
How to apprehend the religion of “TIMEISM”?

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Note: Before reading onward, go into a dark room and make sure your visual field is solely limited to this post by going full screen (pun intended).

Question: If God is absolutely/wholly-eternal/infinite in ALLways, (a message of many non-dual teachings) then how does “he/she” pull off the illusion of time/finitude so damn well?

To give a specific example here, if Redness (part of God) is eternal, then why does it only appear to BE at some moments and not others?

PS: If I'm on the wrong track here, then forgive me for making myself look like an idiot.

PSS: For the small percentage of folks who are color blind, I apologize in advance for your inevitable confusion. Also, if you happen to be wearing one of these while reading this, then you can go fuck yourself!


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The way I understand it is that red is form and form is impermanent. I don’t know if I would call redness eternal. Redness is, as you show with that picture, not always present. But there is something (or actually nothing or nothingness) that is always present, which is awareness. That which is aware of redness is formless, outside of time and infinite. Which is kind of paradoxical because that which appears in awareness and awareness itself are apparently identical. But the eternal aspect, if I am correct, always stays the same. Its like the screen (shout out to Rupert Spira) that shows different colors. It changes form constantly, sometimes it appears red, sometimes green, but its always remains a screen.

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@Joscha I guess the question I'm trying to answer is whether ALL moments of eternity actually exist or not. If past and future are illusory, then to say God HAS already experienced all moments or in tandem, WILL experience all moments, wouldn’t be accurate statements. If that's true, then every moment is actually God's first and last one. If so, then how can God be Actually infinite as it would seem more accurate to describe God as Hypothetically infinite at any actual finite moment.

Edited by ExistentialMuse

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Just because God makes something finite doesn’t mean it isn’t still infinite.

Right now, God imagined our reality, with time, etc.

That doesn’t mean God can’t imagine an endless amount of other things.

This is just what it is right now.

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@ExistentialMuse Hmm okay interesting. You say that if the past and future is illusory, then God experiences every moment as the first and last one… I see a duality here. To have a first moment there needs to be a last moment. The concept of “first” or “last” sort of already implies time to me. I might be wrong but I think I’ve heard Byron Katie say that in the end only the present moment exists, but then she goes further to say that even the present moment is a story in a way. Because it can’t be held onto. Its already gone.
I’m making sense of the finitude question in this way: I think actually all things that are “finite”, are imagined. Which would mean that there are no actual finite things, there is only one infinite “thing” that appears in different forms. You said something about “all moments of eternity”, but if there are mutliple different moments thats a duality again. It makes it seem like there are these seperate temporal entities called “moments” that are distinct from each other. When I’ve looked closely before, “moments” didn’t seem detached from one another but just flowed, “they” were one. Eternity may be just one moment, so to speak, not multiple moments. But to say “moment” doesn’t really even make sense, because its a never ending moment with no beginning. From this perspective I would agree that god has not and will not experience all moments. God is being one eternal moment. 

these are just personal thoughts, no guarantees 

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18 hours ago, ExistentialMuse said:

actually exist or not

What do you mean by exist? What does it take for something to exist?

18 hours ago, ExistentialMuse said:

actual finite moment

Why are moments finite?

All stories and explanations are false.

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