom Trip Report 011


Nothing crazy here guys, but I did experience an amazing state of consciousness to where I felt like I could take over the world. I also wrote some stuff that may inspire you...



March 5th 2022

Taking ginger to relieve nausea is Overpowered. It works really well.

I'm expecting an Ego death could happen so I'm going to surrender to that. May contemplate, what is the self, what is death, what is Ego. To help the process.


Main Question

What is Consciousness?

3.5g of shrooms (vegan chocolate)

Was told that this was super potent for Visuals.

>It was not. Whatever strain it was, it was not. It was actually the LEAST significant visuals yet. Not like that is the main focus, but Visuals are nice.

Ate this whole shroom chocolate bar at 10:09am


Not going to lie, I wish I had just taken tea lol. It was a lot of chocolate for me.


30 minutes in, Noticing visuals.


>I need to practice tripping, sitting in silence, doing nothing but meditating. Starting at a lower dose, just meditating for 5 hours straight.


This feels like a a very serious trip. I feel fear, anxiety, etc. But I'm pretty sure that's just the comeup.


I'm realizing that Consciousness work is incredibly serious. More serious than I imagined. You're fucking with the power of reality itself. Very powerful stuff.


40 minutes in, feeling incredibly tired, very dream like.


Chewable Ginger tablets are really good, they completely obliterate nausea.


How would God define himself?


What I've noticed with fear is that it tricks you that's going to be a really long time but that's part of the deception. Once you face it, it's gone. It's not actually going to be that long.



It's getting you to appreciate EVERYTHING


I then go on a walk on this beautiful day with my mother, ahem, I mean my trip sitter.

>By then I basically threw away my intention. I feel like it would be a lot more productive if I asked that question while on 5meo. I think also I'm just so wrapped up in survival as well, which is also a factor. Plus just my maturity. I still grow from these trips, just some trips are going to be more serious than others.


Play this and continue reading...


>So there I was, high as fuck, listening to my favourite song. Walking behind my trip sitter, walking the dogs. We were just in the ZONE vibing. Enjoying the shit out of the moment. The weather was PERFECT. Walking with a strut. Confident as fuck. Reality being beautiful as fuck, future looking bright. "THE WORLD HAS NO IDEA WHAT I'M MADE OF!"



>Then when we hit a crossroads and we were like "This is it! THIS IS IT!" referring to the beauty of the environment we were in. And she says to be "It's your time." referring to its my time to take on the world. Then my song ends, she gives me the dogs and just bounces, leaving me alone while high as fuck. YOOO, it was the perfect metaphor of foreshadowing of when I'm moving out next month.


I think about everything in my life, how this body is going to die, how my parents are going to die, how everybody around me is going to die, how all my favourite teachers are going to die, how reality is not even real, all of my problems, all my troubles, and I carry it all on my shoulders and I say I WANT IT ALL, I LOVE IT ALL. This is the cost of being conscious in this world. The cost of "being alive".


>When I get home I just lay on the deck in the beautiful clear blue sky.

Mind high, no Visuals. I've already lost my mind in a very fun chaotic way. You know there's a serious survival advantage to going insane. You stop caring about stuff that's not important and only work on the important shit, putting in the time. Not caring at all how you look towards others. Putting in insane amounts of hours and dedication. You're not afraid for it to get ugly. The joker was doing something right...


I want to lose my mind loving the world.


If there was no imperfection there would be nothing to love.

>This was incredibly profound for me.


Life is always there to challenge you. You're challenged to love it all.


You know, I always imagined death to be like experiencing an infinite alone Blackness forever. That's kind of funny because there's always the assumption that there would be an experiencer to experience the nothingness forever. Like that awareness. I'm attached to awareness itself. Does my awareness ever actually disappear?


I'm going to speak a lot about my mother.

I want to like create motivational speeches around how much I love people.


I need to be able to face the thickest layers of boredom. It is actually in thick layers of boredom does the greatest inspiration happen. I noticed this when I meditate for long periods of time.


Practice saying who are you. Some of the most valuable conversations you need to have is just someone listening to your life story. You defining who you are and where you are headed. But we all don't get this opportunity. But don't let that stop you from doing this exercise. This is why the self authoring program is so useful! But just shy of that, talk to yourself about how you define yourself and how you define who you're becoming.


>When I was much more sober, I continued to walk in the neighborhood, appreciating the gorgeous mountains all the way down to sunset.


You should be excited to grow up.

Be excited to grow up.


Say no to the lottery. A lot of people have the mindset that they need the lottery to massively change their lives. But that Lottery is never going to come along. Learning how to give that gift to yourself is way more valuable anyways.


Direct the movie, produce the movie, watch the movie. That's how you live live your life


It it in the moments of solitude that you grow yourself. It is what you do when no one's watching is where you define yourself. This is where you find your character. It is in those moments where you're broken down from the hard work of the day and you still choose to do more. Where you have your vision connecting you to spirit, giving you the energy that you didn't know you had.

Entertain ideas beyond you. Beyond what you think you can do, because if you only entertain ideas that you think you do, you stunt your growth. Stop shutting yourself down with ideas of "being realistic". NOBODY has done something great by being realistic. I rather be delusionally optimistic and MISS than pessimistic and HIT.



Life will always be a rollercoaster going well.



Stop betraying yourself.


You're so beautiful that you need to routinely take pictures of yourself.

I honestly cannot believe how beautiful I am. You need to think the same way about yourself.


The freedom convoy was here a second time but it was quieter. And I was ready. I just didn't care because I knew what it was.


Stand in a field alone and self-reflect about life.


It is in the moments of solitude, where you very honestly make a decision. That is where growth happens. Those moments where you choose to do what's right for yourself.


Environment change is king for personal growth.


You should climb a tall ass mountain and enjoy the view. So tall it makes you go WOWWWW!!


5h45 minutes.

I'm much more sober and my life even more enriched.

Edited by ZenSwift

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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Hey thank u it was very interesting and the music is great!

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