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I found a shortcut to getting good game

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Recently started doing game again after watching Leo's new videos and found that there's a way of getting better extremely fast without doing nearly as many approaches and going through all the hardship (but it highly depends on your ability to process emotions)

Background: 24 y/o from Canada. Spent ~1.5 years doing nonstop biweekly psychedelic work - spending most of my time cleaning up my psyche (limiting beliefs, trauma, etc) + 1-2 hrs/day meditating on my sober days, doing the same thing. On route to getting enlightened. I've developed an ability to 'see' my emotions as they come up in my body (ie chakra system) and release them by focusing intensely on them.

Procedure: Start doing day game. If approach anxiety prevents you from making the approach, walk around processing that anxiety and release it. Once done, try again and keep doing it until you can approach. After an approach or two, process those emotions too. From the butterflies in your stomach to perhaps any sudden wave of fatigue that may wash over you.

Results: I'm still new to this and haven't done many approaches but can see that everything about my game naturally improved (more grounded, better eye contact, direct but friendly, calm and natural). It's also helped tremendously in opening up my chakras. I bypassed most of the guilty feelings/karma associated with acting out of integrity, something I used to get when simply following pickup advice from the Internet which eventually lead me feeling too bad and quitting.

Reasoning: I believe that men are intuitively good with women - but usually suck because of all of their beliefs and bad prior experiences, which act as negative modifiers to their game. They surface when interacting with women and are thus the easiest to oust in between interactions. Any man who naturally develops high self-esteem and a healthy outlook in life (cares for people in general, fundamentally believes in oneness, spiral wizard) would attract women; and for them game learned from the internet "makes sense" and is easy to implement. 

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 cool Idea. your way to process the anxiety is to just focus on it intensely until it passes? even if it's like an hour? For me, it didn't really work, only forcing myself to approach helped. 

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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@Vercingetorix It usually only takes 15 seconds - 1 min for each 'bit' of emotion and takes ~5 rounds to feel better. When the emotion clears, my spine cracks itself where that emotion was stored - like a chiro adjustment

It feels like my technique is unique but people can apply whatever they used to release trauma while on psychedelics/sober meditating in this situation.

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15 hours ago, actuallyenlightened said:

. Any man who naturally develops high self-esteem and a healthy outlook in life (cares for people in general, fundamentally believes in oneness, spiral wizard) would attract women; and for them game learned from the internet "makes sense" and is easy to implement. 

I want to believe you, But i find hard to believe ?

@actuallyenlightened Now seriously , your whole post is very interesting. But i have a question when you Talk about approach anxiety and processing the emotions. How am i supposed to process the emotions if those emotions arise ONLY when i am literally walking towards the Girl and actually speaking to It?

If i just walk around that emotions Dont rise Up, making It imposible to process them/letting them go 

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@Javfly33 Upon seeing an attractive girl, I think about approaching her with the intention of approaching. That's when the approach anxiety comes up. If you choose not to do the approach, that feeling is fresh in you mind and you could work through it. I usually proceed by playing through my mind scenarios of doing the approach and feeling through it at that point - but again it depends highly on how your brain is wired so I can't confirm whether it's a viable approach for most people

Edited by actuallyenlightened

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@Javfly33 I can't say since I've never microdosed but from my experiences at tripping doses - it makes my brain extremely neuroplastic. It feels like it's too unpredictable of a situation and getting rejected could traumatize you. Taking a mix of 1/2 tab modafinil and coffee has been really useful for staying alert and aware. 

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7 hours ago, actuallyenlightened said:

@Javfly33 I can't say since I've never microdosed but from my experiences at tripping doses - it makes my brain extremely neuroplastic. It feels like it's too unpredictable of a situation and getting rejected could traumatize you. Taking a mix of 1/2 tab modafinil and coffee has been really useful for staying alert and aware. 

Right ? My opinion is the same

I did nightgame on a microdose a couple of months ago and i feel i was traumatized (It was the first time i really approached directly and more Girls tho'). 

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Yeah for approach anxiety, if a beautiful girl walks past, I used to go Oh shit Oh shit.

You need to reframe them. So now I say Oh yeah. At least I get to make a friend or she gets to meet me etc.

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@Javfly33 Might as well just approach and suck so your brain realizes it's not so bad. Very very probably she'll be flattered, thank you, and reject you (some nice reason why it can't work). Just don't act all macho cuz she'll probably reject you harder ;) 

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1 hour ago, hyruga said:

Yeah for approach anxiety, if a beautiful girl walks past, I used to go Oh shit Oh shit.

You need to reframe them. So now I say Oh yeah. At least I get to make a friend or she gets to meet me etc.

Reframe them ? cool guys thank you. It´s actually the same thing Nahm said to me

3 minutes ago, actuallyenlightened said:

@Javfly33 Might as well just approach and suck so your brain realizes it's not so bad. Very very probably she'll be flattered, thank you, and reject you (some nice reason why it can't work). Just don't act all macho cuz she'll probably reject you harder ;) 


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