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What's the estimate success rate for social circle?

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I know that the highest success rate for cold approach is always going to be no greater than about 5-20%, no matter what venues you meet women, even if you have the best level of game. However, it's apparently very different with social circle. So, what is an estimated good success rate for getting dates and lays from social circle?

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No one can give you an exact metric, everyone's success rate for the various methods will be different.

From what I know, getting you lay count up is way easier with cold approach than social circle. If you get good enough at cold approach, social circle may end up developing as a side effect of it.

I suggest investing in cold approach if you are seeking to get immediate results.

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Social circle isn't really a numbers game so you're already thinking of it the wrong way

What do you mean by social circle anyway?

If your social circle has 3 girls in it then applying a success rate metric to that is kind of silly. Maybe you can build a decent relationship with one of them but honestly applying all the statistical numbers game stuff is just toxic in that situation

If you mean going out with friends in your social circle and meeting new girls while you're out then that's basically cold approach

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Okay, so if I can't apply a success rate metric to social circle, then how am I supposed to be able to gauge how well my skills are with getting girls through social circle?

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@Hardkill are you doing cold approach? If your skill level is zero with interacting with women, I would ignore social circle and focus solely on cold least for the first six months or so.

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On 12/11/2021 at 2:04 AM, Terell Kirby said:

@Hardkill are you doing cold approach? If your skill level is zero with interacting with women, I would ignore social circle and focus solely on cold least for the first six months or so.

But aren't there different skills needed for attraction women from social circle than from cold approach?

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