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Bob Seeker


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What’s best practices here, let’s say, if you have a gf:

 Pubes: clean shaven or very short?

ass: clean shaven? 

chest: clean shaven, short like 3 guard or let it fly?

pits: 3 guard?

happy trail: yes? No? How long?

back: clean shaven? Match chest?

arms & legs: leave it alone?

Edited by Bob Seeker

A Call to Live Differently:

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Personal preference, cultural norms, and what the individual woman wants.

All I know is when I see a 2-inch pube on a urinal it almost makes me puke. I feel sorry for anyone who has to go down on that.

Pubes: Beard trimmer with no guard, or lowest possible guard (0.5mm - 1mm) to avoid cuts. Realistically I think majority of women would prefer short to none though, they don't want a pre-pubescent boy either.

Ass: Nothing, too much work, women never see your naked ass unless you're into butt stuff. Maybe trim within the crack to reduce sweat. But shaving your butt is itchy af and leads to ingrown hairs since you sit on it all day. 

chest: Probably short, but this has the most wiggle room of any body hair imo.

pits: Shave with a razor in the shower. The difference in sweat / body odor between no hair and some hair is immense. If you're always sweating through your shirt with pit stains, you have to try shaving them.

happy trail: Depends on chest hair

back: Most guys can get away with nothing, maybe clean up weird straggler hairs on shoulders. If you've got a rug on your back you need to either own it or get it waxed.

arms & legs: leave alone

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@Yarco Fa sho.

The only bone I will pick is I couldn’t picture myself with no pit hair. Just seems a little feminine to me. I don’t get pit stains really, not very sweaty.

47 minutes ago, Yarco said:

, they don't want a pre-pubescent boy either.

What do you mean by this?


Edited by Bob Seeker

A Call to Live Differently:

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I'm not a super hairy guy.

The most I do is shave my face and trim my pubes like 1-2 a year - trim to a nice carpet.

I personally think bare-shaved pubes is gross and unnatural, and I like flaunting my body hair. 

My girl says that she likes that I got a carpet. 

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On 20/02/2022 at 5:14 PM, Bob Seeker said:

What’s best practices here, let’s say, if you have a gf:

Honestly I think you should just do as you personally prefer as a starter, then if your gf has different liking, you can choose to adapt.  Preferences will always differ among women.  There's no One style fit ALL.  It's like asking what's the best food to eat if you have a gf.  As long as you're well kept and hygienic. 

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