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Integrating calendar, goals, to-do lists in OneNote

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Any tips?

I have different tools/spaces for different time frames at the moment. Long term goals and visions are in one place, goals for the year in another place, to do lists on Google Keep, Google Calendar hard to integrate to OneNote at all, my daily work journal has the plans for the coming days.

How do you guys integrate goals, to-do-lists, and calendar into one system?

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I don’t think it’s possible to integrate your calender in OneNote. And there are simply better apps for managing your to-do lists.

I’ve seen a lot of videos on Notion being a “all in one place” kind of app so that might be what you’re looking for. 

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Consider whether this is just busy-work preventing you from actually accomplishing your goals. Do you really need all this stuff integrated, giving you automatic reminders? How much benefit or organization does it really give you? I would spend the hour or two it would take to set all this up, and just work toward your goals instead.

After a week or two, you should get into a routine and it should be relatively automatic as to what you need to do next.

All my goal and life purpose stuff is in a single word document on my desktop. All of my goals and ambitions from now until 2030+ are in less than 2 pages, it's not that much work to skim through it whenever I need to re-prioritize.

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